debkafile: NATO encounters Iran-made armor-piercing EFP road bombs in Afghanistan like those Tehran sends to Iraq and Hizballah in Lebanon

US Col. Thomas Kelly reported finding four of the explosively-formed projectiles in Herat near the Iranian border and one a month ago in the capital Kabul. He said Taliban insurgents may have access to the device but may not yet know how to use them.
debkafile‘s military sources reveal that the six Spanish peacekeepers killed in South Lebanon last month were not attacked by a suicide bomber but an early version of the armor-piercing EFP disguised as a rock. This model was developed by Hizballah and widely used with deadly effect against Israeli forces maintaining a security belt in South Lebanon in the 1980s.
Last week President Bush accused Iran and Hizballah of training Iraqi insurgents in the use of these weapons against US forces.
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said in June that “substantial” quantities of Iranian weapons are flowing into Afghanistan and that it was difficult to believe the Iranian government was not aware of it.
Wednesday, July 18, British lawmakers said NATO must commit more troops to Afghanistan if it is to succeed. The 7,100 UK troops fighting in the country in the country, U.K. Defense Secretary Des Browne agreed and said he is asking allies for more support in Afghanistan, but said pulling out the 7,100 British troops fighting there “is the wrong thing to do.”

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