Concern in Israel that masses of E. Ghouta refugees will stream to its Golan border

A Russian promise on Monday, Feb. 26 to set an evacuation route for civilians to leave besieged Eastern Ghouta has sparked deep forebodings in Israel. This promise accompanied an announcement by Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu that President Vladimir Putin had ordered a daily five-hour “humanitarian pause” in the fighting, which has left hundreds dead. It is estimated in Israel that between 50,000 and a quarter of a million inhabitants of the embattled enclave near Damascus may be directed through this evacuation route to Quneitra opposite the Israeli Golan.

Israeli authorities are fearful on two counts: In the absence of Syrian facilities, Israel will be confronted with the sudden responsibility to supply their basic needs for food, water, medicines and shelter; but, most of all, the certainty that hostile entities will exploit this mass exodus to disguise the infiltration of terrorist networks right up to Israel’s northern doorstep. Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan are already contending with these threats to their security.

The Russian evacuation route will initially serve to bring urgent food and medical assistance to the 400,000 inhabitants of Eastern Ghouta, who have been besieged for weeks under savage Syrian government, Iranian and Hizballah bombardment. But the evacuation will equally serve the Assad regime for distancing a large Sunni population away from Damascus. And so, rather than allowing the refugees to reach such population centers as Homs or Hama, they will be permitted to exit through a single door, one heading south to Quneitra.

DEBKAfile reports that the Russian truce-cum-evacuation initiative was prompted by more than humanitarian concerns.  It was based on the positive start in the truce negotiations that the Assad regime has secretly launched with the two main rebel groups fighting in Eastern Ghouta. They are the Faylaq al-Rahman organization, which is linked to the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, and Jaish al-Islam, a collection of Sunni Muslim Salafi extremists. Both groups have committed to evicting from the enclave the fighters of Saryat al Tahrir, most of whose members are affiliated to Al Qaeda.
However, seen from Israel, the immediate consequence of a Russian-guaranteed truce of this kind will be the opening of the floodgates for a new peril to reach its northern border. As matters stand now, there is nothing much Israel can do except hold on and hope for the best

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69 thoughts on “Concern in Israel that masses of E. Ghouta refugees will stream to its Golan border

  • Feb 27, 2018 @ 9:06 at 9:06

    Their are many compassionate Muslim nations some of them very wealthy,they should be able to organise the temporary accomodation in such a place, perhaps UNWRA could assist, they have vast experience of such matters.Maybe the generous Europeans could contribute with logistics.In short the problem can be solved, unless they want to use them as a weapon (Like the created Palestinian nation) to dammage Is

    • Feb 27, 2018 @ 14:01 at 14:01

      The UN ONLY cares about Terrorstinian refugees and UNRWA is a huge bureaucracy whose mandate is to keep themselves afloat by expanding the number of Terrorstinians and refusing to settle them. UNHCR is a bit better but the UN cannot be trusted to do a good job without becoming politically engaged in Jew hate which is the central feature of the UN and seems to be its primary mandate.

      You say there are “compassionate Muslim Nations” but I would need proof of that claim. Where are they? Why do they all engage in or support terrorism? Why do they conduct genocide against their own and develop nukes to point at Israel? Why do they follow a way of life where they violence and war are virtues and they conquer and force the spread their beliefs by the sword and general carnage?

      The Muslims make themselves the problem of every other country and by doing so insinuate themselves and eventually take over by weakening and destroying the host, It is happening all over and more rapidly in countries where leadership welcome them in as if Islam were like every other religion – when it isn’t.

      • Feb 27, 2018 @ 18:17 at 18:17

        If you want someone to prove to you that compassionate Muslims exist, and then you want to go on a racist diatribe against entire populations including children who haven’t even been born yet, then you should put your money where your mouth is and first prove that all Muslims are the demons you seem to think they are. There’s about 1.3 billion of them, and so far you’ve only described the actions of a few thousand high-level leaders and maybe a few tens of thousands of terrorists. What about the remainder? Perhaps start with the Uygurs in China and tell us why all their children are evil.

        • Feb 27, 2018 @ 22:17 at 22:17

          Why not ask the Islamic State of Iran or The Islamic State to prove that they are not terrorists by giving up terrorism and the religion behind 99 percent of all terrorism?

          Not all Muslims are terrorists but most all terrorists are Muslims. People like you try to act as apologists for terrorists by assuming that we are all (except yourself of course) against Muslims when, in fact, we have a very big problem with the way of life that encompasses Islamic values of violence that target everyone, Muslims and the infidels as described in the Koran and Hadiths.

          • Feb 28, 2018 @ 0:10 at 0:10

            The Torah has loads of violent passages too, including laws about stoning naughty children to death for little things like criticizing the religion. I don’t doubt that there are loads of Muslim terrorists and millions who approve of their actions, but where do you come up with the 99% figure?

            For the record, I’m opposed to terrorism of any kind and have no interest in converting to Islam or seeing anyone else oppressed by it. That means I also have to confront people like yourself who say and do things that harm innocent people (such as Muslims in general) and make them resort to supporting terror out of desperation.

        • Feb 28, 2018 @ 0:45 at 0:45

          You are always there, Common Sense, to defend the Islamists and to condone those who speak out against terrorism or who in any way connect the two – Islam and terrorism.

          It seems to me that you have not read their books, nor have you observed the carnage carried out in the name of Islam by Muslims who follow their books to the letter – a religion that is so perfect, in their minds, that it cannot be reformed, modified, or changed and whose concept of abrogation makes the more violent later passages the only ones which count.

          • Feb 28, 2018 @ 4:47 at 4:47

            I meant “condemn” is first line (not “condone”)!

          • Feb 28, 2018 @ 8:21 at 8:21

            Well, given the fact that there are brutally violent passages in both the Torah and the Quran, you can’t accuse one of encouraging terrorism without accusing the other. You can also find violent bigots practising both religions as well as virtually every other belief system mankind has ever concocted.

            You seem to confuse my defense of everyday ordinary people from your verbal assaults, with the specific defense of Islamic terrorists. I don’t see why you would do that unless you’re having reading comprehension issues, or you know nothing about the world beyond your shorelines and rely on disingenuous broadcasters to tell you all about it.

        • Feb 28, 2018 @ 1:42 at 1:42

          1.3 billion Muslims?

          Seems like the odds are in favor of the majority sane Muslims to stop the minority insane Muslims who commit terrorist acts all over the world, yet the majority has been ineffective in stopping them.

          Why is that?

          • Feb 28, 2018 @ 8:15 at 8:15

            The US hasn’t been 100% effective in stopping Islamic terror either, so how do you expect a bunch of impoverished starving people living under tyranny to do it? They can’t even criticize things on the internet without being arrested or killed for pissing off the wrong person.

        • Feb 28, 2018 @ 13:40 at 13:40

          Racist?? You are the racist, Mr. Nonsense – you are afraid of ancient Hebrews because of the bible but give Islamists a pass – viewing them victims of white colonialists and not responsible for their acts of carnage, not responsible for the violent books and killing manuals they follow to the letter (today, not just in ancient times) against their own people and against mankind in general..

          • Feb 28, 2018 @ 19:56 at 19:56

            Where the hell are you getting all of your insanely stupid conclusions from? Probably from the same source that labels unborn Muslim babies terrorists. You have read a number of my posts and replied without bothering to see what I was replying to and understanding the context, in a couple of cases it even looks like you read someone else’s post and mistook it for mine.

            This kind of idiocy is sadly expected from radical right wing types such as yourself, who decide what reality is first before going out and actually looking at the real world. Clearly you decided that since I disagree with you on some issues, it means I must want to go hug terrorists, which then led you to make all the mistakes you’re currently making. I urge you to re-read all the posts that have you thinking such nonsense, verify that they were indeed my own posts, and check what I was replying to for context.

            I’m not scared of Hebrews, I happen to be one myself. I merely happen to think that all existing religions are filled with pseudoscientific (and often violent) man-made fables that have almost no connection to any real history (the Bible doesn’t even contain a historically accurate description of Canaan and ancient Egypt). I have no problem telling Islamists how ridiculous their views are when they come to push them on me, but I’m not going to use that as an excuse to attack over a billion Muslims at large who mostly have nothing whatsoever to do with terror and can’t afford it even if they wanted to. Most Muslims are far less violent or intolerant than the Jewish settlers currently invading deep into the West Bank for land they don’t need- settlements that drain billions of dollars from the rest of the country and hurt its security far more than they help, built only because some fictional character in the Bible was commanded to settle there.

            I’d like to see Israel eventually gain acceptance and support in the Muslim world alongside a state for the Palestinians. That’s not going to happen if it listens to a bunch of redneck ignoramuses like yourself who want to treat half the planet as baboons fit for cages.

        • Mar 5, 2018 @ 9:26 at 9:26

          Your comparison of the Torah and the Koran omits two important facts.
          1) the Torah doesn’t command for a person of a particular believe or race to be put to death whereas the Koran calls for the demise whether by conversion or death, of all non believers.
          2) whilst there are passages that refer to death in terrible ways in the Torah, these are no longer practiced and in Israel are outlawed. Ie the Jewish people and Christians and most others, have gone through the enlightenment and left things that applied thousands of years ago, back then. The Muslims still believe in the call of the Koran to convert all, kill Jews and infidels. This is still preached in many many mosques across the world. There is no denying it as it is well documented I. Multiple videos and professional documentaries including people meeting with Muslim leaders and folk in the street and asking the questions point-blank.
          Europe is already in major trouble and a major clash is imminent. You can’t view things through civil Western eyes. You have to view through the eyes of those who hold the thoughts that put the Western way of life at risk.

    • Feb 27, 2018 @ 14:51 at 14:51

      Israel should welcome their own people , after all these are the criminals Israel supported and treated in hospital . Next step would be to build for them shelters and feed them , for which Israel and USA degenerates committed themselves trying to prolong war ,

      • Feb 27, 2018 @ 18:21 at 18:21

        How could Israel treat people from East Ghouta? You’ve trapped them there like animals for years and clearly have no sympathy; maybe one day someone will do the same thing to you.

        • Feb 27, 2018 @ 22:23 at 22:23

          Why are you not going there to fight on their behalf? Why are you blaming countries that have nothing to do with the conflict while leaving out the barbarians who are engaging in genocide and child killing on the name of Islam and the name of Russian totalitarianism…You are a leftist moron who is unwilling to help and only willing to blame those victimized by Islamism and totalitarianism.

        • Feb 28, 2018 @ 0:34 at 0:34

          By the way, do you feel threatened by Hebrews? You say 2 comments above that you DO NOT feel threatened by Muslims who carry out 99% of all terrorism and that you are compelled, because of the “hate” expressed against their terrorism, to defend them. That is very weird – that you feel a need to defend hateful ideologies when good people (who you ID with the right) confront the terrorism.

          We are not talking about violent passages of holy books – we are talking about REAL violence – today – 13,500 fatalities on average each year – as a result of Islamic terrorism!!

          Have you no sympathy for the victims nor anything other than stupid remarks which condone this violence in the name of Islam – influenced TODAY NOW by their books which are being used as killing manuals?

          Get off your leftist high horse and quit with the Justin “sunny ways” baby-talk and grow up, man.

    • Feb 27, 2018 @ 20:32 at 20:32

      Israel should NOT allow any of these people into the country.

      These refugees have been brought up hating Israelis, and would be their enemies if Syria were to go to war against Israel.

      As well, there would be terrorists pretending to be refugees coming into the country.

      Nor should they provide food, etc. Why? Because in the eyes of the world, no matter how much Israel would do, others would find a way to put a negative spin on it, in order to make Israel look bad.

      Let other Arab countries take care of them.

    • Feb 28, 2018 @ 1:27 at 1:27

      “compassionate Muslim nations”
      Such sarcasm!

      The only time we’ve seen a muslim nation being “generous” is in donating supplies to terrorists to attack someone they want to harm. Iran is one of the most “generous” supplying hamas, hizballa, houti, and so many more terrorists around the world.

    • Mar 7, 2018 @ 3:38 at 3:38

      “”Their are many compassionate Muslim nations””….where the feck did you get that phantasy from?

  • Feb 27, 2018 @ 9:11 at 9:11

    Their are many compassionate Muslim nations some of them very wealthy,they should be able to organise the temporary accomodation in such a place, perhaps UNWRA could assist, they have vast experience of such matters.Maybe the generous Europeans could contribute with logistics.In short the problem can be solved, unless they want to use them as a weapon (Like the created Palestinian nation) to dammage Israel

    • Feb 27, 2018 @ 11:04 at 11:04

      “.Maybe the generous Europeans could contribute with logistics.In short the problem can be solved, unless they want to use them as a weapon (Like the created Palestinian nation) to dammage Israel”

      @red sea pedestrian,

      The Europeans wouldn’t do a thing like that——————would they?

      • Feb 27, 2018 @ 12:57 at 12:57

        O perish the thought, Israel can have the greatest faith in Europe, we only have to look back at their patern of behaviour towards Israel over many years.
        One of my greatest joys is looking at a picture of the Lady who is the head of European foreign policy cozying up to the late unlamented Yasser Arafat,(remember him a graduate of the Patrice Lamumba University in Russia in the 60’s) it was a time when Russia was founding many Liberation organisations to help bring the West Down,and the plo to bring down Israel.All change now though, now we have president Putin who will protect Israel whilst at the same time supporting Iran and hezbolla, what a creative fellow he is.

    • Feb 27, 2018 @ 15:13 at 15:13

      Compassionate?? The Muslim countries are only generous with terror groups and with ample funding for Mosques around the world which spread sharia and hate and terror through their propaganda (whitewashing Islam). They are rich due to oil, yes, but have never taken responsibility for their own refugees whether they are the Terrorstinians or the hundreds of thousands fleeing the Muslim-on-Muslim genocide in the Middle East and parts of Africa. Saudis do not one refugee – they would rather spread Islam by making their violent conquest the problem of the West.

  • Feb 27, 2018 @ 9:21 at 9:21

    The good neighbour, right? Just help them, then help Palestinians, that’s humanism and the values that civilized and cultured Jews are famous for!

    • Feb 27, 2018 @ 11:14 at 11:14

      “The good neighbour, right? Just help them, then help Palestinians, that’s humanism and the values that civilized and cultured Jews are famous for!”

      @ “scum of the earth”,

      Since you put it like that, where is Gaza’s fresh water and electricity coming from today?
      What happened to the intact high-tech green houses left by the Israelis when they turned Gaza over to the PA (before Hamas violently seized it from the PA)?
      Just who were you thinking of when you came up with your “show” name?

    • Feb 27, 2018 @ 15:23 at 15:23

      Muslim countries do not knowingly allow Jews to work in their countries – is that compassion?

  • Feb 27, 2018 @ 9:45 at 9:45

    Dont let them in. Dont feed them by opening the gates of the border. Airlifted goods are ok. But dont send any personell as this is a trap.

    • Feb 27, 2018 @ 22:56 at 22:56

      Trojan horse.

      Pootin should invite these people to his vast country, or Scotland should welcome them in.

      What could happen?

  • Feb 27, 2018 @ 9:48 at 9:48

    I think its a bit bold to refer to these people as scum of the earth(maybe you are thinking of yourself ?) they are people in need of help, and their compassionate co religionists can help if they want to.I do not believe Israel holds any grudges against them because (according to the old testament) they have occupied land that is not theirs, it just they surely would be happier with their own kind.

  • Feb 27, 2018 @ 10:24 at 10:24

    Let saudi arabia,the uae ,kuwait pay 1 billiin dollars each to israel . This will be enough to supply these refuges with water medecine and food for atleast a couple of month

    • Feb 27, 2018 @ 11:28 at 11:28

      “Let saudi arabia,the uae ,kuwait pay 1 billiin dollars each to israel . This will be enough to supply these refuges with water medecine and food for atleast a couple of month”


      The Saudis should have no issue in coming up with the money since they held most of their business owners and lower level “princes” in detention recently to extort literally billions of dollars for the Royal Treasury——————–the issue is in supplying any funds to Israel (even if it’s specifically for helping victims of the Assad regime) which the wonderful Saudis will simply not do (they won’t even allow flights from India to fly over their territory if the destination is Tel Aviv)! Israel will likely do more to help these people (within their capacity) then the Saudis, UAE and Kuwait combined will ever do for them!

  • Feb 27, 2018 @ 10:53 at 10:53

    Israel can help supply these people with humanitarian aid (as they have done in the past) and even transport some of them to hospitals inside Israel (as they have also done in the past) but the real sad part to all of this is once the war in Syria ends, a “victorious” (thanks to the Russians) Assad regime along with Hezbollah and Shiite mercenaries sent to Syria by Iran will take their revenge against surviving Sunnis within Syria, especially those who were the recipients of Israeli humanitarian aid————–just one more fine day in the Middle East!

    • Feb 27, 2018 @ 15:29 at 15:29

      Muslims are in the business of making new refugees through jihad, war, conquest and genocide but not in permanently settling any of them…they push them to go to Europe and the West. They make sure that Terrorstinian numbers increase and push the concept of “right of return” to destroy Israel but not “the right of return” to the countries which Muslims have razed to the ground.

  • Feb 27, 2018 @ 10:55 at 10:55

    This is Russian and Shiite ethnic cleansing of Damascus.

    BDS where are you? BDS your shiite on Russia kk tnx

    • Feb 27, 2018 @ 11:37 at 11:37

      “This is Russian and Shiite ethnic cleansing of Damascus.

      BDS where are you?—————”

      Members and supporters of the “BDS” movement are too busy watching a SPONGE BOB marathon while all of this is going on—————after all, their movement is aimed exclusively against the Israelis———–not against any one else no matter what the circumstances are!

  • Feb 27, 2018 @ 11:19 at 11:19

    Do you really think that they would all want to go to Israel? So far, most have gone to Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey. Since Israel is still at war with Syria, it has no obligation to take in any Syrian refugees. It is most likely that they will be sent to Idlib. It is interesting that Turkey is keeping silent about what is going on in Ghouta, Damascus. It is mostly because of Operation Olive Branch which Russia has allowed Turkey to do in exchange for its silence on Ghouta. The same thing happened regarding Aleppo in which Russia allowed for Operation Euphrates Shield in exchange for Turkey’s silence. While the Alawites who are a minority of around 10% have direct Russian and Iranian help and the Kurds who are another minority of around 10% have direct U.S. help, the Sunni majority of 75% have no real direct help from anyone except for the occasional Turkish and Israeli help which is more in line with border issues. It is disgraceful how Arab countries have abandoned them and the Palestinians have sided with Assad, Hezbollah and Shiite Iran against their own Sunni Arab Muslim brothers in Syria. Please remember these people who are suffering because they oppose Assad, Hezbollah and Iran. Assad needs the Iranians and Russians to fight his battles. At some point, Israel will have no choice but to nuke Iran and its allies there.

    • Feb 27, 2018 @ 11:47 at 11:47

      “At some point, Israel will have no choice but to nuke Iran and its allies there.”


      Try not to get too emotional here (I’m not being sarcastic here——-at least in this comment) but take into account that with all the major wars Israel was forced to fight for its survival, not one Arab capital was EVER hit with a nuclear weapon. Israel will not resort to the use of a nuclear weapons unless it is absolutely determined that one is about to be used on them first.

  • Feb 27, 2018 @ 12:44 at 12:44

    Israel is reaping what its have sow. This is the consequence of supporting terrorists who has same interest with Israel, a destroyed and diveded Syria, so Israel could hold Golan forever since it will legally confused because no Syria more. But thank God, this evil plan now in ruin.

    • Feb 27, 2018 @ 15:41 at 15:41

      And Israel will still hold the Golan forever, proving there is justice in life.?

  • Feb 27, 2018 @ 13:09 at 13:09

    Exactly which world are you a ciitzen of,welcome to earth,we have missed you.You have a bit to catch up on,maybe start with the real facts.
    If you hear a loud popping noise, that occurs when a person pulls their head out of their butt.
    So clean up, smile and have a great day.

  • Feb 27, 2018 @ 13:10 at 13:10

    Yes there is something that Israel can do: mow down the invaders.
    Israel is for the Jews.
    Have you got the merest inkling of what pisslims would do to Jewish refugees? How moronic can you be?
    Every stinking pisslim “refugee” is an attempt to drown Israel in maggots.
    Nobody has the right to tell Jews to be any better than the non-Jewish world has been forever towards Jews.
    Churchill didn’t give a penny for Jews.
    The USA sent Jewish refugees back from its shores to the gas chambers.
    Find your ruthlessness before they play you for fools, wear you down with a thousand cuts, disarm you with your own benevolence, confuse you with lies, overwhelm you with hypocritical world disapproval, inhumanly appeal to your humanity, turn you into despairing pussies and bury you in a 2nd Holocaust.
    And then where will Zionism turn to . . . Antarctica?
    Decency is on your side.
    Every warrior in history who defended decent values would cheer you on.
    Find your moral balls before is too late.
    And remember your worst enemy is your traitorous leftist 5th column.
    If treason produced smoke Israel would not see the light of the Sun.
    When the vermin turn left they leave Judaism behind.
    Ruthlessness or death. Play nice and you die.
    Mow them down to the last.

    • Feb 27, 2018 @ 13:57 at 13:57

      No. Create an invasion force to take Syria using these guys as soldiers. Kill traitors on the spot. Make our Druzies their officers. They can have Syria and throw out Hizbolla and Iran. pussy screwed up this time. If he gives us Rabbi Nachman Gd will forgive him, problem is he thinks his boss can put Gd out of a job. If he is angry with me I can take him on in judo, haven’t practiced for years, but might actually enjoy this.

      • Feb 27, 2018 @ 17:38 at 17:38

        This is what Turkey who has the most Syrian refugees is doing with its Syrian refugees but it is not doing it with large numbers nor is it doing it fast enough. Thus, they are arming and training the Free Syrian Army (FSA).

  • Feb 27, 2018 @ 14:56 at 14:56

    Syria was never a friend of Israel or Jew’s. 1. Return the corpse of Eli Cohen. 2. Return the corpse of Ron Arad 3. What happened to tankers Baumoel, Feldman and Katz?
    I would not let these Jew hating “Ben Zona’s” anywhere near Israel.

    • Feb 27, 2018 @ 15:51 at 15:51

      Hopefully, they will be mercilessly (mercifully?) slaughtered before they get anywhere close.

    • Feb 27, 2018 @ 17:40 at 17:40

      The russians were responsible for what happened to them. It was a Russia radar vehicle manned by Russians that discovered Eli Cohen sending a radio message.

  • Feb 27, 2018 @ 15:09 at 15:09

    Send them to Sweden, they just luv refugees!!

  • Feb 27, 2018 @ 16:24 at 16:24

    Europe had over 2 million refugees per year from africa and middle east, they somehow manage this big crowd for the sake of humanity ( deportation also takes place to make a balance and presenting order)
    Why israel cqnt feed 50000 of ots own neighbor?

    • Feb 28, 2018 @ 11:45 at 11:45

      “Why israel cqnt feed 50000 of ots own neighbor?”


      Here is a reprint of one of my previous posts:

      “Israel can help supply these people with humanitarian aid (as they have done in the past) and even transport some of them to hospitals inside Israel (as they have also done in the past) but the real sad part to all of this is once the war in Syria ends, a “victorious” (thanks to the Russians) Assad regime along with Hezbollah and Shiite mercenaries sent to Syria by Iran will take their revenge against surviving Sunnis within Syria, especially those who were the recipients of Israeli humanitarian aid————–just one more fine day in the Middle East!”

  • Feb 27, 2018 @ 16:30 at 16:30

    George Banner,
    Your intelligence, understanding and eloquence shine through!
    You speak entirely for me.

    Wish I knew how to contact you directly. I need more of this intelligence in my life!
    Mathew in Florida

  • Feb 27, 2018 @ 16:34 at 16:34

    Thank you George_Banner . Hope Israelis will recognize Putin’s ( yimach smom ) sly strategies and act accordingly.

  • Feb 27, 2018 @ 16:36 at 16:36

    make israel as multicultural as they demand europe to be!

    • Feb 28, 2018 @ 11:38 at 11:38

      “make israel as multicultural as they demand europe to be!”

      @ “truth be told”,

      Israel already is multi-cultural: 20% of its population are Muslims and don’t forget about the Christians of different denominations and Druze and Armenians and Baha’i people who live within Israel as well. Try to stay true to your “show name”, “truth be told” !

  • Feb 27, 2018 @ 18:04 at 18:04

    The new form of asymetric warfare. Funneling a refugee population laced with infiltrators to your enemy’s borders. Kill hundreds of thousands of the people who don’t fit in with your plans and create a logistical nightmare for your enemies.

    What a sick and depraved group of people the Putin, Assad and Khomeini are. Israel should come up with a plan to attack Iran directly and do it now because Iran will not stop short of war with Israel anyway. The best defense is a good offense.

    • Feb 27, 2018 @ 20:41 at 20:41


    • Feb 28, 2018 @ 8:07 at 8:07

      Assad has been known to let ISIS cross freely through territory that it controls in order to reach other Assad opponents. Assad is that evil genious that is very happy to have people fight and die on his behalf.

  • Feb 27, 2018 @ 21:44 at 21:44

    Israel displaced its own people to give away land to its enemies for peace, that was gaza.
    the link below will show you a terror tunnel from gaza to a kibbutz on the Israeli border,the idea to kill civillians.

    How would you feel if it was your home and your kids.

  • Feb 27, 2018 @ 22:31 at 22:31

    IAF needs to to parachute hundreds of valuable Camels with large schlongs over Eastern Syria so that the warring Mudslime savages will move their battles over there. Nothing makes them crazier than to see naked male camels with large pricks

  • Feb 27, 2018 @ 22:51 at 22:51

    No more “compassion” and “humanitarian mercy” for you sworn enemies, nation of Israel and its government!
    Most of it was based on “what would the Goyim say” fears and cowardice – anyway !

  • Feb 28, 2018 @ 1:45 at 1:45

    “In the absence of Syrian facilities, Israel will be confronted with the sudden responsibility to supply their basic needs for food, water, medicines and shelter”


  • Feb 28, 2018 @ 3:38 at 3:38

    …”there is nothing much Israel can do except hold on and hope for the best…”

    Well, they COULD attack into Lebanon and Syria now. But they won’t. They’ll sit back like confused Europeans and die.

    • Feb 28, 2018 @ 11:30 at 11:30

      “————–But they won’t. They’ll sit back like confused Europeans and die.”


      The Israelis don’t think like left-wing naive Europeans, so stay tuned!

  • Feb 28, 2018 @ 7:17 at 7:17

    As long as you dear people keep rejecting your Messiah Jesus Christ, you will keep suffering.
    Howsoever many wars you win, howsoever many terrorists you kill, whosoever many attacks you thwart, you will keep on suffering.
    Now you can get angry and hurl all kinds of comments back, but 2,000 years of history are staring you right back in the face as proof of what I’m saying, as even your national anthem confesses.
    Go ahead, get upset and pitch a righteous fit and tell me I’m wrong; but you will keep on suffering.
    For the love of God (literally), repent already by turning to Jesus Christ and we can all finally have peace.
    You hold the key.

    • Feb 28, 2018 @ 11:24 at 11:24

      “As long as you dear people keep rejecting your Messiah Jesus Christ, you will keep suffering.”

      “Now you can get angry and hurl all kinds of comments back, but 2,000 years of history are staring you right back in the face as proof of what I’m saying, as even your national anthem confesses.”


      Just wanted to let you know that the Rabbi Jesus was executed by Roman authorities————2000 years ago!
      When it comes time for everything to actually be fulfilled, that’s when we’ll get to see who actually does it!

  • Feb 28, 2018 @ 8:17 at 8:17

    Since when has Christendom enjoyed any peace with Christians killing Christians for over 1700 years ever since Constantine the Great made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire? Until messiah actually comes and brings peace, there is no real peace for anyone. Fallen mankind has never known peace.
    Real Christians have always been persecuted in this world. False Christians love the world and money.

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