Delhi thinks Pak N-sites in radical hands – India Times from DEBKA

The important Times of India quotes DEBKA-Net-Weekly‘s exclusive report of Friday, May 15, which revealed that Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh had warned US president Barack Obama that Pakistan’s nuclear sites in North West Frontier Province areas that are Taliban-al Qaeda strongholds are already partly in the hands of Islamic extremists. He told Obama: “Pakistan is lost.”
DEBKA listed the locations of those nuclear sites and illustrated them with a special map. Singh’s Congress Party has meanwhile won a second term in India’s general election, according to exit polls Saturday, May 16.
The Times of India goes on to cite visiting US scholar Robert Windrem as commenting: “It is quite disturbing that the administration is allowing Pakistan to quantitatively and qualitatively step up production of fissile material without as much so a public reproach.”
US officials have repeatedly maintained their confidence that the Pakistani nuclear arsenal will not fall into the hands of Islamic extremists and have Islamabad’s assurance to this effect. Scholars like Windrem fear this confidence is misplaced because Pakistan’s nuclear program “may already be infected with the virus of radicalism from within…”
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