DEBKAfile returns Monday, Dec. 1!
debkafile resumes publication Monday December 1, after an interruption of two-and-a-half months due to the sudden illness of its senior editor.
This break in mid-stream came after we predicted that nothing would come of Iran’s nuclear talks with the world powers – they were finally done for by the combined efforts of Russia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel – or the US-led coalition versus ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Chuck Hagel’s forced exit was a win for the enemy. Starting next Monday, debkafile will be back to exclusively develop and analyze these and other events, such as the surge of violence in Jerusalem.
And DEBKA Weekly (for subscribers) and DEBKA Review resume publication in January.
DEBKA publications, their editor and staff, are deeply grateful to the thousands of well-wishers who continue to mail us from all over the world with messages of hope for a speedy recovery and return to publication. We are greatly encouraged by your support. Thank you!