Iran trains squads for terrorizing US forces in Syria. US air/naval buildup for striking back

Iran’s proxy militias in Syria are being trained and armed for terrorizing US forces in eastern Syria, starting with IEDs like the bombs that bedeviled American forces in Iraq in 2004-2006. The mastermind of this campaign is Iran’s Mid East commander, Al Qods chief Gen. Qassem Soleimani. DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources report that US commanders in Syria were forewarned of the coming campaign after it was approved by Tehran as retaliation for the sanctions re-imposed by the Trump administration. They learned that terror squads, detached from the Iraqi and Afghan militias encamped in the eastern Syrian Deir ez-Zour province, had in the last few days completed their specialist training by Al Qods and Hizballah bomb experts. They were taught how to blow up American military installations, bridges and transportation routes and how to plant IEDs outside buildings and on the roads frequented by US military traffic.
The American commanders were also apprised by intelligence informants that Iran was sending large quantities of IEDs via Iraq for the use of the newly-trained terror squads. They are a new type of device, compared to the IEDs used in Iraq, with a more powerful bang and the capacity to disable the armored vehicles used by US forces in eastern Syria.
The US army, for its part, is reported by our sources to have rushed another 500 Marines to the big Al Tanf garrison, which straddles the borders of Syria, Jordan and Iraq, for boosting the security of US troops in the region. They are augmented by 1,700 members of the Syrian Democratic Force (SDF) which operates under US command.

It is estimated that Al Tanf will be the first target of attack as soon as Tehran gives the green light for the campaign to start, because it is set in desert terrain where terrorist squads can move at speed. If Iran pulls this initial operation off, it will be extended to other US military locations – in all, at least 12 ground bases and another four air bases in northeastern Syria. They range from Manbij up near the Turkish border up to Al-Hasakeh, the hub of the pro-American Kurdish YPG militia’s political and command headquarters in northern Syria.

In the second half of the month, the United States launched a large-scale air and naval exercise based on the USS Harry S. Truman Carrier and its strike group of five warships, which are present opposite the Syrian shore, as well as US air bases in the Persian Gulf. (See an earlier DEBKAfile article on US flights around the clock over Syria.) British, Israeli and French air contingents have joined the exercise. The French Dupuy de Lome spy ship has also reached Syrian waters and is coordinating its operations with the USS Truman.
Our military sources say that by these moves, Washington is notifying Tehran that the moment US forces come under attack in Syria, America and its allies will strike back at the foundations of the Iranian presence in Syria.


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43 thoughts on “Iran trains squads for terrorizing US forces in Syria. US air/naval buildup for striking back

  • Nov 27, 2018 @ 11:01 at 11:01

    Knowing in advance what Iran is up to, the USA, the UK, France and Israel should proactively strike at Iranian, Hezbollah and their Shiite militia proxies’ military infrastructures where ever they are, be it within Syria, Lebanon or even Iran itself……………hit and destroy them all before they can implement their planned attacks against us and our interests!

    • Nov 27, 2018 @ 11:25 at 11:25

      Fat chance

      • Nov 27, 2018 @ 11:32 at 11:32

        “Fat chance”


        “Fat chance” for…………………What ?????

        Take into account that former Pres.Obama no longer lives in the White House and the Labor Party “leader” does not live at 10 Downing Street.
        As for Macron, well…………we’ll see.

      • Nov 27, 2018 @ 15:59 at 15:59

        Persian people are kind and loving its the people with power who cause fear and hatred to be fed with threats and actual death. May we all be neighbors in our hearts.

    • Nov 27, 2018 @ 16:17 at 16:17

      In reality the US is in a terrible situation militarily if any of you had any sense you would realize this. If there are any Israeli soldiers they would tell you. If they do not tell you the truth then they are stupid and want to remain delusionall

      • Nov 27, 2018 @ 20:55 at 20:55

        Let us not forget the Iranians put the current regime in place.And subsequently supported it.Perhaps now,there are new generations that do not want the theocracy governing them.The reality is that it is up to the Iranians to break from the strangling yoke of the theocracy.Just as they did with the Shah.It will not be although.

      • Nov 28, 2018 @ 4:00 at 4:00

        Go away with your evil contempt for people. I command and decree that you leave your twisted way of life and your twisted beliefs. You spread your gall here and cannot contain your contempt for the Jews and the Israelis. I would like to know how you would better cope with the struggle they have had for thousands of years. If you are so knowledgeable and a professor then you can explain why you think that the US is in a terrible situation militarily. But either you do not know and you are a fake, or you do know and you are a hopeless professor who cannot explain anything. Or both. God save your poor students from you. Away with you!

        • Nov 28, 2018 @ 19:35 at 19:35

          I have no evil contempt for anyone. I just think that people should be realistic especially in a war where people get hurt or die and ruins everything for years to come, unless it goes nuclear then it is forever. With the logistics and firepower at the point of attack the united States in not in a position to help themselves or Israel in case of a war. The Bible is quoted on here a lot, and I think that it is important for some of you to really understand what it says. It says that 2/3rds of the earth will die during this tribulation period and the only way to survive is repent and recognize the true Lord. If there was a little skirmish and the F35 ‘s got shot down what would the US do? What would Lockheed Martin do?

    • Nov 27, 2018 @ 19:33 at 19:33

      Wait a minute!
      Oh man, this is intriguing.
      Why would a drunk Guardian Council party laugh with acclamation on a joke with Mother Russia? And now Khamenei tells them one on Siberia!
      I thought Shia people should keep a low profile on booze.
      If only the Russians had listened to this!

    • Nov 28, 2018 @ 12:35 at 12:35

      the only language the adepts of the religion of peace understand is bombs on their bearded faces

    • Nov 29, 2018 @ 11:40 at 11:40

      The Iranian Regime of Shia Theocracy Ruling continue to waste Valuable Iranian Revenues, Resources, and Recognition of the Persian’s People Historical remarkable contribution to worldwide civilizations. This Ayatollah Regime since 1979 has proven what a mistake it was for the People of Persia to allow these Men assume any position of Leadership. They continue to expand billions to other regions Militias while denying their own Persian People and Shia Followers of Islam their Wealth and Health. They have disrespected their People, Persian History and Islamic Civilization. Instead of converting and showing how Islam can benefit many people they choose to purchase Arms and Export Weapons instead of investing into expanding Clean Waters and are a disgrace to Islamic Caliphate. This Iranian Regime should be ashamed of how they letdown the Legacy of Abu Bakr and only proves he was unworthy to succeed Mohamed the Messenger from Allah’s Blessing and why the Shia still remain a Smaller Sect of Islam. They think they are Men of Wisdom when they Act like Fools! Allah will not allow them to succeed in anything they do by robbing their own People Pockets for their Satanic Benefits of Death and Destruction. The world is watching and vigilant and now can see how feeble these Men in Robes follow a confused 79 Year Old Ayatollah that has left Iran bereft of anything valuable as he goes away with such a failed legacy.

    • Dec 2, 2018 @ 11:04 at 11:04

      One bomb goes off from these clowns, and warplanes drop shock and awe on Iran itself. Tehran is the address that tells these militias what to do. YEt no one wants to go at Iran. forget the proxies. When eventually Iran gets the message the proxies will stop

  • Nov 27, 2018 @ 11:21 at 11:21

    It’s time to take out some Iranian dunecoons. And in a big way. That will involve wiping out all of Syria’s AA S-300 batteries, but we can do that easily.

    • Nov 27, 2018 @ 14:57 at 14:57

      Then Israel won’t have to do it and face the possibility of a Gog/Magog scenario.

  • Nov 27, 2018 @ 11:26 at 11:26

    Too many American flag draped coffins have been the result of these IEDs. Iran, because you do not want peace, because you repress innocents, because the vileness of your tongue masquerades as righteousness, you will reap the whirlwind. Many of your own will see the tower fall and count it as blessing.

  • Nov 27, 2018 @ 12:26 at 12:26

    If fighting breaks out let’s hope Israel joins in and uses the opportunity to take out the new Russian missiles/electronic warfare units etc. as well as Iranian/Hezbollah installations in Syria and not spare the Syrian army/airforce as well. Screw the Russians and let them suffer casualties. The Russians are not to be treated anymore as untouchable. They are the armorer of Iran/Syria and as such the enemy too. No more pretending Bibi.

    • Dec 8, 2018 @ 8:12 at 8:12

      Take them out? haaah!!! they should capture them and take them to Israel, dismantle and analyze them for whatever they can get from them. all the high tech Russian equipment, including the trucks that have the jamming equipment, etc. That would be a great victory for Israel. Send the Russian operators back to their bases with good food and plenty of Vodka and many thanks…

  • Nov 27, 2018 @ 13:18 at 13:18

    kryptonite is coming

  • Nov 27, 2018 @ 13:48 at 13:48

    What better time than now to dump some bunker busters on the Islamic State of Iran’s nuclear facilities and missile launch sites of their Hezbollah surrogate in Syria-Lebanon?

  • Nov 27, 2018 @ 14:16 at 14:16

    their asking for a beating

  • Nov 27, 2018 @ 14:51 at 14:51

    No the strike back wont just be Syria it will be Iran starting with Iran’s coastal bases that is what the Navel deployments are about and if that doesn’t work then its Iran’s major city’s starting with the capital,All the assets are have been put in place along with the recon over the last 2 months

  • Nov 27, 2018 @ 15:00 at 15:00

    Is it possible that you are all that stupid? I am sure that Iranians will watch how and when you will terminate them and enjoy in your winnings. Stupid Jews!

  • Nov 27, 2018 @ 15:04 at 15:04

    One of these days, . . . I would like to awaken to a news broadcast that the towel heads in Tehran have been sent to their respective 72 virgin suite. Sadly, . . . it will also mean several hundred thousand subjects of that derelict govt will be dead as well, . . . but the snake will be finished and the world can expel a big sigh of relief.

    Iran is looking for a butt pounding, . . . and this just may be the way to get it on.

  • Nov 27, 2018 @ 15:09 at 15:09

    The Iranians are too much of a cowards to do do so…. remember when they said they will bombing the israeli troops in golan after the assasination of one their leaders… they threw a salvo of short ranged rockets on the desserted part of the golan…. they are cowards

    i hope they try something with us, cause the moment the first bullets comes out its game over for these shiite f@gs lol

  • Nov 27, 2018 @ 19:49 at 19:49

    Its about time Trump did as he promised and brought are troops home.

    It seems so foolish to be fighting other peoples wars when all that money can be better used at home. We have spent far to much treasure and political capita to protect this little parasitic Apartheid State.

    Drain the swamp and end the Federal Reserve System Mr President and while you are at it get rid of the Ziocons within your administration and that are within the government that are encouraging all this chaos!!

    Its long overdue that we put America first and for those traitors who have signed the Zionist AIPAC pledge renounce to put Israel’s best interests ahead of America’s to renounce this pledge or be charged with treason.

    If Israel wants to start a war keep us out of it and lets focus on been neutral and rebuilding our country!!

    • Nov 28, 2018 @ 4:24 at 4:24

      @Bob White. Democrat troll. The world does not hate Trump as much as you think. You only think so because you watch the mainstream media and can’t get out of their bubble to think for yourself. Stop listening to and stop watching that c***. They are using Satan’s frequencies to befuddle your brain.

      • Nov 28, 2018 @ 5:17 at 5:17

        Carl: Please don’t call the radical left-wing propaganda “mainstream media”. That gives them false legitimacy. They are “left wing media” (CNN) or “radical left-wing media” (MSNBC). The “mainstream media” is Fox News. Scientific backing of my claim: Fox is no. 1 in ratings (most popular is what “mainstream” means, right?). The left wing media ratings are small because they appeal mostly to radical extremist fringe left-wing groups, and some naive people who haven’t figured out that they are being brainwashed. They like to perpetuate the false description “mainstream” in order to continue to fool the naive. But there is nothing “mainstream” about a media that spends 90% of its bandwidth spewing pure biased hate towards its own people, government, culture, and country.

        Here’s a FACT. Anderson Cooper (I think he is CNN’s highest ranking “journalist”) has TEN TIMES less viewers than Tucker Carlson (after O’reily got kicked out, I believe Carlson is the top journalist at Fox, or possibly second after Hannity?). More people watch Nickelodean cartoons at night than CNN. Sorry, not mainstream.

        • Nov 28, 2018 @ 19:01 at 19:01

          @Analyst. Thanks for the facts. I take the point. If Fox has become so popular and Tucker Carlson so successful (he has only had his own show for 2 years) and the leftist media shrinking so fast then I will switch to the term radical left-wing propaganda media as you suggest. Great stuff.

    • Nov 28, 2018 @ 10:58 at 10:58

      President Obama caused the mess in Libya and Syria! He was the warmonger. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians have lost their lives because of what he started! And there are now open slave markets and slavery in Libya thanks to President Obama. And the current U.S. President has accomplished way more between North Korea and South Korea than the previous three administrations combined. You are just promulgating lies!

  • Nov 27, 2018 @ 21:49 at 21:49

    You are not a Marine. Marines don’t bleat like you do. and I don’t believe you were a desert fox either. You squeal too much. If you really had orders to go into Iraq under false intelligence just because Cheney and Rumsfeld wanted to get a few more US solders killed in an meaningless Iraq II war and you didn’t tell them where to get off, then you only have yourself to blame. Why the blind obedience to the New World Order? Are you a man or a robot? Stop blaming other people for a war you should have put stop to before it started and get some PTSD treatment. If people like Dr Steve Pieczcenik could have a confrontation with Cheney, why didn’t you? You are just a troll, and your posts here contribute nothing to any understanding of the latest news. Get on some veterans’ site and vent your vitriol there and see how far you get.

  • Nov 27, 2018 @ 22:01 at 22:01

    If I had to guess…the U.S. and its allies specifically asked/made sure that Israel was on the sidelines during the various military undertakings in Iraq, Kuwait etc.

  • Nov 27, 2018 @ 22:12 at 22:12

    When obama was in the white house (what a disgrace), Iran sent their “proxy” shiite terrorists to perform terrorist attacks on U.S. forces. The most known are the “IEDs”, which basically is mining or booby-trapping public roads. obozo’s response was to cut and run. Iran’s strategy is to claim its not us, its these “shiite militias”. But we know its Iran. They supply the weapons, the training, the orders, the salaries to the “volunteer” terrorists (actually mercenaries), and if I’m not mistaken, promise to give Iranian citizenship to the widows of any mercenary that dies in action. Trump is not a loser like obozo. If they attack U.S. forces again, Tehran will be bobmbed, and the fascist leaders of iran will feel some pain. Not just the poor afghanis that for $50/month salary place bombs on roads where Americans are expected to travel.

  • Nov 28, 2018 @ 3:46 at 3:46

    Really ? Israel wouldn’t exist without the USA. Are only homos in Tel Aviv? We are down to this ? Like when you were kids talking about mothers. The truth is Israel is quite capable of defending and aniolating Iran and Russia. With 150 nuclear weapons that all work and F35 technology nobody is their equal. They just play little guys on the block. Like Japan waking up the USA in WWII. Big mistake. If I were shorty Putin or his basket weaving, rag head friends… I would be very careful not to have Israel defending for its survival. Very response they have made has been measured. Really ? You want an all out reprisal ? Nope don’t think so. Game over

  • Nov 28, 2018 @ 4:16 at 4:16

    Grow up. The Jews have been fighting their own wars for thousands of years. Your country has only existed for some 270 so ease up on the sanctimonious. You either know no history or you are a hypocrite. You started the Iraq II war for no good reason. What you are actually doing with your false accusations and your bullying of Israelis here is cursing them. Don’t you know that when you do that the curse comes back immediately and enters into you and rots your life? You are an unhappy soul already that is why you are doing it. Not only are you spreading evil around you, you in effect cursing yourself. Time to find the Lord, repent and get saved and turn your life around. God is a loving God and slow to wrath, but you should know there is an ultimate limit and a day ordained for His wrath, and if you have not found Him by then it will be too late. You will sorted into the side of the Evil One and wiped out for eternity.

    • Nov 29, 2018 @ 12:02 at 12:02

      Israel has never asked American Fathers, Sons, Mothers and Daughters to fight for Israel even dating back to 1948. While Europe, China, Russia, South Korea, Vietnam, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Afghanistan all have and the Blackest of Sins is Ingratitude.

      Now Israel will accept Aid and Weapons to defend itself but it fights its own battles with Sons and Daughter of Abraham. Not many Nations can say that and more importantly prove it. Look how Iran is Arming Foreign People to fight and cause chaos all over the Middle East?

  • Nov 28, 2018 @ 4:49 at 4:49

    @Kelly. Not so. Even Trump says America first. But she is using it as a smokescreen to attack Israel. But I understand the key geographical and political position Israel has, being the only democracy in the Middle East, as a bulwark against totalitarian theocratic regimes that would make Western countries very difficult to survive it were to succeed. Read up on Truman. If Israel were to go, then the entire region from Morocco to Indonesia would become one Caliphate, one of the 10 authoritarian regions of the New World Order, the global tyrannical model that took its latest form in 1956 with the Club of Rome, and is now on its way to create the New World Order beast of Europe.
    For proof, look at the terms of the treaty the UK PM May and the EU have just agreed to. The UK will, if the UK Parliament approves it, become a vassal state to the EU. That will be the plan for all the other countries in Europe that love Trump and want out of the dictatorial EU. The more democratic nations go down and more tyrannies will come. All democratic countries in the world are weakened for every country that becomes a dictatorship or a failed state.
    As the balance of powers tips (Russia and China are already tyrannies, and false democracies) more dictatorial empires will come about and then when there are finally six or ten empires (see the Club of Rome map) does not matter – an unelected cabal in the unelected UN will control the lot. By that time all your current freedoms will be toast, and you can look forward to be guillotined in a concentration camp since the NWO wants the world’s population to be cut by 93% down to 300 million. And by your actions now you are one of the ones bringing this future about. Time to study some contemporary history, as well as the history of banking and finance.

  • Nov 28, 2018 @ 6:12 at 6:12

    Terror squads who are fighting foreign soldiers who have invaded their country? Trying to redefine the word terrorism in this way is an insult to the victims of real terrorism, and it is a foolish thing to do in the long term. The word will lose its impact and importance if it is continually debased in this way. The editors of DEBKA need to stop acting like gluttonous children who have no self control and no ability to see the long term consequences of their behaviour.

  • Nov 28, 2018 @ 9:54 at 9:54

    Trump told everybody over there not to mess with al-Tanf. The Syrians and Russians tried twice and got their asses kicked. If the Iranians try, they too will meet the same fate, and then a little extra ass kicking. The Russians will not fire their AA systems against an American air force defending its own base. That would be cause for Trump to take out the Russian assets in Syria, and an embarrassing defeat for their S-300 and 400 systems and all of their jets. They would lose worldwide sales. Don’t mess with Trump.

  • Nov 28, 2018 @ 11:53 at 11:53

    “they have left out a few facts or in other words their are some holes in this story”


    would you please fill in the holes for us?

  • Nov 28, 2018 @ 14:32 at 14:32

    Interesting that the anti semites refer to the citizens of Israell as jews (they never refer to Itallians or French people as catholics.In fact only around 80% of Israelis are Jews.But my point is made.

  • Nov 28, 2018 @ 17:12 at 17:12

    good article but loaded with irony: who in the middle east invades and occupies countries illegally but yet cannot defeat them militarily so these stagnate frozen conflicts remain against very weak forces can you imagine what would happen if the US went up against Russia In eastern Europe?

  • Nov 29, 2018 @ 11:53 at 11:53

    Yet, Israel is still standing proudly and all citizens enjoy a far better existence than any followers of Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthis, and Iranians.

    All the Rockets that spent making and sending has only reduced their standing in the world and an example of what not to do and have nothing to show for their inept actions. They are examples of exploiters that mislead and feed off their own people and sacrifice their own youth. Allah has abandon them and only your comments shows how out of favor they are by not following the Blessing of Abraham, Ishmael and Mohamed the Messenger. There Rockets do not feed, educate, or employ them to live a better life. Don’t blame Israel nor America for succeeding in caring for its People. It is up to Iran and their funded Militia to change their behavior that has not been working since 1979 and have nothing but Persian Poverty to show for it?

  • Dec 9, 2018 @ 1:48 at 1:48

    The leaders of Iran and the leaders of the Revolutionary Guard have been funneling billions and billions of dollars to Switzerland, to offshore banks in Panama and the Bahamas, to Switzerland, and they now can secretly deposit money in Russia. And they have been buying land in the UK, in Australia, and of course in the USA, for years and years. So if there is ever a serious war you can bet that most of the Iranian leaders and their families will have exited for neutral countries long before the first bomb is dropped. In fact, if Iran is planning an attack, there will be a sudden departure of many higher-ups and their families, probably to their mansions in Switzerland or their dachas in Russia. Or their houses in Paraguay or Sydney or wherever. Occasionally the Iranian government prosecutes one of the people exporting capital, but since all the Mullahs, all the officer corps of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, and many other high-up business people are part of the big ongoing swindles, none of them want to kill the golden cash cow of the present government, which allows them to steal as much as possible with no fear of retribution. The way to go after the snakes running Iran would be to get ahold of their foreign deposits, luxury real estate (held overseas, mostly through proxy companies); and to expose their investments to the Iranian people – who sooner or later will understand that they have been conned on a massive scale.

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