Hamas warns 13 top terror activists they are in Israel’s cross-hairs
Hamas security services Tuesday, Feb. 2, advised 13 jihad chiefs, including 2 Jihad Islamic commanders, that they are Israel's next targets for liquidation, after the death of Hamas weapons smuggler Mahmoud Makhbouh in Dubai on Jan. 19, debkafile's counter-terror sources disclose.
Our sources report that Hamas has never before known to compile of a list of potential targets because it risks giving away the identities off its highest-profile leaders. However, the extremist Palestinian organization appears to be in such a state of panic that it was driven to urgently caution its leaders that Israel has made all the arrangements for attacks on their lives some time soon.
debkafile has obtained the full list of the operatives Hamas believes are targeted for assassination:
Jamila Shanti, female member of the Hamas political bureau and Palestinian lawmaker;
Muhammad Deif, former supreme commander of Hamas until he was badly injured in a previous Israel attack;
Ahmad Jabry, "chief of staff" of Hamas' combat arm, the Ezz a-Din al-Qassam Brigades;
Marwan Issa, Jabry's deputy;
Abu Khaled Hijazi, chief of the Haiman Judah squads in Gaza, Fatah activists to defected to Hamas-Gaza;
Muhammad Harub, Jihad Islami, who was targeted twice for assassination by Israel;
Abu Al Montaseir Omar, head of Hamas military planning (strategy) department;
Abu Qusai, another senior commander responsible for ex-Fatah combatants;
Nader Jaber, Ezz a-Din al Qassam operations chief in the Gaza Strip;
Khaled Mansour, Jihad Islami military commander in the Gaza Strip;
Muhammad Sanwar, chief of Hamas forces in the central Gaza sector;
Muhammad Abu Shemala, chief of Hamas forces in the South;
Ahmad Randour, chief of Hamas forces in the North.