Iran: Israel used Mojahedin-e Khalq agents to mark Camp Ashraf targets
The Israeli Air Force is claimed by Iranian sources to have used members of the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization living nearby to mark targets for its July 28 air attack on Camp Ashraf in Diyala province. Those sources claim that Maryam Rajavi, the Mojahedin (MKO) leader, paid a secret visit to Tel Aviv a few days before the Israel attack, bringing with her a group of high-ranking loyalists who served in command capacities in the 2000s, when her organization was based at Camp Ashraf. Those loyalists were said to have briefed Israeli intelligence and Air Force personnel on the inner workings of the base and the locations of the various facilities, including the underground weapons storage spaces and tunnels leading to them.
DEBKAfile first broke the story of the Israeli attack on Camp Ashraf on Monday, July 29. (It was picked up two days later without accreditation by the London-based Saudi Sharq al-Awsat.)
Far from denying the attack, officials in Tehran confirmed it in a bitter complaint against Baghdad. Voicing outrage, one Iranian official said: “The annoying question is why Iraqi authorities have, so far, not straightforwardly made any comment on that? Why hasn’t the Baghdad government adopted a clear stance on that?”
Our military and intelligence sources report that as of July 29, Iraqi army forces have placed a wide cordon around Camp Ashraf and blocked all the roads leading to the location Elements of the pro-Iranian Badr Brigades militia threw an inner circle around the base and sealed off all its entrances. Both forces are described as conducting house-to-house searches in nearby civilian areas, apparently hoping to find the spies alleged to have colluded with the attackers.
The Iranians are making no effort to conceal the fact that the most sensitive facilities in the Camp Ashraf compound suffered direct hits and numbers of Revolutionary Guards officers and men were killed. They attribute the success of the IAF raid to the collusion of the Mojahedin-e Khalq underground with Israel intelligence.
Silly Iranians. The rocks and sand tell Israel what to blow up. Israel destroys whatever Iran deploys
I heard a rumor that trees were colluding with the stones to give the Israelis exact co ordinances.
A Few Posters Claim Iran Regime was Winning the Mideast Wars, Propaganda Campaigns, and Proxies Profits but in Reality the Regime has the Nation on Sanctions, IRGC R.I.P. Bases, & IRGC Navy Straits of Hormuz Stoppage. Iran Can’t Beat Woman Anymore Proving Iran Can’t Win on Anything Now?
Message to Iran: sometimes you’re the bird, and sometimes you’re the statue. You will find that when you try to screw with the Israelis, their birds will always be shi*ttiing on you.
On iranian official said that? It’s very strange because when israel attacks iraq nuclear facilities in 80s again iraq government remains silent. It’s normal in arabs standards
Misinformation excuses murder ~ immoral
ай яй яй какие нехорошие израильтяне
Thank you mr Natanyahu and IAF.
Loads of nonesense, for st u pid audience
Mullah’s regime cannot withstand more than 6 months ; Boris Johnson will break up the European support
Iran’s government blaming mojahedin is a standard tactic of scaring its own people. Hitler and Stalin did the same. It is less likely that very scared Iranians will riot,
well done IAF
would be great but wishful thinking….
Norbus… Agree, Good to see Iranian, Kurdish and Israeli Women Not only in Military Uniforms, but Organize, Attacks on IRGC. These Women Lead Eyes on the Prize of Freedom for Persia, Protection of Israel, & Creation of Kurdistan for their Families! The IRGC Can’t Close the Straits with Mines Under This Regime Minds of Kooks for Nukes, Instead of Charity & Education For Persian’s Families, Citizens & Children?
Will Israel protect its sources from retaliation?
Mossad fake news site, inventing an unknown Iranian source
his name is General Fake Al Fake bin Fake
You are spouting the same sh!t, just on a different day. Then again your jihad upbringing will always limit your mind and ability to think…
Abbas… The Trees Made Sling Shots & David Star of Stones to Goliath Philistine, Iranians, & IRGC Fell and Failed to the Ground of Ashes. According to Past Torah, Current Bible & Future Quran Scriptures! PA, Hamas, PLO, Houthis, & Hizballah Now Facing PMO! It was the Iranian News Media that Reported it!
About “fake” we know for sure only about the fake “Palestinian” refugees.
looks like somebody needs to help Israel, because otherwise it looks israel strong and Iran weak …
Good. Now the Iranians are looking for these agents, named above, …to throw a party for them? Free press but not intelligent press. Just like in u.s. Oh by the way this method of targetting cant be used again now. Who wants to be named?
Israel… Pride is deceiving. Although security is paramount for Israel. It has deceived itself thinking it is greater than it actually is. Meaning…
Whilst Israel continues to put great effort into its security… The SCO is no doubt taking a back seat. And carefully monitoring all of Israel’s movements…
Terrorist Ayatollahs we will catch you one by one and will torch you to death. That is best we can do for your crimes against humanity. If Iranian become ISIS for a month only, there will be no regime left?
When Iranians set foot outside of Iran to make war, they need to watch the sky. Big bird may be coming.
Nahh, . . . the F35 is a little bird, . . . hard to see . . . hard to hear, . . .
You sound like ISIS. Go wash your brain with shampoo, you brain washed freak!
The Word “Infantry” is Roman Origins Putting the Younger Soldiers in Front Lines taking First Blows. Once, Iranian Women Organize Overthrow Protests in the Front Lines with Infants. The IRGC Dares Not to Attack, Knowing they Won’t Survive the Counter-Attacks and Their Own Families are in Danger in Return. The IRGC is Impotent & the Regime is Not Worth Keeping As New Persia Emerges!
That’s what happens when everyone in the region hates the mullah’s and their silly little puppets. The enemy of your enemy is your best friend.
As the inspector said, “Round up all the usual suspects”.
And what else can the donkey-brained ayatollahs say: grant the Israeli Air Force another brilliant operation ?!
I’m wondering why no other news outlet broadcast the same news?!
*********************************** IN CONCLUSION TO THIS ARTICLE ****************************************
IRGC pirates guards die like chickens every time they set foot outside Iran’s borders. The only way to escape is to smear themselves with chicken droppings, shove a handful of long feathers in the rear bottom, and pretend they are the new desert penguins, now adapted to the climate change.
It sure looks like NOT EVERYONE in Iraq welcomes Iran’s presence there.
It sure looks like NOT EVERYONE in Iraq welcomes Iran’s presence there.
I’m guessing the same may be true for Syria, Lebanon and Yemen.
It sure looks like NOT EVERYONE in Iraq welcomes Iran’s presence there.
I’m guessing the same may be true for Syria, Lebanon and Yemen.
Maybe add Gaza to that list on behalf of some as of yet unknown faction over there?
– ) ! !
What’s the problem? The dead Iranians are all in paradise.
Provide them with rockets please
This debunks ALL Iranian claims that they can see the US stealth planes. These clowns cannot even figure out, who or what hit them at their camp in Iraq.
give peace a chance