Iran inches towards restarting nuclear program after attacking Gulf oil infrastructure

How big a threat is Iran’s decision on Monday, May 20, to increase fourfold production of low-grade enriched uranium and halt the “modernization” of its Arak plant?

Iran has stocked no more than 15-16 kg of low-grade, 3.67pc enriched uranium, according to DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources. This is far below the 300kg cap set by the JCPOA – the nuclear accord Iran signed with six world powers in 2015. It would take Iran’s enrichment plants months to reach that maximum amount, and only then if advanced centrifuges were put to work, in direct violation of that accord.

Therefore, the announcement of a fourfold production boost by an official at the Natanz enrichment site on Monday has little practical relevance at this time for Iran’s nuclear development program.

As for the centrifuges, Iran is allowed to operate 6,000 outdated machines at the Natanz plant in central Iran. Another 19,000 centrifuges, some advanced versions, stand idle, in line with the pact’s provisions. Getting all those machines spinning again after four years of unemployment presents a major technological challenge, for which it is hard to see Iran having the manpower and industrial resources to hand.  Natanz is also handicapped by tours of inspection by the UN’s International Atomic Energy Commission and military surveillance satellites some of them Israeli, watching overhead. Under these conditions, Tehran will find it difficult to take uranium enrichment up to the next 20pc level on the way to weapons grade fuel. However, as recently as last December, Ali Akhbar Salehi, head of Iran’s nuclear energy commission, spoke of 1,044 centrifuges “currently ready” at Fordow (the once-secret underground enrichment facility near the holy city of Qom). “If the establishment wants, we will restart 20pc uranium enrichment there.”

The Fordow centrifuges waiting at Fordow are faster than the machines at Natanz. For now, there is no sign that enrichment there has indeed resumed.

Also covered by the JCPOA was the Arak heavy water reactor, which can produce plutonium. Under the pact, Iran was obliged to convert the plant to civilian use. Tehran never met this obligation. Instead, it performed certain deceptive steps which kept the Arak reactor inactive while still capable of restarting its prohibited functions. This is what was meant by Iran’s Supreme National Council statement on My 8 that “Iran would cease implementation of measures related to the modernization of the Arak Heavy Water Reactor.” Those “modernization” measures were never in fact implemented in full and have left Arak still capable of resuming plutonium production if its functions ae fully restored.

That, too, has not happened thus far. Our military and intelligence sources note, therefore, that, after announcing its partial withdrawal from the nuclear pact, Tehran is moving forward cautiously towards reviving the banned elements of its nuclear program. Preparations are being slowly put in place so that in the event of the confrontation with Washington escalating sharply, those preparations could spring into execution at short notice.

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63 thoughts on “Iran inches towards restarting nuclear program after attacking Gulf oil infrastructure

  • May 21, 2019 @ 17:43 at 17:43

    There is no law against having nuclear power.

    • May 21, 2019 @ 17:55 at 17:55

      There is also no law against brutally abusing Freedom of Speech: even for donkey-brained, hatred-blinded
      species like Ahmadinedjad…

      • May 21, 2019 @ 18:35 at 18:35


        • May 22, 2019 @ 22:57 at 22:57

          ey debka medyası israilin 500 adet nükleer silahı var niye israilin nükleer silahını ortadoğu için tehlike oluşturuyor demiyorsunuz israilin hakkı oluyorda nükleer silaha israil dışında hiçbir ülkenin hakkı yok mu ey debka medyası olayları çarpıtmayın

        • May 23, 2019 @ 3:31 at 3:31

          7500 rusya abd 6500 ingiltere 600 fransa 450 çin 400 bu ülkelerin nükleer silah sayısı ve uzaya yerleştirdikleri nükleer silha tüm dünyayı tehdit ediyor israil neden bu ülkeleri tehdit olarak söylemiyor özellikle abd ve rusyanın nükleer silah sayısı tüm dünya için tehdit değilmi ey israil rejimi siyonist yahudileri israilin yanında ve arkasında olan abd rusya ingiltere fransa ingiltere ve diğer tüm avrupa ülkeleri israilin yanındayken üstelik ortadoğuda tek nükleer güç olan israil natonunda her türlü israili desteklerken hiç nükleer silahı olmayan irandanmı korkuyor israil bu ne saçmalık tek nükleer güç israil nükleer silahı olmayan irandanmı korkuyorüstelik dünyanın bütün süper güçleri israili desteklerken israil köpek gibi irandan korkuyor

      • May 21, 2019 @ 18:45 at 18:45

        Yes, the Israeli Mossad is watching Persia from above like a big America eagle. Also, Mossad is already in Persia, ready to cart out another batch of top secret Persian nuclear documents. ? ? ? ? LOL!

        • May 21, 2019 @ 22:02 at 22:02


        • May 22, 2019 @ 3:39 at 3:39

          Without an army they’re going to win a war against Iran?

          A lot of good that surveillance did in Syria. For almost a decade ISISrael’s air force bombed the Syrian Arab Army in defense of the Saud family’s head chopping mercenaries. Millions of dollars (subsidized by Uncle Sam) wasted to bankroll and backstop terrorists. And for what?

          How many nubile Zionist caregivers were served up to provide succor and sweet lovin’ to alCIAda in the Stolen Golan? 72 per heart gobbler?

      • May 21, 2019 @ 20:39 at 20:39

        yeah he “brutalizes” goats…

      • May 21, 2019 @ 21:41 at 21:41

        The squatters show that every week, when they open fire on children, medics, media, etc., all of whom live in a Concentration Camp created by European antisemites.

        • May 22, 2019 @ 1:17 at 1:17

          Weakling spider web: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^”If I keep telling the same old worn-out lies, maybe somebody will believe them?”^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ? ? ? ? LOL!!!

    • May 21, 2019 @ 18:08 at 18:08

      israilin 500 nükleer silahları ortadoğu için büyük tehdit oluşturuyor

      • May 21, 2019 @ 20:00 at 20:00

        Stupid Turkish dog, Israel is more powerful than Third World SHlTholes Fascist Iran or Fascist Turkey.

    • May 22, 2019 @ 0:26 at 0:26

      You cannot trust the iranians. They have probably been violating the Accord all along, producing enriched uranium in other, secret underground facilities.

      • May 22, 2019 @ 23:04 at 23:04

        peki siz israilin necef çölündeki yeraltı dimona nükleer tesisi ve daha bilmediğimiz nice israil nükleer tesisi ne olacak unutma siyonist aptal yahudi ortadoğuda tek nükleer güç israildir

    • May 22, 2019 @ 2:51 at 2:51

      but lying about its civilian uses is still lying – iran is trying to build nuclear bombs.

      • May 22, 2019 @ 23:09 at 23:09

        aptal siyonist ırakıda işgal ettiğinizde öyle yalanlar uydurmuştuz sonra gerçek ortaya çıktıki ırakta tek nükleer silah veya kitle imha silahı bulunmadı eğer bulunsaydı zaten sizin gibi siyonist alçak yahudiler islamın kalbi ırakı işgal edemezdi libyayada aynı nükleer bahaneyle işgal ettiz abd ve natto yine boşa çıktı hiçbir nükleer ize libyada rastlanamdı hiçbir zaman ama siz ülkeleri alçakça işgal edip insanların mülteci durumuna düşmesine sebeb olduz ama allah azze ve celledir sizin evanjelist hristiyanların ve siyonist yahudi lobilerin hesabı varsa allahında en etkili hesabı şüphesiz vadır bunu hiçbir zaman unutmayın siyonistler ırkçı islam düşmanları

    • May 22, 2019 @ 10:38 at 10:38

      Lesson Taught & Lessons Learned!
      Notice how the Iranian Regimes always back down once the US Navy steps in with Red Lines that manage Iran’s Antagonisms? This is because Tehran’s Shiia Leadership, has always been Howling and Growling much like Kittens and Cubs not True Persian Lions Anymore.

      It did not take much time, but Two Iran Navy and Revolutionary Guard Navy Cubs, Inside and Outside the Arabian Gulf have Learned to Bowed Down when Facing the American Naval Eagles. Anytime America chooses to cross into the Strait of Hormuz without regard to their Cubs Meow Howling.

      Once again, America has Trained New Iranian Cubs how to behave presiding over a broken Iranian Navy that ended up stranded in South Africa for Emergency Repairs and had no way to come Home a few years ago.

      These Iranian Cubs now understand their “Blazing Self-Confidence in Diapers” and “Wet Behind The Ears”, Inexperienced cannot since they are Timid Kittens?

      The United States Navy has put both back in the Arabian-American Gulf Cages learned American Red Lines Rule Persia Behavior. Just like Centuries before under Alexander, Sunnis Arabian Domination, and British Imperial Rulers that found the Oil. As well as, Decades Ago when Shiia Sheep Servants have to schooled by Reagan, Bush and now Trump! Or Eagles will swoop down and devour Shiia Chickens and Cubs if they dare to play outside their Cages?

      • May 22, 2019 @ 18:03 at 18:03

        The Strait of Hormuz is an international waterway.

        • May 23, 2019 @ 3:47 at 3:47

          The Straits of the Arabian-American Gulf are Free since the US Navy Protects Freedom of Seas. Unlike the Iranian Shiia Regime that are like Chickens Bluffing about Closing, and as Allah Proves is on the Side of the Americas not Iranian Shiia!

      • May 22, 2019 @ 23:16 at 23:16

        nükleer ve atom buluşlarını islam alimleri bulmasına rağmen islam ülkeleri nükleer güç olamıyor ama israil ve diğer abd rusya avrupa ülkelerinin tamamı israil nükleer güç oluyor ama esas buluşu yapan iranlı cabir bin hayyan cabir ibn razi ibni reşid gazali farabi gibi bir çok iranlı islam alimi nükleer buluşu icat etti ama haçlı seferleriyle bu nükleer ve atom buluşları iranda çalındı ve bugün yahudiler tarafından haçlı seferleriyle çalınarak geliştirilip bugün dünyada işte zalimler böyle iranlı islam alimleri sayesinde sonrasında yahudilerin haçlı seferleriyle iranda nükleer projeleri buluşları avrupaya kaçırarak her dile çevirip geliştirdiler sonra avrupa kendi içinde yayıldı alamanyadaki ırkıçılıktan zulümden kaçan yahudiler abdye kaçıp amaerikayı nükleer güç yapan yahudiler dünyanın başına abdyi bela etmiştir yani iran sayesinde emperyalistler nükleer güç olmuştur

    • May 22, 2019 @ 13:48 at 13:48

      Pakistan and North Korea and Russia and China will be happy to help any rogue regime gain nuclear bomb status. The UN and EU will sit back and applaud- enjoying the contracts they get from the violent expansionist Islamic State if Iran.

      • May 22, 2019 @ 23:24 at 23:24

        sizden daha büyük emperyalistler varmı ey israil siyonist yahudisi si amerika fransa ingiltere rusya kanada gibi emperyalistlerle nükleer güç olmadızmı siz ortadoğuda at koşturan cayorsunuz her ülkeye alçak siyonist gibi işgal ediyorsunuz ırak afganistan libya yemen lübnan gibi ülkeleri işgal ediyorsunuz sonra adi bir şekilde önünüzdebüyük engel gibi gösterip yani büyük oratdoğu yahudi projesi kapsamında iranı kötü gösterip her ülkeyi irana düşman etmeye çalıştırıyorsunuz ırakta saddama yapıldığı gibi sonra siz iranlı islam alimleri sayesinde yukarıda belirttiğim isimler sayesinde yani cabir bin hayyan gibi cabir ibni razi gibi iranı islam alimleri sayesinde dünya nükleer güç oldu siz hangi hakla irana engel oluyorsunuz sizden daha büyük işgalci sahte rejim varmı dünyada hergün filistinlilere katliam yapıyorsunuz alçak soykırımcılar ortadoğuda genişlemek yalnızca sizin gibi alçaklara mahsustur

    • May 22, 2019 @ 23:33 at 23:33

      israil nükleer gücüyle yeraltındaki nükleer gizli tesisleriyle gizli bomba yapan israil ortadoğuda tek nükleer güç olan israil ortadoğu ülkelerinin tamamı için büyük tehlikedir bir kez daha söylüyorum bugün dünya güçleri hangisi olursa olsun eğer nükleer güç olmuşsa yahudilerin haçlı seferleriyle iranda islam alimlerinin bulmuş ve icat etmiş olduğu nükleer icatlar iran sayesinde olmuştur çünkü yüce rabbimiz kuranı kerimde müslümanlara inananlar için atomu ve nükleeri zerrecik olarak belirtmiş ve islam alimlerinin çalışmaları buluşları allahın belirttiği zerrecekte yola çıkarak iranlı islam alimleri bulmuştur ama haçlı seferleriye yahudiler hristiyanlar bu iranın bulmuş olduğu onbinlerce yazılan nükleer kitapları çalarak avrupaya kaçıran yahudi vehristiyanlar çeşitli dillere çevirmiştir örnekmi latince almanca italyanca ispanyolca ingilizce ve daha birçok avrupa diline çevirerek başarıya ulaştılar yahudi ve hristiyanlar

  • May 21, 2019 @ 17:56 at 17:56

    There is also no law against brutally abusing Freedom of Speech: even for donkey-brained, hatred-blinded
    species like Ahmadinedjad…

    • May 21, 2019 @ 18:09 at 18:09

      nükleer güç israil ve nükleer abd ortadoğu ve dünya için büyük tehdit oluşturuyor

    • May 21, 2019 @ 20:07 at 20:07

      Ahmadinedjad!??? He is not even a player in Iran anymore! hahahahahah

    • May 21, 2019 @ 21:41 at 21:41

      The squatters show that every week, when they open fire on children, medics, media, etc., all of whom live in a Concentration Camp created by European antisemites.

    • May 22, 2019 @ 23:35 at 23:35

      israil 500 nükleer bombasıyla yerde gökte her yerde büsbüyük tüm dünya için bir tehdittir işgalcidir darbecidir

  • May 21, 2019 @ 17:58 at 17:58

    I am Pro-Perisan bringing King Cyrus Wisdom to the Middle East among all Devoted Followers of Sons and Daughters of Abraham Traditions. Fruitful Messages from Jevohah-Allah within Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are better and all coming from Prophets in Moses, Jesus, and Mohamed the Messengers from same G-d. They taught all of us to turn Strangers into Families and Enemies into Friends. Much as King Cyrus of Persia and King Solomon of Israel did for All Cultures, Nations, and People in the Middle East!

    This Iranian Shiia Regime only Spreads Hate, Death, and Destruction as seen by their Deeds of Deceit that make the People of Gaza, Yemen, Iraq, Lebanon and Iran suffer in Pain, Poverty, and Death to Everyone!

    Unlike Jevohah-Allah seeks Everyone to Live Long and Prospers as Intended from Holy Messengers in the Middle East!

    • May 21, 2019 @ 18:12 at 18:12

      israilin nükleer silahları bölge için tehdit oluşturmuyorda iranmı tehdit oluşturuyor bu çok saçma iranı büyük ortadoğu projesinde engel gördüğünüz için iranı süreklü kötü gösteriyorsunuz ortadoğuda sürekli iranı dünyaya tehdit gösteriyorsunuz israilin gerçek yüzünü söylemiyorsunuz

  • May 21, 2019 @ 18:03 at 18:03

    Like AI, Iran threatens and curses Israel. This is prima facie reason Iran is on the road to destruction and nothing in the writings of Islam hedges Iran. Unfortunately for the west, there are wide reaching consequences when Iran goes down, owing to the fact Iranian/Muslim partisans will take action wherever they have insinuated themselves. No easy way out without an Epiphany in Mohammedanism.

    America has 30,000,000 infant sacrifices in the closet, so there will be Divine reckoning not protected by ocean ramparts. James Howard Kunstler: THE LONG EMERGENCY is helpful look into post WWIII America. Kunstler alludes to the need for reconnecting pre-Vietnam era railway lines, particularly rail links into agricultural production districts. As in: Famine Hedge… Baby step: Preposition container lifts.

  • May 21, 2019 @ 18:14 at 18:14

    siz israil nükleer silahlarla ortadoğuya çok büyük tehditte bulunuyorsunuz israil nükleer gücüne abd ye rusyaya kanadaya brezilyaya avrupa ülkelerinin tamamına güvenerek ortadoğuda her ülkeye saldırıyor abd ve natoyu zorlayarak ülkeleri işgal ettiriyor israil israil dünya için çok büyük bir tehdittir lanet olsun israile

  • May 21, 2019 @ 18:16 at 18:16

    abd nato ülkeleri israil kanada rusya sırbistan dünyanın en çok işgalci olan ülkeleridir

  • May 21, 2019 @ 18:18 at 18:18

    abd rusya israil kanada brezilyanın şimdiki başkanı avrupa ülkeleri nükleer güçler olan bu ülkelerin tamamı ve nato tüm dünya düzeni için tehdittir israil ortadoğuda tek nükleer güç olan büyük bir tehlikedir

  • May 21, 2019 @ 18:20 at 18:20

    israil tüm dünya düzeni için büyük tehdit ve tek nükleer güç olarak ortadoğuda gücüne güvenerek her ülkeye kan kusturuyor kendisinin dışında nükleer güç olan ülkelere sırf israil saldırı yapamaz diye izin vermiyor başka ülkelerin nükleer güç olmasına izin vermiyor

    • May 21, 2019 @ 20:45 at 20:45

      it’s the only sheriff in town to keep u going after each other’s throat and to look after the goats’ safety…

  • May 21, 2019 @ 18:21 at 18:21

    israil ortadoğu için çok tehlikeli olan tek nükleer güç ülke kimse israilin nükleer silahları ne için var diye sormuyor israilin mutlak gücü olmaz olsun yıkılsın israil rejimi

  • May 21, 2019 @ 18:46 at 18:46

    You keep mentioning “The accord”. It is the USA who withdrew from “The accord”, so why should Iran adhere to it?

  • May 21, 2019 @ 19:43 at 19:43

    This article neglects to mention that part of the agreement involved sending the lion’s share of uranium to the Russians, not that they’d be too quick to part with it again.

  • May 21, 2019 @ 20:15 at 20:15

    You can poke a bear once and maybe get away with it, but if you keep poking him, he’s going to get really angry. The Iranians weren’t the one who revoked the nuclear deal. It’s the idiot in the white house who is to be blamed!

    • May 22, 2019 @ 2:13 at 2:13

      Wake up. The deal was worthless.

  • May 21, 2019 @ 21:03 at 21:03

    Ya! Iran had to attack Gulf Oil Infrastructure so that they can Restart Nuclear so that It Can Be Destroyed. Ya! Debka! Ya! That Had To Be Your Exclusive??!!

    Are you Jewish People running out of lies and manipulating situations? I understand that centuries of lying and manipulating would thin out anyone’s program … but you are Master Manipulators on this Planet. You Can Do It! Just Do It!

    • May 21, 2019 @ 21:08 at 21:08

      cheats. not worth playing with.

  • May 21, 2019 @ 21:05 at 21:05

    Résistance made in Iran……….more to come.Time to act.

    • May 21, 2019 @ 21:39 at 21:39

      Haven’t you heard!? The Chief Twitter is going to Tweet Guido in as the new Shah!

      Kushner, BiBi, and MbS will celebrate by going around-the-world.

  • May 21, 2019 @ 21:18 at 21:18

    turkce yazan – aptal aptal laf ediyorsun. Israil Iran’dan tut orta dogudaki hic bir ulke icin “yok” edilmelidir diye bir laf etmedi. Esas problem Iranin halkini ezerek, dini kisisel cikarlar icin kullanan cubbeli kopeklerdir.

  • May 21, 2019 @ 21:45 at 21:45

    Not on Trump’s watch.

  • May 21, 2019 @ 22:11 at 22:11

    Nuke them.

  • May 21, 2019 @ 22:28 at 22:28

    Dear people at debka implement a filter to block turkish “language”

  • May 21, 2019 @ 23:32 at 23:32

    Debka site has become a visual mouthpiece for Turkish evil-mongers — and does nothing about it ?!
    Till this is corrected, worthy Jewish posters including myself, will abstain !

    • May 22, 2019 @ 0:06 at 0:06

      Juzek przestan wstyd robic. Przestan pic. Kasy nie dostaniesz.

      Cicho juz byc gnido. Darmowej ziemi juz nie znajdziesz. Gdzie pojdziesz dalej Gnido?

  • May 21, 2019 @ 23:58 at 23:58

    Yosef … are all Jews Israelis? Nationality wise? How does that work. Let’s say a Jewish family living in Peru … are hey Peruvian or Jewish?

    • May 22, 2019 @ 2:58 at 2:58

      are you stupid, or just stupid?

  • May 22, 2019 @ 1:04 at 1:04

    stay in Persia where its safe

  • May 22, 2019 @ 20:00 at 20:00

    The long national nightmare of Netanyahu machinations in America is FINALLY over May 31st 2019 – the too late to do anything but tuck and kiss it goodbye tick tock of onrushing the May 31 court ordered release of ALL of Flynn’s desperate Netanyahu-Kushner directed talks with Amb Kislyak to veto UN 2334 and subvert President Obama. Faster, please

    • May 22, 2019 @ 20:07 at 20:07

      Forget Iran, forget the Golan, forgt Judea and Samaria, forget the Kahanists, forget the Annexation. forget the Jerusalem capital, forget the Apartheid.
      Trump sold Netanyahu the Brooklyn Bridge, Golan, and Judea and Samaria. Both for playing the other for suckers.
      Forget Bolton’s ‘Neocon Rescue Mission’ for Bibi using the USS Lincoln

  • May 23, 2019 @ 3:02 at 3:02

    NATO should just bomb these nuclear facilities already and give the Iranian people their country back from the Ayatolla. It is ridiculous that the world sits in fear of this situation. This should have been handled years ago. This is 2019 already and the terrorists should be eliminated once and for all.

    • May 23, 2019 @ 5:40 at 5:40

      Iran didn’t lie about building the bomb.

      Iran isn’t at continual war with all of its neighbors.

      Iran doesn’t have concentration camps.

      Iran doesn’t murder unarmed protestors every week.

      Iran has real elections, not staged performances that ratify a crooked fascist dictator.

      NATO should dissolve itself, not fight the wars of crazed, terrified antisemites.

  • May 23, 2019 @ 8:25 at 8:25

    Bomb iran and destroy their nuclear facilities.and their oil port

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