Hamas switches to mortars, mounts four attacks in four days, as Olmert-Abbas Thursday meeting is called off
Two more shells later targeted a small Israeli contingent on counter-missile duty 1 to 1.5 km inside the northern Gaza Strip near Beit Hanoun. The troops returned fire. In four days, Hamas has fired 30 mortar rounds targeting military border positions, while reducing missile launchings.
Earlier, the Israeli air force struck two Palestinians laying bomb trap in northern Gaza. One killed was killed.
debkafile: There was little point in Mahmoud Abbas and prime minister Ehud Olmert meeting as arranged Thursday, June 7, because Hamas had rejected in advance the ceasefire plan which Abbas proposed to put before Israel.
Palestinians sources report the meeting was postponed because of Israel’s refusal to “pay” for a ceasefire by halting its counter-terror operations on the West Bank, unfreezing blocked Palestinian funds, removing roadblocks and a row of other concessions.
Former military intelligence chief Zeev Farkas urged equalizing Sderot with Gaza City. In a radio interview, he said if Israelis are not allowed to sleep in Sderot, then why should Palestinians have quiet nights in Gaza?