Despite US sanctions, Tehran steps up quest for dialogue with Trump administration

A key sentence signaled Tehran’s quest for diplomacy in Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s bitter diatribe over re-imposed sanctions on Monday, Aug. 6: ”The US must first prove itself willing to solve problems through negotiations after its withdrawal from the JCPOA,” he said

Rouhani spoke in a televised address to the nation hours before the devastating US sanctions went to effect, calling them “psychological warfare against the Iranian nation to create divisions among the people.”

That key sentence, say DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources, represented the burden of the reply secret Iranian agents have been carrying to Washington in past weeks. Even in the face of the economic chaos created by the looming sanctions, the Iranians have been seeking terms for direct or indirect talks with the US on a renegotiated nuclear deal. Our sources report that Washington has neither rejected these feelers nor given Tehran a clear go-ahead – as White House did before Trump’s summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un last month. The Americans may be waiting for the sanctions to take full effect before agreeing to sit down formally with the Iranians.

The coming DEBKA Weekly out on Friday, Aug. 10, reveals the tactics Tehran’s secret agents are employing on the quiet to lobby the Trump administration for a new round of nuclear negotiations. New subscribers may click here to obtain this and other exclusives:

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41 thoughts on “Despite US sanctions, Tehran steps up quest for dialogue with Trump administration

  • Aug 7, 2018 @ 9:22 at 9:22

    ,,Dialoque with Trump administration”is an imagine exercise.Trump”s summit with comrade Kim it was a fiasco.Nuclear program to be continued.Who is crying for the sufferings of the people?In a dictatorship?Weaponry is more important than citizen.For world supremacy.For the final victory.

    • Aug 7, 2018 @ 17:37 at 17:37

      Once again, The Highest Unholy Robber in a Robe Boast the Most how Iran can survive Sanctions, and America is in Isolation, but now seek Dialogue and thinks he can do it by Threats and Demands? Good to see Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s now groveling with his Huffs, Puffs and Bluffs. While Israel Mossod and Debka expose the Iranian’s Crying out for Dialogue using Secret seeking Direct or Indirect Terms for New Approaches to save this Regime of Cockroaches wearing Robes.

      Meanwhile, in Washington the US Senate that must Approve all Advise and Consent Treaties are advocating Regime Change in Iran for the Persian People Freedom as Senator Graham stated, “With Our Moral Support And Isolating The Ayatollah And Cutting Off This Cash, He Will Collapse. The most destructive force on the planet today is Iran. If they had a nuclear weapon, which they’re trying to build, they would use it. Let’s stop this regime before it’s too late. Let’s stand behind the Iranian people”!

      This is the Factual Truth with Proof by Bodies Buried in Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Gaza, Lebanon, West Bank and Iran. Time for the World to join the removal of these Sinister Robes Robbers and Cowardly Exporters of Murders in Middle East Lands causing Death, Destruction, and Destitution making many Live in Poverty as they grow Wealthy off of “The Jewel of Persia Oil”!

      The Task of an Independent Judicious America that creates, enforces, and respect The Rule of Law is to Plan for more outbreak of the Persian People’s Protest Movement at the same time prepared for the sudden passing of Khamenei that will destabilize this Corrupt Iranian Shiia System to the point of collapse with them running and hiding just like Hussein in Iraq, Qaddafi in Libya, Al Qaeda and ISIS.

      The Iranian Regime and its vicious factional politics is already weaken along with its Unsteady Security Services? America, Arab Coalition, Israel and the World’s Other Nations are joining not to just Drain the Islamic Republic’s Coffers but supporting financially weaponry to empower its Iran’s Domestic Persian Critics and the Crisis within Iran continues to break out. Once the Iranian Robes and their families find that the Crisis of Chaos they have finances elsewhere is now in their own Backyard of Palaces and Roll Royce’s Trunks full of American Dollars when they are on the run being Hunted just like what happen to Pablo Escobar with nowhere to spend it.

      This is just more Proof Shiia Rulers only know how to make any nation Poor and the People to Live under Totalitarian Theocracy causing Poverty all around them so they can maintain Power in Luxury.

      • Aug 8, 2018 @ 1:44 at 1:44

        Frumph is just blowing hot air and Iran is going to end up getting basically the same deal as before. If not it will be going somewhere that none of us are prepared to go. I have a question to ask all of you Israeli’s, are you all ready to die now? Seriously

        • Aug 8, 2018 @ 11:35 at 11:35

          “Frumph is just blowing hot air and Iran is going to end up getting basically the same deal as before. If not it will be going somewhere that none of us are prepared to go. I have a question to ask all of you Israeli’s, are you all ready to die now? Seriously”

          @ “knowledgeable professor”,

          Such a comment is proof that the political left certainly doesn’t have the answers and never did.
          Why do you call yourself “knowledgeable” professor ????????????

        • Aug 8, 2018 @ 15:23 at 15:23

          No they are not ready to die that is Why you stop them now! And your logic is missing on this . If Trump was going to cave then he would have supported the deal in the first place!

          You really sound scared, I wonder why?

          • Aug 8, 2018 @ 21:09 at 21:09

            Trump, I think just wants attention and to waste time (very obvious in other things) If Iran wanted to develop nuclear weapons they could have, would have, and perhaps have already. They are not stupid and they are not martyrs. They do have a history of standing up to oppressors no matter the consequences. If Frump tries to push this too far it will not end well for anyone, that includes Israel. No one wins in a war of any type. You had better hope that Frump is just posturing and blowing smoke. He will probably be in the impeachment process by November anyway I call myself knowledgeable professor because most of you on here are children, or just stupid.

  • Aug 7, 2018 @ 9:49 at 9:49

    “Dialogue” is the continuation of war with other means. OF COURSE they should have dialogue with the US.

  • Aug 7, 2018 @ 10:31 at 10:31

    From the Debka mini-article:

    “The coming DEBKA Weekly out on Friday, Aug. 10, reveals the tactics Tehran’s secret agents are employing on the quiet to lobby the Trump administration for a new round of nuclear negotiations.”

    That’s almost starting to sound like what Iran did during the Obama Administration, the most disturbing of which are the words: “Tehran’s SECRET agents”, “on the QUIET” and “LOBBY the Trump Administration”.

    Just look what resulted from all the money Iran got from that “honey of a deal” and what Iran is currently doing in the Middle East today in Syria and through their proxies in Lebanon, Gaza, Yemen and Iraq!

    • Aug 7, 2018 @ 18:19 at 18:19

      Take it easy with your “all the money Iran got “! You have no idea how highly expensive is to grease here and there to get a deal, there are so many clintonist foundations you wouln’t believe.

      • Aug 8, 2018 @ 11:42 at 11:42

        “Take it easy with your “all the money Iran got “! You have no idea how highly expensive is to grease here and there to get a deal, there are so many clintonist foundations you wouln’t believe.”


        Whose “deal” was that…………………..ours or THEIRS ??????????

    • Aug 8, 2018 @ 4:14 at 4:14

      Days of unprecedented protests aimed at Iran’s sluggish economy along with “biting” sanctions imposed by President Trump are ramping up pressure Tuesday on the Islamic Republic’s ruling class and causing many analysts to wonder if regime change could be on the horizon.

      Washington is closer than ever with Iran’s Regional Rivals that do not want Nuclear Weapon Expansions in the Middle East. POTUS Trump and his National Security Advisers so far all alone without EU, China, nor Russia is not backing down. A New Dawn is Rising whereby America is Forming a NATO Type Alliance called the Middle East Strategic Alliance (MESA), that include Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, and other Gulf States.

      At the same time, over 100,000 Protesters that are Anti-Rouhani and Anti-Ayatollah Khamenei Robes Regime Protestors left leaving the stadium and all Chanting…….”Death to the Dictator, Death to Khamenei, Death to Rouhani, and Islamic Regime must get Lost.

      As NATO proved containing the Soviets and breaking the USSR up during the Cold War from 1950-1990s leaving Russia (140 Million and $80 Billion Defense Budget) far weaker Militarily, Economically, and Geo-politically. MESA would do the same to contain Iran and bring down Iran’s Proxies Shiia of Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen and Gaza. MESA would bring down Funding for Hezbollah, Houthis, Hamas, and Fatah the Mainstay against with ending Iranian Aggression, Terrorism, and Extremism. MESA sole Goal will be to Bring Stability to the entire Middle East, by the Elimination and Replacement of the Iranian Regime.

      As the Arab Gulf State are uniting into a MESA-(NATO), Iran is experiencing more Protesting and Rioting as seen on Tuesday when the over 100,000 Persian People all Chanted together………..”Look at our situation. We’ve been waiting for 24 hours, how dare the regime sends money to Hezbollah and Palestine when the country is in trouble. Our revolution’s aim wasn’t to support dirty Hezbollah Leader Hassan Nasrallah and we can be oppressed here. Enough!”

      Now that World that includes Europe, China, Russia, and India can see MESA 3 Part Strategy will be the eventual Winner as Tehran Regime cannot wait out any New American Sanctions. The result clearly visibly predictable will be the Robes Regime will have to Abandon Funding to their Proxies Exporting Terrorism abroad. The Robes Regime will grow even Weaker at Home and Trading with them will disappear with more constraining the Regime in Tehran.

      POTUS Trump Team will wait out the Talks and not remove Sanctions making the Regime face up to even more Challenges and when the Persian People rise up and chase, subjugate, and Replace the Robes Robbers all together.

      • Aug 8, 2018 @ 11:57 at 11:57

        ” A New Dawn is Rising whereby America is Forming a NATO Type Alliance called the Middle East Strategic Alliance (MESA), that include Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, and other Gulf States.”


        I’d look carefully at those specific countries, notably Saudi Arabia, and take into consideration that if things don’t go exactly as planned, many of them will likely just “pull out” and later claim they had “nothing to do with it”, leaving someone else to “hold the bag”………………….and we all know whom that “someone else” will be.

  • Aug 7, 2018 @ 10:32 at 10:32

    Tell the US to go and fuck themselves… is going to ignore the JewHadi financial sanctions…..everyone has had enough of your Shiite….

    • Aug 7, 2018 @ 11:46 at 11:46

      “… is going to ignore the JewHadi financial sanctions….”


      That comment sort of reminds me of a remark the original Khomeini made shortly after the Iranian Revolution back in 1979 when he blamed Iran’s economic troubles on prominent Jewish family businesses in the USA including, according to him, the Rockefeller family but, what a surprise to the Rockefeller family…………………they never knew they were Jewish!

    • Aug 7, 2018 @ 23:18 at 23:18

      @ Tg (True gronk)

      Sorry non posso parceque Iran kaput!

  • Aug 7, 2018 @ 11:01 at 11:01

    its funny how the iranian dictators talk in the name of the “people” when the people themselves want these goat fuckers persian dictators gone

  • Aug 7, 2018 @ 11:57 at 11:57

    “—————-In a dictatorship?Weaponry is more important than citizen.——————”

    @Cosmin D.,

    Sure sounds like a description of Gaza…………………and Syria, and Iran, and North Korea, and Hezbollah controlled areas within Lebanon.

  • Aug 7, 2018 @ 14:02 at 14:02

    Keep the sanctions until they begin to change the hard-wired Islamic fanaticism of the leaders of Iran. Make sure they know who is in charge and that the forces of freedom are in no hurry to satisfy the demands of a regime bent on Islamic conquest and exporting its sick “revolution” worldwide. Obama was anxious to use Iran to Islamize the world and spread that fascism everywhere. He wanted them to have nukes. It is now time to reverse the Obama doctrine.

  • Aug 7, 2018 @ 14:28 at 14:28

    I would’ve thought a people led regime change is what the US (and Israel) actually wants in Iran, however, the balancing act is to avoid any accidental unity of the ordinary people occurring with the regime – and this is where they must tread carefully. The Iranians are primarily highly nationalistic rather than religious, always have been and always will be.

  • Aug 7, 2018 @ 14:52 at 14:52

    What a bunch of stupid comments. Fake news btw

  • Aug 7, 2018 @ 14:53 at 14:53

    Who cares? Iranian leaders carry the potty over their head and this time, most likely, Trump’ll make a dump into.

  • Aug 7, 2018 @ 16:30 at 16:30

    The IRGC is the Shadow Government of Iran as well as the Shawdow Economy. If anyone is “reaching out” to DC, perhaps it’s the same “Contacts” that keep going to meetings in Moscow? If a true crisis moment comes to Iran, who will really lead the nation? Who are the Mullahs without the IRGC?

    • Aug 7, 2018 @ 16:45 at 16:45

      You’re right. Without the IRGC the Mullahs are nothing.

  • Aug 7, 2018 @ 19:25 at 19:25

    I am amused at how Iran twists its rhetoric like a pretzel trying to sound like the adult in the conflict. “The US must first prove itself willing to solve problems through negotiations after its withdrawal from the JCPOA.”

    The US must prove SQUAT to ‘qualify’ for negotiations with Iran!!! To you raghead camel riders, that mean NOTHING. Iran, you and your vaunted IRGC are a paper tiger…a theocracy with 1/4 the the population, 1/100 the economic size, and 1/1000 of the military power and 1/10,000 the technological savvy of the US. One aircraft carrier can put your mullocracy back into the Stone Age. Mullahs and your puppet Rouhani, your puffery is being laughed at in Foggy Bottom, where the US State Department is located. This is NOT the State Dept of your obama plaything, Ketchup Kerry. There will be NO planeloads of cash to get a stupid ‘deal’ with you petty potentates! Mike Pompeo will not suffer threats nor insulting puffery from a dumpster of duplicitous despots. Nor will Secretary of Defense Mattis cower at your condescending comminations.

    One stupid move, mullahs, and your evanescent dreams of the Second Persian Empire will evaporate, leaving you with a glass parking lot in which to park your glow-in-the-dark camels.

  • Aug 7, 2018 @ 19:28 at 19:28

    Obama proved America was willing to give Iran a chance, it only allowed Iran to promote more of its terror. The only course left is to bring them to their knees financially, just like a parent takes removes a child’s toy when it wont listen.

    • Aug 8, 2018 @ 21:11 at 21:11

      What terror they they promote?

      • Aug 10, 2018 @ 6:21 at 6:21

        Rockets from Gaza fool

  • Aug 7, 2018 @ 20:07 at 20:07

    As satisfying as the sanctions appear. it’s wishful thinking. Even if the mullahs are replaced, there’s will be no serious going back to moderate secular governments in Iran, the whole region is inflaming towards more religious governments and holy war. As promised in the Torah. There is hope though that Trump grabs a better share of the oil contracts for his country, than the Europeans. Maybe set a few limits on the Iranian government proxi wars on Israel.

  • Aug 7, 2018 @ 20:11 at 20:11

    Unfortunately, the Israeli government’s cowardly, impotent lack of action on the Gaza border IS encouraging
    the ayatollahs to continue with their nefarious plans…

    • Aug 8, 2018 @ 12:09 at 12:09

      “Unfortunately, the Israeli government’s cowardly, impotent lack of action on the Gaza border IS encouraging
      the ayatollahs to continue with their nefarious plans…”

      That can “BREAK” at any moment and it won’t take much!

      • Aug 8, 2018 @ 16:53 at 16:53

        Hope you are right, Dave ! Nevertheless, a Russian adage says:
        “If I am meant to die, let there be lots of music !” Hope you get the drift…

  • Aug 8, 2018 @ 0:14 at 0:14

    See? This is what happens when women are not all over the highest political positions! Men should stay in the kitchen and take care of the home and garden.

  • Aug 8, 2018 @ 1:42 at 1:42

    It looks like Trump’s doctrine is working. That’s the only way to deal with these m-frs.

  • Aug 8, 2018 @ 9:09 at 9:09

    Why “Despite”? Shouldn’t it be “Because”?

    • Aug 10, 2018 @ 6:24 at 6:24

      You are making too much sense, stop it

  • Aug 8, 2018 @ 11:23 at 11:23

    From GingerST001’s earlier comment:

    “——————-to save this Regime of Cockroaches wearing Robes.”

    There’s a distinct poetry or harmonic resonance in that one comment……………..just got to love it!

  • Aug 8, 2018 @ 12:12 at 12:12

    “See? This is what happens when women are not all over the highest political positions! Men should stay in the kitchen and take care of the home and garden.”


    You must NOT be in Saudi Arabia, right ????

  • Aug 8, 2018 @ 13:16 at 13:16

    If the Pen is mightier than the Sword, then how does one characterize Sanctions.

    Strong, enforced sanctions have wrought havoc on Venezuela, have crippled Iran’s Rial and the Turkish Lira appears to be next. Rev Guards know this and will either push the Mullahs to make a deal or push the Mullahs out, and put a puppet in, a la ISI in Pak. Either way, the sanctions work and change is coming. It’s too bad the children of the Main Stream Media cannot see or report the truth, because its a paradigm shift there.

  • Aug 8, 2018 @ 21:14 at 21:14

    What terror did they promote? The next regime then would be more pod a threat to the united states

    • Aug 10, 2018 @ 6:29 at 6:29

      With so many sides here, trolling seems really easy – why do you have such a tough time trying

  • Aug 9, 2018 @ 18:16 at 18:16

    The Bible in the book of Daniel, predicted an alliance between Russia and Persia. Now we’re seeing Bible prophesy coming true again.

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