Gen. Kochavi’s step-by-step offensive aims at finally breaking up Hizballah’s vast missile arsenal
IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi launched his “we are changing the equation” campaign against Hizballah with a drone attack on Beirut’s Dahya district last Saturday, Aug. 24, with no official disclosure of its real target.
DEBKAfile’s military sources find Gen. Kochavi running this campaign in person. He is the first Israel military chief to be granted by the prime minister and defense minister full latitude for a war operation, after first presenting his plan for crushing Hizballah’s tools of war to the national security-foreign affairs cabinet.
When a northern front commander asked the chief of staff this week: What if the government interferes? He replied: They’ve given me a free hand.
Since the Dahya operation, the army chief has been stalking Hizballah in slow steps up to the brink of war.
- On the operational level, IDF forces are conspicuously ranged ready for a full-scale conflict against the Shiite group along Israel’s borders with Syria and Lebanon, especially the latter. Pushed up front was a full array of the IDF’s armored and artillery brigades, as well as its special and naval forces. The Air Force started round-the-clock circuits in Lebanese air space, primed ready to strike at any moment.
- An unprecedented intelligence/propaganda campaign was switched on. Select confidential data gathered by Israeli intelligence was leaked judiciously day by day. Its purpose was to drive home to the leaders of Hizballah and Iran’s Al Qods the unsettling news that their highest operational ranks were deeply penetrated and their secret plans an open book.
By these steps, Kochavi is challenging Nasrallah to follow through on his threats of revenge, while making sure he appreciates the high price tag attached to such action: Any Hizballah attack on Israel – large or small in scale – would result in the destruction of Hizballah’s missile arsenal together with other offensive systems, such as its fleet of explosive UAVs.
The chief of staff’s plan stemmed from a determination never to let Hizballah launch the kind of war of attrition which Yemen’s Houthi rebels are waging against Saudi Arabia with sporadic assaults of ballistic missiles and armed drones against the kingdom’s strategic military and civilian facilities. Hizballah has recently accumulated the weapons for launching this sort of cross-border aggression against Israel. Kochavi is resolved to cut down this mountain of deadly weaponry before it is activated, even if this takes weeks or more.
In conversations with the leaders of local council and communities of northern Israel this week, the general said there are no guarantees for how this campaign turns out, or if and when Iran may step in to support its Lebanese proxy. Tehran may see the total destruction of the Hizballah arsenal, in whose buildup the Islamic regime has invested heavily for many years, as a direct assault on a vital national security interest – especially since Israel extended its reach to the Iraqi sector.
Kochavi also explained in his round of the northern communities that Israel was changing the equation in view of the changed, more threatening, circumstances arising since the Israel-Hizballah ceasefire, confirmed by UN Security Council Res 1701, ended the 2006 war. Israel then pledged not to initiate hostile operations against Hizballah. Since then, this Shiite group’s troops have been fighting outside Lebanon in Syria under the command of Iranian officers, hand in glove with a regime sworn to annihilate Israel and beginning to upgrade Nasrallah’s missiles for high-precision attacks.
Kochavi now confronts Hizballah’s Hassan Nasrallah with two broad options. He can defer his revenge attack and wait for a move opportune moment, or he can go for broke in the coming hours. Whichever course he chooses, he will understand that the third round of the Hizballah-Israel war to be fought in 13 years has begun and it will take place in a different scenario.
Tonight at 03:00 in the morning you will get what you wanted. We will attack you and if you response us, then the big war will start. This is what you are searching for more than 2 years. Don’t cry for Tramp to fix a ceasefire for you, because of the war is your choose. Be ready for your beloved war. See you at night!
Hoper you do it , you don t know the response you will have to study more go to school and learn . And you will loose always
Go and hide like your fake leaders in the underground otherwise you will not wake up . Kizbolla and hizbollah leaders must hide or be blown up . Keeep on hiding stupid
You are an idiot. Go ahead attack and you will be destroyed. Israel is not going to put up with this situation much longer.
what response and what war . Stop this moronic idiocy by another general with f35 planes; Peace needed , not some Kohavi plan . He is another hero of all those Israeli useless operations , no one needs , except the Americans. If war will start the damage on both sides is estimated to be extreme, and Israel has a chance to be evaporated . Kohavi should go away together with all that general command of degenerate generals , that have no idea in what world they exist.
You’ve been hitting the Smirnoff too hard again, comrade. 100,000 Katyushas isn’t good for much but burning empty fields.
Ah, unless u are a moslem or a lefty left over.
Enough talk already. Time to smash Hizbollah to smithereens.
You don t have a brain keep on studying stupid books
Mouse threats the Elephant. You guys wish to destroy Lebanon for your Iranian puppet masters. What a pity.
Time to F up lebanon and its criminal support of Hezbollah which is wanting to destroy Israel..once and for all.
Lebanon and Hezbollah is against UN security resolutions and nobody care.
So please dont care when mighty IDF destroy you Lebanese and Hezbollah. Bye bye.
Stfu pathetic moron Islamic dirt you’ll all end up 6ft under hiding like rats that you are
Gholi… Iran’s $hiia Regime Al-Qod$ Leader$ will continue to meet G-d outside of Iran Border$! As Iran’$ $ervant Ha$$an Mortality of Death Threat$ $in$ of $anction$! Now A$king I$ It Worth it?
“Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap…At that day shall a man look to his Maker, and his eyes shall have respect to the Holy One…” (Isaiah 17).
Dont talk
Take lebanon upto thevlitani river.
Then take even more to have something to return
for peace. But before return fill it up with all fakestinians you dontvlike in israel.
Mouse threats the Elephant. You guys wish to destroy Lebanon for your Iranian puppet masters. What a pity.
Your prediction worked. Hezbollah, attacked precisely a day after your comment.
blah blah blah, war is fought on the ground
Hizbollah fake warriors
Yes that is why Hez and Hamas hide underground and fight behind women , children, hospitals, mosques, schools, and UN relief facilities. Muslims are so brave when attacking unarmed civilians .
MLER… Exactly, IDF, Mossod, & IAF Studying, Preparing & Planning on Where Iran’s Proxy Proximity Slept & Hiding?
So it’s a literal re-enactment of the bar Kokhba tragedy that you’re going for with Kockavi. Cute.
Bar Kochba was a guerrilla commander who nearly brought the Roman Army to its knees. Kochavi is tasked with eliminating a sewer rat infestation on Israel’s northern border.
The IDF forgot how to fight face to face , keep flying with your dreams another 20 years , the jets will never let you win a war.
Idf can strike and finish hizbollah I’m 12 days idf years ahead stupid Shiites
How can somebody of hizbollah can think to beat Israel if the information was true. Israel is unbeatable by Iran . Keep on studyig books of phisics and learn democracy and freedom . Shiites begins to abc studying their alphabet and Learn Jews are more clever and armed and democratic and free . Good night Nasrallah and Iran’s stupids
Lol ? yeah ok they will destroy your beloved scum of the earth terrorist
Super Kochavi big up from italy
Fight and be happy of defending israel super kochavi keep on
Hizbollah does not understand how cleaver is Israel and will always loose
HIZBALLAH never lost against what you call ISRAEL
Jihadi delusions are strong, particularly Shiite and “Palestinian” delusions.
The good thing is that Iran do not understand that there is many people from the west much more intelligent clever and important and more structured than communists or Islamist , western world will always win becuouse of freedom that they do not know
israil savaş uçaklarına ve nükleer silahlarına nükleer denizaltılarına fazla güvenmesin zira israilin yok olacağı tarih kuranda bellidir allahın izniyle hz muhammed s.a.v efendimizin nuru ve tüm peygamberlerin hürmetine israil haritadan silinecek bölgemiz rahat bir nefes aacaktır herkes bu bölgede huzur içinde yaşayacak israil yahudileri ve rejimi yıkılırsa inşallah bölge çok rahat olacak israilin gerçeekk bir savaş başlatmasında asla israil varlığını tekrar eskisi gibi sürdüremeyecektir
fool. the koran isn’t some sort of magical history book of the future.
Iran hizbollah and hamas think that the west will not be with Israel , instead every nation of Europe us North America South America will smash hizbollah and Iran in their attempts useless against Israel , hizbollah and Iran must go to school they are good to pray usless prayers . They will always loose becouse the freedom of the west and democracy will always win
HIZBALLAH never lost against what you call ISRAEL
You are mistaken. There is not much love for Israel in the west. Don’t take words of politicians or media you control for truth. Your arrogance and greed greatly accorded to that.
Anthropologist should start booking tickets to Lebanon, Beirut is about to be sent back to the stone age. I suggest to the people of leb to rid themselves of the terrorist amidst them and lets all get on with our lives!
or do you REALLY want to be Iranian puppets?? (better check with allah if he’s stocked up on enough virgins)
Hizbollah and Shiites consider the life of 1 soldier of Israel worth 20 lives of Muslims . That is the war they are making you do just for money . Shame on families who grow children to go and die for 20 000 euros a year . Infamous mother’s fathers families and politics for a war they will never never win
Too much talk and not enough action.
Not very convincing. 1. The government may be replaced by another one in a few months. Moverover no government will give a general a free hand if a full-scale ware may be the outcome. 2. Telling the enemy how much you know is just stupid if your goal is to finish him instead of just delaying a confrontation. 3. “Kochavi is resolved to cut down this mountain of deadly weaponry before it is activated, even if this takes weeks or more.” Forget it. To destroy all rockets, there are two options. By air. This will take many thousands of Lebanese civilians lives. By land. This will take many Israeli soldiers lives. Neither will happen. Israel will always trie to spare lives (and this will cost them their own lives). Most probably Israel will just try to prevent Hizballah from modernizing its rockets, while at the same time trying to hold Hizballah back from using their rockets. This is standing policy and what happens now is only increasing the pressure necessary to continue this policy.
Hope you ragheads will think twice before doing any stupid move, otherwise the entire Lebanon will look like Raqqa and Mosulafter IS was defeated.
israil savaş uçaklarına ve nükleer silahlarına nükleer denizaltılarına fazla güvenmesin zira israilin yok olacağı tarih kuranda bellidir allahın izniyle hz muhammed s.a.v efendimizin nuru ve tüm peygamberlerin hürmetine israil haritadan silinecek bölgemiz rahat bir nefes aacaktır herkes bu bölgede huzur içinde yaşayacak israil yahudileri ve rejimi yıkılırsa inşallah bölge çok rahat olacak israilin gerçeekk bir savaş başlatmasında asla israil varlığını tekrar eskisi gibi sürdüremeyecektir
Just compare the number of military loose at the last war. Israel just killed defenseless civilians but Hezbullah killed just souldiers. It is very easy to kill olds and children, but it’s what Israel did. You have no mercy. I just blame to Adolf. He could kill all of you, but he left you alive to destroy the world and create a false history, the world was much safer now without you. You just make terror and kill the people around the world everywhere. Shame on you. You love war and destroying.
Ghouli… Quit Vamping, Whining, & Crying as Hizballah Phantoms will just become more Ghosts!
Hezbollah lost 1500 men in the 2006 war you ignorant F!!k
The world is much safer without jews, otherwise, we will have terror every day and everywhere.
@ghorki:replace the word jes by moslim,and you will get an exact picture,you subproduct of a rat excrement
allaha isyanınızın sonunu çom ağır ödeyeceksiz zamanı geldiğinde allaha üstünlük taslamanızın bedelini tahmin edemeyeceğiniz süprizlerle ödeyeceksiz
8,000,000 people destroying the world and terrorizing 8,000,000,000 people around the world. Shame on you.
@anonymous: 1 billion adepts of the religion of peace terrorizing the world,free BREIVIK
Israel has “The “Clear & Present Danger” of Hizballah is a “National Security Citizens Right of Existence”!
War has no winners….it leaves destruction and increased hatrage among foes. We pray for peace
allaha isyanınızın sonunu çom ağır ödeyeceksiz zamanı geldiğinde allaha üstünlük taslamanızın bedelini tahmin edemeyeceğiniz süprizlerle ödeyeceksiz
Let the Pro’s do their job – they know best !
Lt. Gen. Kochavi is a man with whom you shouldnt mess – he is determined to finish Israels enemies and he is doing it !
May the God of Israel give the IDF a quick + total victory over her enemies!
Hey Bill ‘Golda’ Mayer and Kahanist friends- why not just give us a list of who you’re not ‘planning on attacking’ because the Hague is having a hard time keeping up
Netanyahu/Neocons gave WWIII/War on Iran and nobody came – and now they’re going to have to spend some time in your room
The long national nightmare of Netanyahu/Neocons in America is over
Dear Not a Fan of Bill ‘Golda’ Mayer – why would Netanyahu be ‘exercising his trope’ creating said long national nightmare of Netanyahu/Neocons in America if he’s not allowed to be American president?
Only brainwashed fools believe that Anglo-American imperialists are aligned with Israel. Trump is not an Anglo-American imperialist, he doesn’t care about colonizing the Middle East. He wants to pull out completely, after facilitating an Israel-Arab military alliance to secure the region from imperial aggressors (Iran, Turkey, UK, etc)
Bill ‘Golda’ Mayer grew up in Brooklyn with his Irish friends calling him Golda and his Jewish friends calling him Putz – that’s because he’s 1/2 Irish on his Jewish mother’s husband’s side – either that or the guy at Ellis couldn’t spell Golda Meir either
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) No Longer Has Oversight of Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program, as IAEA with China, France, Germany, Russia, & UK sought to Bury the New Report Is a Problem?
The Torah teaches us that if you allow an enemy to remain on your border it is only a matter of time before they attack you. The time has come to remove Hezbollah and their weapons from Lebanon and Syria permanently. This is the proper approach to the situation. I support Lt. General Aviv Kochavi and the IDF 110% and I pray that HaShem will protect Israel and all of our troops. Please pray that HaShem will fight for us. Shalom.
amen v’amen
JS… Ditto!
Getting pop corn ready. Don’t like either side so it will be fun to watch.
If Hezbollah in Lebanon does fire a saturation strike, this can be stopped quickly, a 500KT to 1MT nuke strike that will clean out this rats nest then targetted Neutron weapons for any that crawl out of their holes. Lebanon you bought the Hezbollah BS story that their middle age tactics would give you the territory of Northern Israel. Now Lebanon is a byword, a new euphemism for stupidity and ignorance, nothing but ghosts.
Brave men don’t cover their faces and enslave their women –you animals–The end is near for you koran believing idiots
And Frank –you are so Stupid –your I Q = 35
Frank–Do you live in a Cave also?
Frank–i bet you are a Big Gutless Looser–and your whole family if you have one you piece of dirt, Crawl back under your rock –like your barbaric muslim lowlifes
More Shi*t news by debka.
************************************ in conclusion to this article *******************************************
Given the extend of the present general martyrdom epidemic, new 72-virgins requests from Lebanon are accepted only on the basis of reservation. Martyrs without a reservation ticket receiving only a free set of 72 pictures of the virgins and a box of Kleenex tissue.
For reservations call 1-800-NAKBA-4U
Election campaign in full swing. Beautiful promotional piece for Bibi.
The great Nasrallah made an awful mistake, but this is ok, because great people are allowed to make a small great mistakes here and there from time to time, inshallah!
Alias… Nice Try, but my “GingerST00’s Posts, “Respect All DEBKA INFO & All Posters Remarks”, to Learn Together. My Posts No Longer Use “GingerST001” Nor “GST001” due to “Your Postings that “Claimed Name”! Also, I “Do Not Curse” that is only “Your Lame Shame”! I will continue to Post, Link, & Augment “DEBKA INFO” even if I Agree to Disagree with DEBKA. I See No Need to Denigrate DEBKA, because they Upset You?
Hersbollah will find out that the IDF is not a bunch of heathens riding around on Toyota pickup trucks.