debkafile Exclusive: Shoot to kill orders are given by Jamal Abu Semhadana two days after his appointment as Palestinian security forces commissio

Although his appointment by Hamas interior minister was vetoed by Mahmoud Abbas, Semhadana Sunday night, April 23, ordered his Gaza forces to shoot to kill disorderly persons, after two days of violent clashes in Gaza City left 40 injured.
debkafile adds: The security units under Semhadana’s orders are in fact gunmen of his own Popular Resistance Committees and Hamas’s Ezz-e-Din al-Qassam, while the Fatah force is commanded by Samir Mashrawi, deputy chief of the Gaza Preventive Security Service. The clashes between them Sunday were in fact more in the nature of a military contest than street fighting. It was the first time the Hamas had deployed its military arm as a special security unit on support of its government.

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