debkafile: Combined al Qaeda-Palestinian strike against Israeli power station plotted from Lebanon and Gaza

Friday, Jan. 13, Lebanon charged 13 al Qaeda members with plotting terrorist attacks -without disclosing where. The 7 Syrians, 3 Lebanese, 1, Saudi, 1 Jordanian and 1 Palestinian will be brought before a Lebanese military court.
debkafile adds: Since its Dec. 27 Katyusha rocket barrage on northern Israel, al Qaeda has been actively preparing further attacks. This week, the Lebanese authorities disclosed the capture in Tripoli harbor Sunday, Jan. 8, four Palestinian al Qaeda members aboard a boat loaded with explosives, recoilless rocket grenades and other weapons setting out to strike a strategic target on the Israeli coast.
Lebanese investigators, according to our sources, discovered a conspiracy for a dual strike to emanate for the first time from two places. The seaborne team from Lebanon planned to strike Israel’s big Eshkol power station in Ashkelon from the water, while the Gaza attackers would have again aimed for the plant with Qassam missiles.

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