First suspected Palestinian bomb tunnel found on West Bank

An IDF military unit blew up the first suspected bomb tunnel built by Palestinians to be discovered on the West Bank Tuesday, Oct. 14. It was located west of Hebron near an Israeli military position overlooking the Trans-Judean highway. The Hamas has used bomb tunnels frequently with deadly effect against Israeli forces in and around the Gaza Strip.
debkafile‘s military sources report that the tunnel entrance was located in a storehouse belonging to the Kawasmeh family and ran 100 meters to the IDF’s Pillbox post which guards the highway. It looked as though its builders, presumed to be Hamas, had prepared the tunnel to blow up this position with its personnel, using this device for the first time outside the Gaza Strip.
The tip-off about the tunnel came from the Palestinian security forces which have just begun deploying in Hebron. Five local Hebronite detainees showed them the tunnel but claimed it was not built for terrorist attacks.
The Palestinian officers also handed the IDF unit a large packet of bomb-making materials and the makings of detonators, which they said they had found at a Hamas explosives laboratory in Hebron. Hamas denied their account.

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