Gallant: A war with Iran/Hizballah – the gravest challenge to Israel’s home front  in 75 years

In all of Israel’s 75 years, its civilian population could face its most disastrous challenges ever from a potential war with Iran and/or its Lebanese proxy Hizballah, said Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Monday, June 5. He spoke at the Home Front Command in Ramleh while visiting the IDF’s ongoing Firm Hand multi-front exercise.

Gallant first listened to the Home Front chief Maj. Gen. Rafi Milo’s rundown of the war preparations underway in the event of Iran and/or Hizballah enacting their most recent threats, especially since two military practice drills simulated Hizballah’s capture of Israeli civilian locations.

The most thoroughgoing preparations to meet these threats are afoot, the defense minister stressed.  The Home Front is required to maintain maximum readiness for any kind of emergency scenario. This successful endeavor would be the key to winning the day on all other fronts.

Rated the world’s most heavily armed non-state actor, Hizballah is estimated to have amassed between 130,000 and 150,000 rockets, the longest range of which can reach any part of Israel. Iran topped up this arsenal in the past year with precision missiles.

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