Abbas’ ultimatum to Trump: Choose between a Palestinian Jerusalem or war

Palestinian Mahmoud Abbas kicked back hard after grasping he was confronted with an orderly, Arab-backed US peace plan that left his strategy in ruins.
Abbas now sees he is cornered by his nemesis: Trump’s move to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, was not just a one-off whim, but a component of the “deal of the century,” which the US president and his advisers had crafted for months together with Egyptian President Abdel-Fatteh El-Sisi, Saudi Crown Prince Muhammed bin Salman and the UAE ruler Sheikh Muhammed Bin Ziyad.
The Palestinian leader’s first predicament was how to explain to the Palestinian and Arab public what happened to his master strategy of the past 25 years, for using world opinion to force a pro-Palestinian peace solution down Israel’s throat. Not too long ago, Abbas boasted he was about to pull it off. Now it is crashing before his eyes. It is not enough for him to yell that the “deal of the century” is the “slap of the century.”
Here and there, he may find international pro-Palestinian stalwarts, but the doors are slamming shut as funds for UN bodies and NGOs dry up. Even the Europeans, who dislike Trump and sympathize with the Palestinians, are beginning to think twice about sticking to a blunt line against the US and Israel. They are reluctant to buck the two allies’ partners, the oil-rich Saudi and Emirate rulers, a luxury they can ill afford in these times of profound economic decline.

Much of the criticism of the US-Arab peace plan is prompted by a misapprehension. The plan is based strongly on a two-state solution that offers the Palestinians their own state and negates binational Israeli-Palestinian statehood. But the contours are different from any former peace proposal. Gone for good are the pre-1967 war lines which were Abbas’ sine qua non. According to the fragments leaked about the new proposal, which is still on the work bench, this Palestinian state would rise on territory currently governed by the Palestinian Authority in Judea and Samaria. Its backbone would be formed by the chain of Palestinian towns running from Nablus in the north through Ramallah and Bethlehem and up to Hebron in the south. They would link up with the Gaza Strip and acquire parts of northern Sinai, presumably Egyptian Rafah and El Arish.

According to this plan, the governmental and population of the new Palestinian state would be oriented mainly in the south, so that Jerusalem would not be relevant as its capital. It would still have Ramallah and possibly Abu Dis, outside Jerusalem, where government and parliamentary compounds were installed long ago, after one of several stillborn peace initiatives.

This plan for Palestinian statehood bears little resemblance to the goal of the 50-year old Palestinian struggle. The Palestinian national movement has consistently aspired to a state that would swallow Israel and extinguish the Zionist vision. However, the contemporary Palestinian state as envisaged in the new plan would be dependent for its strength and survival on Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, all of which maintain good security and economic ties with Israel.

For Mahmoud Abbas this prospect is anathema. He is so beside himself that on Sunday, he cursed the house of US President Donald Trump before the PLO central committee. But, then on Monday, Jan. 16, Trump whipped out his ultimate weapon and slashed aid to the UN Works and Relief Agency for Palestinian refugees, from $165m to $60m.
For many years, UNRWA has been a powerful political sponsor of any Palestinian group willing to join the “struggle” against Israel. Its personnel were flush with the funds paid in as dues by UN members, unlike the often cash-strapped Palestinian Authority in Ramallah. Trump therefore decided that the key to getting the US-Arab peace plan on its feet would be to cut off the flow of cash to its opponents. It is a little-known fact that he was joined in this endeavor by the Saudis, the Emiratis and even Qatar, all of whom started some weeks ago to staunch aid funds to the Palestinian Authority. The Palestinian Authority and its chairman Mahmoud Abbas therefore find they are being squeezed into an US-Arab blockade, which leaves Abbas with three options:

  1. To realize his back is to the wall and he has no option other than to accept the “deal of the century.”
  2. Face being ousted by the rest of the Palestinian leadership and replaced with a successor who is amenable to reaching an understanding with the Trump administration, Cairo, Riyadh and Abu Dhabi.
  3. Regress to Yasser Arafat’s doctrine of armed struggle – not just against Israel this time but against US targets as well. Abbas indicated that was on the warpath when he challenged President Trump in a ferocious speech he delivered in Cairo Wednesday, Jan 17. He shouted, “Jerusalem would be a gate for peace only when it was the capital of Palestine. But it is also a gate for war, insecurity and instability, if not. Trump must choose.”

His barefaced ultimatum to the US president was accompanied by a rumor his cronies began to circulate, charging that the Trump administration was plotting to forcibly depose Abbas as PA chairman. The Palestinian leader finds himself tied down by two handicaps: shortage of funds for buying supporters and his advanced age. At 82, he may choose a fourth option, to retire voluntarily and make way for a younger leader.

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68 thoughts on “Abbas’ ultimatum to Trump: Choose between a Palestinian Jerusalem or war

  • Jan 17, 2018 @ 15:12 at 15:12

    Bye bye ba b’ass

    • Jan 17, 2018 @ 20:25 at 20:25

      I am with you…bye

  • Jan 17, 2018 @ 15:23 at 15:23

    Bye bye Mr Abu Maazen. no Money no funny an d no Jerusalem

  • Jan 17, 2018 @ 15:32 at 15:32

    make way for the TEMPLE

    • Jan 17, 2018 @ 16:08 at 16:08

      so totally true and exciting. this is israel’s jubilee year, and the only thing they lack is the temple. God bless Israel.

      • Jan 17, 2018 @ 19:23 at 19:23

        …the temple and God (Jesus Christ).

        • Jan 18, 2018 @ 8:42 at 8:42

          “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it” (Tehillah 127)

          Behold, the L-rd G-d will come with strong hand, and his arm shall rule for him: behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.

          Days numbered for the idolatrous antiChrist state:

          Malachi – Chapter 3

          15. And now we praise the bold transgressors. Yea, those who work wickedness are built up. Yea, they tempt God, and they have, nevertheless, escaped.

          16. Then the God-fearing men spoke to one another, and the Lord hearkened and heard it. And a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who feared the Lord and for those who valued His name highly.

          17. And they shall be Mine, says the Lord of Hosts, for that day when I make a treasure. And I will have compassion on them as a man has compassion on his son who serves him.

          18. And you shall return and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him who serves God and him who has not served Him.

          19. For lo, the sun comes, glowing like a furnace, and all the audacious sinners and all the perpetrators of wickedness will be stubble. And the sun that comes shall burn them up so that it will leave them neither root nor branch, says the Lord of Hosts.

          20. And the sun of mercy shall rise with healing in its wings for you who fear My Name. Then will you go forth and be fat as fatted calves.

          • Jan 19, 2018 @ 10:54 at 10:54

            How many G-d fearing men are in the Israeli establishment.
            They are a group of G-d hating atheists at best.
            I’m afraid the prophecies are not trading place just yet.

  • Jan 17, 2018 @ 15:39 at 15:39

    Israel must also cut off funds and supplies. Israel is now reluctant because they fear another round of terrorism and because they still feel obligated to look after their enemies from the cradle to the grave despite the terror and hate the Terrostinians have made into a way of life.

    Time to put the boots to Pal-Hamas leaders and cut off thier access to UN Jew haters and international and regional money directly to the Terrorstinisn thugocracy.

    • Jan 18, 2018 @ 9:00 at 9:00

      Your ‘Israel’ is a mere vanity, jew bollocks. An image. A dream.

      ‘All the nations are as nought before Him; as things of nought and vanity are they regarded by Him.’

      And the multitude of foreigners shall be like fine dust, and the multitudes of tyrants like passing chaff, and it shall be a sudden happening.

      6. From the Lord of Hosts she shall be visited with thunder, with earthquake, and a great noise, storm wind and tempest, and a flame of consuming fire.

      7. And shall be like a dream, a vision of [the] night, the multitude of all the nations assembled upon Ariel, and all those stationed around her and those who trap her, and those who besiege her.

      8. And it shall be, as the hungry man dreams, and behold, he eats, and he shall awaken, and his appetite is unsated, and as the thirsty man dreams, and behold he drinks, and he shall awaken and behold he is faint, and his soul yearns, so shall be the multitude of all the nations gathered on Mount Zion.

      9. Stop and wonder; they became blind and they blinded. They were intoxicated but not from wine; they reeled but not from strong wine.

      10. For the Lord has poured upon you a spirit of deep sleep, and He has closed your eyes; the prophets and your heads who stargaze, He has covered.

      11. And the vision of everything has been to you like the words of a sealed book, which they give to one who can read, saying, “Now read this,” and he shall say, “I cannot, for it is sealed.”

      12. And if the book is given to one who cannot read, saying, “Now read this,” he shall say, “I cannot read.”

      13. And the Lord said: “Because this people has come near; with their mouth and with their lips they honor Me, but their heart they draw far away from Me, and their fear of Me has become a command of people, which has been taught.

      14. Therefore, I will continue to perform obscurity to this people, obscurity upon obscurity, and the wisdom of his wise men shall be lost, and the understanding of his geniuses shall be hidden.

      15. Woe to those who think deeply to hide counsel from the Lord, and their deeds are in the dark. And they said, “Who sees us and who knows us?”

      16. Shall your perversion be regarded like the potter’s clay? Shall the thing made say of him who made it, “He did not make me,” and the impulse say to the One Who formed it, “He does not understand”?

      17. Indeed, in a short time, the Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be regarded as a forest.

      18. And on that day the deaf shall hear the words of the book, and out of the obscurity and out of darkness shall the eyes of the blind see.

      19. And those who suffered shall increase their joy in the Lord, and the impoverished people shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.

      20. For the tyrants have ended and the scornful have been destroyed, and all those eager to commit violence shall be cut off.

      • Jan 19, 2018 @ 2:35 at 2:35

        Thats the real bo”**cks.
        And the real human problem.

        • Jan 19, 2018 @ 14:07 at 14:07

          You are both extremists. Religion is only a problem if you take it to extremes and when addled brains add their own sick interpretatations to it. Islam, by the way, is not a religion, it is a roadmap to destroying other people. Those who believe in Communism or Stalinism or Fascism or other political belief systems are just as dangerous as religious fanatics.

      • Jan 19, 2018 @ 18:23 at 18:23

        LOLROF….. the dream is kicking you in your buutt

  • Jan 17, 2018 @ 15:44 at 15:44

    sounds like the Fakestinians want another “piece” now….

  • Jan 17, 2018 @ 15:50 at 15:50

    Ooooh !! Trump has shown everybody not to mock him !
    He started with a first blow with North Korea to shut the missile-man’s mouth and prevent his button-pushing-finger to move.
    That was to say to Iran, Turkey, China and especially Russia … to play with him instead of against him.

    The Palestinians get the second blow. They have LOST. The game is over.

    The third blow is for Iran. Some of their towns may -very quickly- be paralysed with special bombs (forgot the name) blowing above big cities to crush their economy and put their people in total despair.

    • Jan 18, 2018 @ 1:09 at 1:09

      Very good !! ))

    • Jan 18, 2018 @ 9:06 at 9:06


      Yeshaya 30

      8. Now, come write it on a tablet with them, and on a book engrave it, and it shall be for the last day, forever to eternity.

      12. Therefore, so said the Holy One of Israel, “Because you have despised this matter, and you have put your trust in oppression and a perverse one, and you have relied upon it.

      13. Therefore, this iniquity shall be to you as a breach of a falling [wall], revealed in a fortified wall, whose breach will come suddenly.”

      14. And He shall break it like the breaking of a potter’s jug, crushed without pity, and in its crushing shall not be found a shard, to scoop fire from a hearth, or to scoop water from a cistern.

      Yeshaya 45:9 ” … … Woe unto him that striveth with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth.

      15. For so said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel “With tranquility and restfulness shall you be saved, with quietude and trust shall be your might; but you did not want.

      • Jan 19, 2018 @ 14:42 at 14:42

        iVaN: You must be one of the Neturei Karta Rabbis who visit Tehran to commiserate with vile Jew haters and support their Islamic extermination agenda and join in their Holocaust denial. I often see you stand strong with Jew haters in North America at al quds rallies looking like foolish hateful clowns. You are not Jews, you are anti-Jews.

  • Jan 17, 2018 @ 15:58 at 15:58

    Abbas’ lifeline – all the money given to the Fakestinian cause that ends up in his pocket. Now he’ll just have to settle for stealing 60 million instead of 165 million.

    No wonder he’s going insane!

  • Jan 17, 2018 @ 16:25 at 16:25

    Yada, Yada,Yada.
    As soon as this “pipsqueak”, starts another “street war”, Israel, should turn off his electricity, water and gas and no more Arab workers in Israel or medical treatment.

  • Jan 17, 2018 @ 16:34 at 16:34

    The prophet Sam Popack said “The Abass in the dust pan of history” So it would be and done!

    • Jan 17, 2018 @ 19:15 at 19:15

      Who is Sam popack? You always mention this person, is it a real person?

      • Jan 21, 2018 @ 1:32 at 1:32

        RC, “Popack” or “pupik” is a transliterated Yiddish word which literally translated means “bellybutton.” Hence, Sam Bellybutton. However, direct translation of Yiddish expressions (which can be very colorful, indeed) is often difficult or misleading. The reference to “Sam Popack” or “Joe Popack” can be understood as referring to a common man possessed of extraordinary common sense. For English speakers, it’s somewhat like referring to “John Q. Public” metaphorically.

  • Jan 17, 2018 @ 16:48 at 16:48

    This filthy, sh*t talking cockroach is unworthy of being scraped from the bottom of Trump’s shoe.

  • Jan 17, 2018 @ 17:25 at 17:25

    I am sorry for the UNWRA that it was hoped that the funds would be zeroed. This is because obviously European countries will continue to give money but they have never understood anything of the Middle East.
    Someone can tell it to Mogherini, please.
    The situation is perfect, probably the Palestinians will understand that it is the last chance they have.
    The Arab countries never wanted them.
    It will be the right time for Abu Mazen and his thieving friends to spend money not to bomb or dig tunis but to live better?
    UNWRA has NO reason to exist ..

  • Jan 17, 2018 @ 18:53 at 18:53

    IMHO, Israel needs to allocate specific real estate property ground legal ownership to individual Palestinians via mortgages, outright sale and/or lottery, e.g., existing or to be built residential housing or commercial buildings WITH its land underneath, provisioning legal ownership that can be further hypothecated or ownership transferred by this new owner with legal rights of tax free legacy transfer, wherein such facilitation is foreign in most Arab counties, i.e., lack of same is one of the major reasons why decades of economic failure and disenfranchisement in Eqypt.

    If such were proposed, the Palestinian populace would approve of near any settlement proposed upon them, inclusive of permanent disarmament. Imagine Palestinians being able to purchase beachfront Gaza property, wherein even a Trump Hotel Resort can be built.

    • Jan 17, 2018 @ 21:47 at 21:47

      But we do not want them, you can take them if you want and sell them a house in your country.

    • Jan 18, 2018 @ 14:47 at 14:47

      Re my above comment, land for Palestinians would be limited to what Israel is willing to yield, not what the Palestinians simply want. So, presumably portions of the West Bank and all of Gaza. Israel has total practical control simply because it controls the fresh water supply.

    • Jan 19, 2018 @ 3:55 at 3:55

      hello. yes i am in agreement with you. i am familiar with the way this legal roads will be positive and fruitful to any economy or people because i practiced in bond offerings and debt financing in usa and puerto rico. the only caveat is in relation to the government and agencies pockets that theyshould be cautious in a controlled and careful spending. regards.

  • Jan 17, 2018 @ 19:27 at 19:27


  • Jan 17, 2018 @ 19:31 at 19:31

    GOOD, GOOD, GOOD. Everybody thought trump was an idiot, Trump showed he is able in playing chess like a true player, keeping all the cards close to his chest and when he strikes it is chess mate. ApeAss should have taken Olmerts deal of a lifetime. I am pretty sure he has regrets he did not buy it, for 95% below fair value. What a victory it is, game is over. The only option they now have is violence, and everybody knows how that will work out for them. Obummer and Kerry “who served in Vietnam” BTW are gone and appeasement is over.

  • Jan 17, 2018 @ 21:00 at 21:00

    Parasitic worms, threatened with expulsion from normal systems also protest – but go they must !
    Ab-ass is a walking cadaver, who still continues to stink and pollute the air, now even that of his fellow arabs…

  • Jan 17, 2018 @ 21:41 at 21:41

    Let me get this straight –
    Abbas is trying to intimidate TRUMP? The President who CANNOT be intimidated?
    Good luck!

  • Jan 17, 2018 @ 21:42 at 21:42

    I never understood the worldwide support for the PLO. If Palestine deserves to be resurrected as a nation, then why not Prussia, the Roman Empire, Byzantium, etc etc. Palestine is in the dustbin of history, just like hundreds of other nations.

    • Jan 17, 2018 @ 23:36 at 23:36

      Ahem, there is no “Palestine” “to be resurrected as a nation. . . .” Are you still so painfully unaware that there never was a nation called Palestine? That the Romans called the area that years ago? That that preceded the existence of Islam/Arabs by many hundreds of years? That the area was called “Palestine” again when the UN gave its mandate to Britain to administer it? That the Arabs/Muslims have NEVER had a state in the area or by that name? “Little” facts like this count a lot. Prussia, Rome, Byzantium, “etc. etc.” were actual countries. Whether they deserve to be reconstituted ain’t got nothin’ to do w/the Fakestinians’ rights to anything. (Besides, it’s long been more than obvious that they have no desire for their own state, having turned down the opportunity to get it ALL at least 4 times in the last >70 years. Just read the various British plans (e.g.,Peel commission) and the others in the ’30s, ’40s, etc.)

    • Jan 18, 2018 @ 2:31 at 2:31

      “Palestine” has the Right to Exist next to Atlantis – or carve out a state for them in fascist scotland or fascist iran.

    • Jan 18, 2018 @ 6:22 at 6:22

      The Palestinians are the Israeli’s now. Judean Palestinians. They purchased land. They named their Country Yis Rael; God Rules.
      They were attacked.

  • Jan 17, 2018 @ 22:37 at 22:37

    Ok abbas, choose war and you will be a target. lets get this thing started and over with.

  • Jan 17, 2018 @ 22:41 at 22:41

    This Jew hater showed his true color
    Do not forget about his thesis and the denial of Holocaust
    Do not forget he was in charge of the financing the Munich massacre

  • Jan 17, 2018 @ 23:39 at 23:39

    The only Palestinians is in Gaza.
    And they are Comming from KAFTOR(CREETE)(The Myth of Atlantis).

    Even the Koran admits that The Promised Land was given to the Offspring of Jacob(Israel).


  • Jan 18, 2018 @ 0:20 at 0:20

    This man is in dire need of an enema!

    • Jan 18, 2018 @ 1:08 at 1:08

      An enema of American steel, and a great big American fist smashing him right in his filthy, cockroach face.

  • Jan 18, 2018 @ 1:05 at 1:05

    I am with you and I do have the utmost respect, admiration and love for the grand and great Hebrew state . Although I am an American of Lebanese Christian descent . But consider this you all : Abbas is the weakest Palestinian leader we -you can deal with . It is better to with the little devil you know than the devil you don’t .

  • Jan 18, 2018 @ 1:16 at 1:16

    This is all about the death cult of Islam !! Islam hates Jews and all infadel’s , their will never be peace ! Only calms before heavy storms !!!

  • Jan 18, 2018 @ 1:42 at 1:42

    I agree with your comments, Israel should cut off all funding to abass authority. Seriously! the attacks US media are launching against President Trump eventually will take its toll. I hate to say this but it is true. I suggest Israel take this opportunity to finish off abass once and for all. They should start with abass, then clean up gaza and finally burn hezbullaa

  • Jan 18, 2018 @ 1:57 at 1:57

    Abbas has to choose between reality and insanity.
    But seriously, I do believe the man has a sense of humor. After all why would an insane man be so adamant on an issue that has not only been determined by the Trump decision but more so the one possession that is so close to Israel and her resoluteness that at some stage Israel will have to defend it with their lives, and yes, if it means war which is not a new thing.

    Abbas really is not serious. After all Jerusalem is only a fantasy to Palestinians. They really have no connections, what so ever.
    Thanks Abbas for the laugh.

  • Jan 18, 2018 @ 2:25 at 2:25

    It seems UN historical perspective is very limited. Where is the UN committee for Jewish refugees thrown out of e.g. Jordan, Iraq and Iran? Denied permission to take money or property. Where is the acknowledgement that E Jerusalem was Jewish until Jordan cast out the Jews? Where is the acknowledgement that under Jordanian control Jews were not permitted to visit religious sites? Where is the recognition that the Palestinians are destroying ancient sites to 1-eradicate Jewish history and 2-simply because they can and, notwithstanding claims to the contrary, do not acknowledge them as Muslim sites? If not Muslim no reason for their existence –other religions be damned. To think, this is the same heritage that gave us Arabic numerals and poets like Omar Kyam. (sp?)

    • Jan 18, 2018 @ 11:31 at 11:31

      Rest assured that both cultural achievements You cite, numerals and great poet are not arabic/muslim achievements. The numerals originate from India which Muslim merchants brought from indian/persian mathematicians into barbaric Europe. And Omar Khayyam was Persian, just neophyte muslim as many others forced on Persia through centuries with violence and cruelty. Muslim culture is a parasitic conquest of peoples and cultures. In its best days Islam utilized achievements of its slaves, Jews, Christians, Iranians and Indians. In its worst days, which means now, Islam kills anyone not accepting its teachings, which include, guess what, Jews, Christians, moderate and agnostic Persians, Indians and any believer in ideology not compatible with it.

  • Jan 18, 2018 @ 2:37 at 2:37

    Abu Mazan, KISS my grits !

  • Jan 18, 2018 @ 4:13 at 4:13

    If the Abbashole wants war, the IDF Air Force knows where he lives and can take care of him in short order.
    While, they are at it, they should also take out the Hamassholes and rid Gaza of its massive cockroach infestation. The only means by which Israel can exist in peace is to run the cockroaches out of the Middle-East; let Egypt, Jordan and the Saudis deal with them and if necessary, eradicate them!

  • Jan 18, 2018 @ 4:24 at 4:24

    50 years ago a german Magazin reported how the Arabs lived there.

    Getting money from the UNRWA even they had a JOB!!!And everybody knowed it…

    Arafat had 1 Billion onthe Bank.How much have Abbas?

  • Jan 18, 2018 @ 5:09 at 5:09

    Brilliant plan. Not only does Israel get rid of its vermin but Egypt does too if they are including El Arish and other Sinai towns infested by ISIS and others. It means that any uprising can be cut in two sections very easily and Egypt and Israel can curtail it together.
    After the initial noise, a majority of Palestinians will be happy as Saudi, the UAE, Israel and the USA build a civil and economically viable society for those that want to live in peace.

    If there is no acceptance of the plan, smoke ’em.

  • Jan 18, 2018 @ 5:38 at 5:38

    This is not a game of Words….. the World is Entering an Arena, and a New Chapter will emanate; one where the Tiger will be let out of the Cage. In the Words of Winston Churchill, You Do Not Negotiate with a Tiger with your Head Clenched between its Jaws!

    Israel is and Will Always be the the Conqueror of Canaan, 3000 BCE, and Modern Day Canaan, of whom they refer to as “Palestine”. Those who mandate that Israel is an Aggressive Tyrant, an Apartheid State having Palestine in Subjugation do not know their foot from their baby finger! Historically, the Only Tie to Palestine and Israel was the Defamatory Name, which “in 135 CE, the Romans exiled the majority of the Jewish people and renamed Judea “Palestina”. To be clear, “Syria Palestine” officially became a Roman province about a century after Jesus’ crucifixion. The idea was to erase the Jewish presence from Judea and to designate their homeland with reference to their Biblical enemies. It was a last humiliation.”

    With all the attempts Israel has made to negotiate Peace, all the Accords that Israel has been snubbed, all the Chants by the Arabs “Death to the Jews….. Death to Israel” it is a wonder that Israel still entertains a Peace Agreement.

    The very Heart of the Jewish People is to live in Peace Side by Side with Arabic Israel, call them Palestinians or Druze, or even Bedouin. The Government of Israel is founded on the Two Nations Side by Side, with Members Representing Jewish and Arabic Israel. Israel has two National Languages, Arabic and Hebrew, and there is Equality and Freedom for All Residents and Citizens of Israel.

    I believe History is Repeating itself, and as we Draw Near to the Jewish Festival of Purim, we may once again see the Evil of Men such as Haman, Antiochus Epiphanes, and the Vilified Adolf Hitler in the Hearts of those who Hate Israel, and wish for its Utter Ruin.

    Let it be said Clearly, Israel Shall Stand Forever, there is Nothing, Day nor Night, Sun nor Moon that will Ever get in the Way of Israel’s Existence. Latikvah, The Hope of Israel is Not in the IDF, nor is it in the IAF, or Mossad, or any other Force on Earth…. The Hope of Israel is Found Only in the One True Almighty and Divine Ruler of the Universe, HaShem, the Name above all names, the Outstretched Hand that Once Broke the Mighty Military of Egypt, and that Has Made an Eternal Covenant with Israel.

    The Very Story of the People, Israel is Their Namesake! Israel ~ One who Struggles with G-D! This Struggle is Wrapped in a Divine and Eternal Covenant…… I will be Your G-D, and You will Be My People!

    The World Has Never Yet Seen the Jealous Love that the Most High Has For His People. Trust Me, when all the Chips are Down…… I pray that you and I will find ourselves wrapped up in this Hope, for the Battle Belongs to the L-rd, and When He Goes into Battle the Foundations of the Earth will Shake, as No Man on Earth could ever IMAGINE!!

    Look Up Oh Israel, for Your Deliverance Draweth Neigh!! Then all the Nations will See and Know who is the Mighty G-d of Israel!! Hallelu’YAH!!

    • Jan 19, 2018 @ 2:25 at 2:25

      Only Jesus can deliver Israel.

    • Jan 19, 2018 @ 21:42 at 21:42

      We in Canada must beware of Trudeau the Islamophile and Islamist terror lover because he now wants M103 “anti-Islamophobia” motion passed into legislation passed a National “Islamophobia Day.” He is a real sicko whose only exposure to Islam was on many of his backpacking trips paid for by his rich family trust funds. He is a friend of Islamic leaders and Muslim Brotherhood who told him to make Canadians appear to be all bad people and then hit them with their sharia law and jihad as punishment. He is our Obama but this dude is much dumber and more controlled by Islamists in his office than even Obama. If America does not watch out, you will have a terror state along your longest border. The Canadian people, with true leftist insanity and stupidity, gave up the best PM they have ever had, Stephan Harper, for this pot-smoking, Islamist loving foolish retard puppet controlled by the MB.

      • Jan 19, 2018 @ 21:52 at 21:52

        Oh, and Trudeau has given away tens of millions of dollars to terrorists like Omar Khadr who he figures deserves it for being interrogated in other people’s prisons – Omar for his killing spree under the family patriarch who was an associate of Osama bin Laden. these Canadians are venerated terrorist citizens who Jean Chrétien brought back to Canada and rewarded when the father got into trouble in Pakistan for his terrorism activity. So when terrorists find themselves in trouble overseas, Canada is always there and willing to help them with a lift home and millions of dollars to reward terrorism and killing overseas.

  • Jan 18, 2018 @ 14:22 at 14:22

    Arabs should have listened to Iran’s words of advice a long time ago that US and Israel were not their friends, but they continued with their religious sect confrontations like spoiled fools.

  • Jan 18, 2018 @ 18:53 at 18:53

    Haven’t we been at War until now? Threatening us with war is like threatening a prostitute with a penis.

  • Jan 18, 2018 @ 23:51 at 23:51

    This is still bad for Israel because it slices Y and Shomron–the Jewish people’s heartland–down the middle North to South–we’ll lose Shkhem and Hevron. It also thus shrinks Israel’s strategic depth to half of what it was, and with an enemy, the new “Pisstinia”, to the east. How can this lead to peace?

  • Jan 19, 2018 @ 2:23 at 2:23

    I’m not a fan of the Israel’s or the U.S. CIA/Mossad complex that caused 911, but the Palestinians made their choice fpr war a long time ago.

  • Jan 19, 2018 @ 5:16 at 5:16

    Leaders who lead with hate as an ally doom their people to pain and suffering.


  • Jan 19, 2018 @ 5:27 at 5:27

    Perhaps Abb A$$ should have another option. Like the Japanese he should commit harry carry.

  • Jan 19, 2018 @ 9:31 at 9:31

    The deal of the century is deporting all the troublemakers out of Israel permanently.

  • Jan 19, 2018 @ 18:26 at 18:26

    Israel should use the opportunity of the next war to drive every single anti semite from the land….. there should be no tolerance of anti semites in Israel.

  • Jan 19, 2018 @ 22:13 at 22:13

    I’d love to see Trump totally eliminate aid to the PA.
    i like that jerusalem as PA capital is irrelevant, and relocating PA to the Sinai where they will have great difficulty causing further trouble is compelling.

  • Jan 22, 2018 @ 7:26 at 7:26

    It is terribly sad to see many delusional comments on both sides in this thread pro and con PEOPLE the State of Israel lives BH . Abu Mazen has out lived any usefulness this terrorist in suit should of been gone long time ago he was voted in four year term and has been in office eleven example of what he is .

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