Iran sets up Islamic Jihad cells in Judea and Samaria for rocket attacks on Israel

Palestinian Authority intelligence authorities have uncovered an Iranian attempt to plant rocket-armed Islamic Jihad cells on the West Bank for attacking Israel’s population centers. Three arrests in the Ramallah district ordered by Gen. Majid Frej, head of the PA’s General Intelligence, thwarted a project for constructing home-made rockets. Its findings were passed to Israel’s Shin Bet security service.

DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources report that the three detentions are the tip of the iceberg of Iran’s effort to replicate in Judea and Samaria the sporadic rocket fire offensive from the Gaza Strip against Israeli population centers. The three detainees were discovered receiving instructions from Iran by internet on how to build the rockets and arm them for attack.

So far, the PA authorities have bust one cell, impounded its construction machinery for the rockets and collected six unfinished samples. The Palestinian and Israeli security authorities agree that Iran has only just begun its project for building an offensive rocket infrastructure on the West Bank for attacking Israel’s most densely populated region.

In Gaza, Tehran’s Palestinian proxy, Islamic Jihad, has built a virtually autonomous network which in recent weeks has launched rocket volleys against southern Israel whenever some sort of truce with Hamas was within reach. This campaign is commanded by Baha Abu Ata, head of the Islamic Jihad’s northern wing. He does not take his orders from the movement’s headquarters in Damascus or defer to the Gaza branch, and is not afraid to defy Hamas’ dreaded security services. Abu Ata has several hundred rockets at his disposal and fires them when he receives instructions through an independent communications line directly from the IRGC Al Qods’ headquarters in the Syrian town of Abu Kamal near the Iraqi border.

Palestinian and Israeli security authorities are estimated to have uncovered 90 percent of the pro-Iranian cells planted on the West Bank, but the remaining ten percent may be enough to embark on a rocket campaign against Israel from Judea and Samaria.

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89 thoughts on “Iran sets up Islamic Jihad cells in Judea and Samaria for rocket attacks on Israel

  • Sep 23, 2019 @ 22:33 at 22:33

    Shabak knows it’s a sacrificial offering.
    They better be ready for war.

    • Sep 24, 2019 @ 4:14 at 4:14

      The Long Game for Iranian Democracy! Since 2017, Iran Longest Sustained Period of Unrest in 4 Decades of Clerical Rule in Recurring Rallies, Public Marches, Labor Strikes & Protest, Iranians Organized in Opposition to Social Malaise, Economic Decline & Glaring Clerical Official Corruption Life Under Ayatollahs. The Protests, Persisted despite intensifying Regime Pressure?

      • Sep 24, 2019 @ 18:09 at 18:09

        The Ayatollahs are a pack of Satan worshiping hors.

  • Sep 23, 2019 @ 22:33 at 22:33

    This sounds reasonable to me. Many of Israel’s political parties are in favor of stealing Palestinian land are they not? So it makes sense that the Palestinian people prepare. Iran in this setting is simply protecting is Muslim brothers in much the same way as Jews in America protect and provide for their Israeli tribal members.

    • Sep 23, 2019 @ 22:41 at 22:41

      Israel is blessed and special so no one is allowed to interfere with us. We can do what ever we want because we’re special. How dare other countries give the Palestinian people training and weapons to defend there people.

      Israel must attack and American must use sanctions against these bad people. American must give us more money now. $30’000 for every man woman and child in Israel is not enough. We want more because we special and there are Jews in danger.

      • Sep 23, 2019 @ 23:17 at 23:17

        muslim pigs are blessed by the satanic muhammad and their satanic quran described by Salman Rushdie in the book Satanic Verses.
        $ 30.000 a year international help for every muslim immigrant so called ”falestinians” is not enough. they want more money because terror pays always.
        Muslim use all what money can buy to kill children like recently at a wedding in Afganistan
        The suicide muslim pig blew himself up in the children area and killed them all because they were shiite infidels according to the satanic quran

      • Sep 24, 2019 @ 8:30 at 8:30

        Anon… Something Special, You Bet? Global Powers Now Know Iran How Dangerous Shiia Regime Is On Earth,! Nations Are Coming Together To Share The Burden Against Iran’s Regime Danger As Arabia & Israel Are Brought Together. Fortunately, The Shiia Regime Does Not Know What Arabia & Israel Will Be Doing In The Future. Consequently, Becoming New Friends Forever No One Can Say? But At Least They’re No Longer Old Nor New Enemies?

      • Sep 24, 2019 @ 10:45 at 10:45

        ” American must give us more money now. $30’000 for every man woman and child in Israel is not enough. We want more because we special and there are Jews in danger.”

        Good old “Anonymous”, pretending to be Jewish while munching on a HAM sandwich!

        • Sep 24, 2019 @ 16:53 at 16:53

          @David I believe that Mr Anonymous was been sarcastic… But since you seem to have trouble detecting sarcasm @Anonymous could you please put a line item in to let the slow if mind understand when you are been sarcastic.

          Sarcasm is intellectually a little beyond some.

      • Sep 24, 2019 @ 18:07 at 18:07

        Hey, hate-filled moron. For the past 80 years it has been the Arabs who have been trying to wipe out Israel and Israel has been forced to build up a powerful military to defend herself. They (you) attack and each time lose territory- to the victor belongs the spoils. Even the Quran states that G-d gave the land to the Jews as stated over and over in the Torah. G-d owns to earth and everything in it. You are setting yourself up for another big loss. The fake “Palestinian people” are an invention of the KGB working with Arafat 60 years ago. They are Egyptians, Syrians, Iraquis who migrated to the area to take advantage of the opportunities created by the Jews for a better life. One example is the longevity of Arabs in the area was 35 years. Now it is 75 years. The Jews (Israelis) have brought the land out of the 6thcentury into the 21st. You are too stupid to appreciate it.

    • Sep 23, 2019 @ 23:13 at 23:13

      wrong ahmed and never tommy
      iranian pigs are shiite pigs like you and the arabs from Gaza are sunnite like in Saudi Arabia
      they do not care about the tribal muslim pigs from Hamanistan just want their destruction in a war with Israel
      Saudi Arabia wanted to transform Hamanistan in a hong kong but the satanic ayatollah want the sunni destruction according to the satanic Quran of destruction of infidels

      • Sep 24, 2019 @ 8:43 at 8:43

        Salman… Makes A Superb Point. All Mideast Nations Are Seeking A “Good Mind, Intelligence & Good Thinking”, Except For Iran Shiia Regime. The Shiia Regime Instead Of Seeking Discerning Wisdom With Thorough Thinking Do Not Choose An Useful Life For Persian People. Instead of Generating Good Thoughts, Good Words and Good Deeds Of Freedom. The Regime Demands Persian & Proxies To Be Evil! It Is This Responsibility Reaping Iran Dire Consequences.

    • Sep 23, 2019 @ 23:18 at 23:18

      Its not their land.

      • Sep 24, 2019 @ 8:45 at 8:45

        Anon… It Certainly Not Iran Land In Anyway Either So Iran Has No Business In It!

        • Oct 6, 2019 @ 14:58 at 14:58

          It has actually belonged to Persia longer than any other grouping Including Jews, local or European.

          But Iran doesn’t want to own Palestine.

          They want to keep the occupiers as an enemy so that the US does not attack Iran for feear of a revenge attack on it’s Israel — you guys are just being maintained as a target to deter the US. Iran is not yet able to launch a meaningful attack against the US homeland, so it maintains a threat against the next best thing: Israel. If Peace were to break out between Iran and Israel this deterrence would disappear and Iran would be wiped out.

    • Sep 23, 2019 @ 23:26 at 23:26


      • Sep 23, 2019 @ 23:55 at 23:55

        Tut tut Jimmy Boy, it’s not polite to recount stories of how your mom got pregnant by your granddad lol lol. Be that as it may best you remember to toss your inbred primate of yours a banana when you get home. You know how she loves to play fetch with the banana.

        • Sep 24, 2019 @ 3:38 at 3:38

          ?????????..Still angry about the HOT BANGING I gave your Mother all last week?

          • Sep 24, 2019 @ 5:32 at 5:32

            Oh, this is what is was then, I heard some screams from over the street, but I though he;s doing his mother like usual.

      • Sep 24, 2019 @ 0:00 at 0:00

        I agree, but there is no shame for how one old syphilitic poor and uneducated woman make up for her meals

        • Sep 24, 2019 @ 3:31 at 3:31

          Tommy you Hee Haw too much nonsense…Too many Flee-bites?

    • Sep 24, 2019 @ 0:27 at 0:27

      Give it a rest Tommy. There is no such thing as “Palestinian land” and everyone knows it. There would have to have been a “Palestinian” country that Israel took the land from, in order for that term to even make sense, but there isnt and wont be. Judea & Samaria is the central mountain range of Israel, and Israel will never be occupied again.

    • Sep 24, 2019 @ 0:30 at 0:30

      Jews in America are part of the same people as Jews in Israel. Shiite Persians have nothing to do with Sunni Arabs. Iran is using Arab hatred of Israel as a pretext to annex the Middle East.

    • Sep 24, 2019 @ 0:33 at 0:33

      No, Israel is not stealing palestinian land . If you would educate yourself and look at the boundaries that God laid out in the Holy Bible you would see that Gaza, the West Bank and goes further east into Jordan was given to the Hebrew Nation. Ishmael’s descendants have stolen the land from his half brother, Isaac’s descendants. And you would further understand that the land that God promised was for Abraham Isaac and Jacob’s descendants. Not ishmael’s!

      • Sep 24, 2019 @ 1:27 at 1:27

        But that is the point, the Ashkenazi are NOT of the bloodline. They are converts that largely originated from the area next to the Blacksea which is close north of Turkey. It came as a shock to me as well when our pastor showed us the facts. He was so shaken up by the news that he attended a bible conference many years ago where this was very closely looked at.

      • Sep 24, 2019 @ 1:36 at 1:36

        I hear you. Basically you’re saying Israel has an inalienable Biblical right to the entire Middle East. Which seems only fair. And v. Biblical. And since few if any of the current nationalities and borders around the world existed in Biblical times, they will have to be rewritten in accordance with the Scriptures. This would cause untold world chaos, but if it makes Israelis feel less guilty, who is anyone to complain?

        There is still the small problem that Israel is militarily occupying 5 million Palestinians – a crime against humanity in international law, and in more or less anyone’s law. Or do you have a Biblical justification for the occupation? “Israel shall militarily occupy and slaughter any people it feels like” Chapter 5 Verse 234 Ezekiel or somesuch?

    • Sep 24, 2019 @ 2:02 at 2:02

      Amen may G-d protect the Jewish semitic people from the false ”palestininas” of satanic muslim faith converts from Egypt and Middle East invaders of Israel during Turkish and British Mandate. This infestation of false semitic african arabs people has caused much harm to the people of the region and to the muslim satanic faith. Their dark ways are now evident for all to see but those who have darkened their hearts against you and chosen the path of darkness. May these husks of muhammad be cast back into the darkness from which they came never to arise again.

      Amen SELA

    • Sep 24, 2019 @ 7:54 at 7:54

      “Righteous Power” Denotes the “Power” to Settle In Peace Within Judaism. The People Of Israel, Jewish, Arabs, Christians, Muslims, are Chosen by Free & Wise Cultures within the Ideal Order in Spirit of a Divine Dominion of Democracy in Mind Thoughts, Body Words & Spiritual Seeds of Deeds in Every Social Activity Among Cultural Friends, Community Families, & Political Enemies!

      • Sep 25, 2019 @ 20:48 at 20:48

        Just a little tip. If you want to be read and understood, quit all the ungrammatical caps.

    • Sep 24, 2019 @ 8:29 at 8:29

      Tommy… Iranian Shiia Regime Threats Since 1979 Has Targeted Saudi Arabia & Israel For 40 Years! Now All They Did Was Create A new Mideast Arabian-Israeli Alliance. This Frightens Shiia Now More Than Ever!

    • Sep 24, 2019 @ 10:33 at 10:33

      ” Many of Israel’s political parties are in favor of stealing Palestinian land are they not?”



      All of the archaeology and surviving documentation clearly indicates that the land of Israel has belonged to the Jewish people for well over 3000 years!

      “Iran in this setting is simply protecting is Muslim brothers in much the same way as Jews in America protect and provide for their Israeli tribal members.”

      Tommy, walk over to your living room window, look outside and tell us just one more thing: is it a nice day in Tehran today?

    • Sep 24, 2019 @ 11:11 at 11:11

      @ tommy,sure,go and see how china treats the ouighour muslims,they know what is going on and how to treat the problem

    • Sep 25, 2019 @ 20:45 at 20:45

      Read history, ignoramus. You know nothing. There is no such thing as Palestinian land. When Mark Twain was there in the 19th Century the land was practically deserted. The last Turkish Caliph encouraged people from all over the Caliphate to settle in Israel because he saw that the British were going to allow the Jews to return, just as God told his prophets 2600 years ago that they would, and the Caliph wanted to thwart the re-launch of Israel. But God is in control so they will not succeed. You have fallen for a myth because you know nothing of history or God’s prophets. So quit your infantile logic here.

    • Sep 25, 2019 @ 21:27 at 21:27

      Lol, very true Tommy ?

      My great home it that this does not happen. If it does its the end of the peace process. Which means that BDS formal sanctions will need to be applied to destroy the Israeli economy and to force the eviction of Israeli settlements and financial reparations to the Palestinians.

      Europe is going to be Islamic in generation and we can see the political movement against Israel here. So the final outcome is going to be disastrous for Israel.

  • Sep 23, 2019 @ 22:42 at 22:42

    Israel would retaliate and make a regime change.

    • Sep 23, 2019 @ 23:44 at 23:44

      For now, Israelis decide what happens within its borders. It’s also strong enough to determine those borders. Those challenging Israel have ended up much worse off than they could imagine. Those living in peace wit Israel do very well.

    • Sep 24, 2019 @ 9:19 at 9:19

      Moishe… The Iranian Shiia Regime Since 1979 Is A Beast That Torments Persian Subjects, Makes Their Own People Angry Crying Out Loud, “Send Us A Companion For Iran Salvation” & Spare Us From This Regimes Madness Hate Of Middle East Peace. The Regime Now Struggle Against Not One Common Foe, But Against Global Foes. All Worldwide Technology, Experience, Universal Communications, Contact Conflicts & Eventual Common Sense Must Stand Up Sails Unfurled To Remove These Evil Doers. The Remarkable Adorable Persian People Were Created Spiritual Being Worthy Of Honor Abstract Ideas & Virtues! They Must Stand Up Too When They See The Regime Evils.

      • Sep 24, 2019 @ 11:18 at 11:18

        ” They Must Stand Up Too When They See The Regime Evils.”


        Those that did (in unauthorized protest marches) now lie buried or still in one of the regime’s notorious prisons.

  • Sep 23, 2019 @ 23:02 at 23:02

    Jerusalem is a special city, no homes allowed in and 2 miles around the city walls, closes at dawn.
    Defended and security ensured by dedicated corps, just like Vatican.

    • Sep 23, 2019 @ 23:28 at 23:28

      Gantz must sacrifice himself, tear down all West Bank and forcibly drive in Gaza all population without Israel citizenship. Then he gets pardon and protection from Netanyahu. But afterwards must not leave Israel ever.

      • Sep 23, 2019 @ 23:53 at 23:53

        The so called “Palestinians” are vagabonds from the slums of Cairo.

        • Sep 24, 2019 @ 0:40 at 0:40

          Hmm reverse it maybe? The Jews are from the slums of Europe, the ghettos are they not? Except in the Palestinians case we had hard working families who had been living peacefully here for generations.

          • Sep 24, 2019 @ 1:52 at 1:52

            half of the so called palestinians are immigrants which came during the British mandate, including so called ”arafat” which was born in Cairo. in 1869 Mark Twain discoveries Jerusalem with more jews than arabs. after 1967 Hebron arabs moved to East Jerusalem…thing prohibited to them by the Jordanians till 1967.
            Jews lived for generations in Hebron before being murdered by muslim pigs immigrants like you in `1929.

          • Sep 24, 2019 @ 11:23 at 11:23

            ” Except in the Palestinians case we had hard working families who had been living peacefully here for generations.”

            @ “Tommy Tom”,

            Those so-called “Palestinians” took land that didn’t belong to them.

  • Sep 23, 2019 @ 23:33 at 23:33

    All Ahhhh Ack Barff

  • Sep 23, 2019 @ 23:57 at 23:57

    …All hopes and prayers are now with the Almighty God of Israel and his own Nation’s inherent Wisdom,
    that will sort all this out for Israel’s and indeed the whole World’s benefit !

    • Sep 24, 2019 @ 0:01 at 0:01


    • Sep 24, 2019 @ 0:22 at 0:22

      Amen may G-d protect the Palestinian semetic people from the non semitic false white Jewish faith converts from Europe. This infestation of false semetic people has caused much harm to the people of the region and to the Jewish faith. Their dark ways are now evident for all to see but those who have darkened their hearts against you and chosen the parth of darkness. May these husks of the klipoth be cast back into the darkness from which they came never to arise again.


      • Sep 24, 2019 @ 1:57 at 1:57

        Amen may G-d protect the Jewish semetic people from the non semitic false white satanic muslim faith converts from Egypt and Middle East invaders of Israel during Turkish and British Mandate. This infestation of false semetic people has caused much harm to the people of the region and to the muslim satanic faith. Their dark ways are now evident for all to see but those who have darkened their hearts against you and chosen the parth of darkness. May these husks of muhammad be cast back into the darkness from which they came never to arise again.

        Amen SELA

      • Sep 24, 2019 @ 11:12 at 11:12

        @ tommy,sure,go and see how china treats the ouighour muslims,they know what is going on and how to treat the problem

    • Sep 24, 2019 @ 9:01 at 9:01

      Yosef… Thank You, For Posting Good Thoughts! The Land Of Milk & Honey Is Shared By Jewish & Palestinians Showing The Way Of Middle East “Holy Serenity, Devotion & Tranquility Compliance For Mutual. Peace & Prosperity. It Blessed With Fertile Earth Perfect Mindedness Through Humility, Faith, Piety, Among Worshipers of Jehovah-Allah That Are One On Hallow Grounds. Alleluia!

      • Sep 24, 2019 @ 15:50 at 15:50

        Thanks for kind words, Hordad. By the way, I am nationalist Jew !

  • Sep 24, 2019 @ 0:47 at 0:47

    I don’t know why we have to fight these proxies for the last few decades. These proxies have no option but to obey the order from the Mullas. If the Mullas won’t feel any pain then there is no incentive for them to stop using the proxies to fight for them.

  • Sep 24, 2019 @ 1:15 at 1:15

    Give up control over security in Judea-Samaria and you will open the floodgates to all the worst terrorists in the world.

  • Sep 24, 2019 @ 1:26 at 1:26

    If they are unable to secure a foothold in the West Bank, they will try Jordan next door which is ripe with the Brotherhood there and the Palestinians there who are ready to overthrow the King of Jordan and to establish an Iranian eastern flank surrounding Israel. This is Iran’s plan for Jordan. Bye bye King Abdullah II of Jordan.

  • Sep 24, 2019 @ 1:32 at 1:32

    Praise God, soon we are all going to be raptured. We need to do more to help Iran so this can be speeded up ???

  • Sep 24, 2019 @ 3:33 at 3:33

    Now is the moment to leave aside the mask of politically correct and go full power. There is not such a fancy thing as “boycott, divestment and sanctions”, the plain truth is:


    But kids in university and people without military training still could help by demonstrations and screams and civil disorder, in order to create chaos and influence other people not yet aligned.

    Kids are very easy to grab, they do not know the history, if you scream a lot they will believe the BDS cause is the right one.

    • Sep 24, 2019 @ 4:06 at 4:06

      Lol @little Ziocon impostor, BDS is the best way short of violence to Red Pill the Israeli population into change.

      Israel loves to talk about it been a democracy when in fact it is an apartheid state built on exploitation and racism.

      • Sep 24, 2019 @ 5:40 at 5:40

        I’m sick of your endless wars and burning tires and incendiary balloons, the Earth suffers because of your CO2 footprint! Savages!

        • Sep 25, 2019 @ 20:51 at 20:51

          Another deluded CO2 fanatic. Fanatism and ignorance are linked. Try researching the sun’s cycles and the doctoring of the research reviews to twist the results into the man-made global warming hoax and get yourself a brain.

      • Sep 24, 2019 @ 6:19 at 6:19

        every muslim country from Fakistan to Algeria is an apartheid state where all the minorities are subject to exploitation , racism and murder. Recently the pigs of Allah the satan killed all the children in Afghanistan at a wedding just because it was a shia wedding.

      • Sep 24, 2019 @ 9:38 at 9:38

        Tommy… Look Upon Towards “Holy Guardian Angels”, To Guide You To Better Thinking Throughout Life. Just as IDF Patrols The Samaria-Judea Boundaries To Protect The Ramparts of Heavenly Israel For All Within. Your Angels Will Volunteer To Descend To Earth To Stand & Change Your Views To The End Of Their Days As Well As Your Own. Invoke The Guardians For Help Whenever You Find Confusion Danger With You! Don’t Let Hate Destroy You. Allow The Manifest Energy Of G-d Preserve Your Creation Order.

      • Sep 24, 2019 @ 11:40 at 11:40

        “Israel loves to talk about it been a democracy when in fact it is an apartheid state built on exploitation and racism.”


        Looks like you’re not aware that Israel just had an election. BTW, just when was the last time something called an “election” was held in the territory controlled by the so-called “Palestinian Authority”…………….or in Gaza???????

        Israeli Arabs get to vote and directly participate in the Israeli Government. By contrast, there is a sign posted on the border between Israel and the territory controlled by the “Palestinian Authority” which announces that it is forbidden for Israelis to enter that territory.

        It’s obvious that the actual facts on the ground do not support anything that you claim, Tommy!

        • Sep 24, 2019 @ 17:53 at 17:53

          Imagine Israel were not bullied by the arabs…it would be the Oase in desert land…
          offcourse any state/land/society that gets bullied that way…..would end up being an appartheid state..
          dont blame Jews, blame the Palestinians

  • Sep 24, 2019 @ 6:57 at 6:57

    Some very bad is going to happen.This is where we all agree in our subconscious

  • Sep 24, 2019 @ 11:13 at 11:13

    @ tommy,sure,go and see how china treats the ouighour muslims,they know what is going on and how to treat the problem

  • Sep 24, 2019 @ 11:42 at 11:42

    So this is the TWO STATE SOLUTION with Pals and Jews living in two states side by side? This is exactly why such a “solution” from the 1990s Oslo fairy tale is exactly a dead duck.If such a two state solution should be allowed,this is what to expect.

  • Sep 24, 2019 @ 15:46 at 15:46


    • Sep 25, 2019 @ 20:54 at 20:54

      It will soon come.

  • Sep 24, 2019 @ 15:50 at 15:50

    ============================ in conclusion to this article ============================

    Jordan is in fact the Palestinian state. It is however, ruled by the foreign Hashemites.

    • Sep 24, 2019 @ 16:02 at 16:02

      And the Ashkenazi which make up 95% of the Israeli Jews are NOT of the bloodline. They are converts that largely originated from the area next to the Blacksea which is close north of Turkey. It came as a shock to me as well when our pastor showed us the facts. He was so shaken up by the news that he attended a bible conference many years ago where this was very closely looked at. The Semitic people are the people of the area not the white European Jews.

    • Sep 24, 2019 @ 16:32 at 16:32

      Another great book my the same Israeli University Professor. If we really want to understand what’s going on we need to read. There are far to many people who have been selling us this lie for decades because it’s now become a billion dollar business and their is so much incentive for their political lobbyists to keep the funding going. I think I’ve made my point to the Christians that their is a lot more to this story than we are been told.

      • Sep 24, 2019 @ 17:59 at 17:59

        I wrote a book too: that my mamma is really my daddy …Stupid comments my friend!

      • Sep 24, 2019 @ 18:37 at 18:37

        Yes we Jews know that our ancestors converted many centuries ago. The reason why this is not openly talked about is we need the American evangelical support. They would not have supported us had they known that very few Jews worldwide are of the original Jewish tribes. Most Jews have no semetic blood so there is much fear and also denial about this topic.


      • Sep 24, 2019 @ 18:38 at 18:38

        Samantha you need to stop taking your Brother Tommy’s smelly little priick in your mouth all day long. You are babbling incoherently!

        • Sep 25, 2019 @ 21:19 at 21:19

          @JIM, Samantha’s message is very clear for anyone who is open to the truth Jim and not trying to hide it.

          This is an open secret in the Jewish community as well you know. Though the it is downplayed as it makes the religious nutjobs feel “less special”. Yes this also significantly undermines the Zionist propaganda that they have sold to the ignorant American Christians.

          So if you were to return to your homeland Jim how does it feel to know that its the Ukraine lol. Land is plentiful there and nutjobs like you and the other Zionists would fit right in.

  • Sep 24, 2019 @ 18:09 at 18:09

    For the past 80 years it has been the Arabs who have been trying to wipe out Israel and Israel has been forced to build up a powerful military to defend herself. They (you) attack and each time lose territory- to the victor belongs the spoils. Even the Quran states that G-d gave the land to the Jews as stated over and over in the Torah. G-d owns to earth and everything in it. You are setting yourself up for another big loss. The fake “Palestinian people” are an invention of the KGB working with Arafat 60 years ago. They are Egyptians, Syrians, Iraquis who migrated to the area to take advantage of the opportunities created by the Jews for a better life. One example is the longevity of Arabs in the area was 35 years. Now it is 75 years. The Jews (Israelis) have brought the land out of the 6thcentury into the 21st. You are too stupid to appreciate it.

  • Sep 24, 2019 @ 18:33 at 18:33

    It is obvious that Iran will continue to build offensive military forces around Israel solely for the purpose of destroying Israel or bombing it into submission. It is not a question of whether or not there will be an overwhelming Iranian attack against Israel, but WHEN!

    Does it make sense to sit back and wait for Iran to become strong enough to destroy Israel, or must Israel do much more to weaken Iran’s threat, at the risk of all out war? Tough question but waiting is not an option!

  • Sep 24, 2019 @ 19:02 at 19:02

    My concern, expressed by many strategic thinking persons/planning organizations after 911DAY: 10’s of thousands Iranian expatriates and outright partisans living under the radar in the lower 48. This was a factor in leaving Iran alone at the time. Iran actually became cooperative with US policymakers for a short period until realizing US was going to leave them alone….

    The internal (Iranian sympathizers) threat still exists in the USA. Once Iran receives the attention Iranian common citizens fear & Mullahs are begging for, the fat is in the fire beyond the borders of Iran. Sabotage in western democracies could be widespread, affecting Transportation/Communications & Utilities. USA food distribution shall be targeted, in line with Qur’an instructions to destroy crops of the infidel. Same old same old. For readable narrative, see William Forstchen “ONE SECOND AFTER” Notable example of food supply targeting was seen in Gaza when Israel pulled back: The greenhouses were destroyed, revealing for anyone with eyes to see the dark heart of Israel’s adversaries

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