Iranian, Syrian, Iraqi army chiefs plot joint operation for opening Syrian-iraqi border

In the first meeting ever of the Iranian, Syrian and Iraqi armed forces chiefs on Monday, March 18 in Damascus, it was decided to launch a joint operation for reopening the border between Syria and Iraq. The meeting and its content are revealed exclusively here for the first time by DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources. Also determined was the volume of next year’s Iranian military and economic assistance to the Assad regime.

The trilateral military summit was arranged , during Bashar Assad’s surprise trip to Tehran on Feb. 25 at his audience with supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. It was one item on a long list of decisions the two leaders reached on military, economic and strategic issues that will inevitably lead to Iran and Syria confronting the US and Israel in a clash of arms. The three army chiefs were entrusted with implementing those decisions. To this end, Iran’s Maj. Gen. Mohammad Hossein Bagheri, Syria’s Gen. Ali Abdullah Ayoub and Iraq’s Lt. Gen. Othman al-Ghanimi got together on Monday.

A short time earlier, the Assad regime issued a statement demanding that US forces remove themselves from Syria. This was meant to be the lead-in to the three generals’ main decision, which was to reopen the 615km long Syrian-Iraqi border to the free movement of goods and people for the first time after five years of closure. Each of the three armies was given a special role in the operation.

By this operation, Iran hopes, once the Russian and US presence is gone, to get started on building its much-coveted land corridor for linking the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean via Iraq and Syria under Tehran’s control. The US and Israel have managed to frustrate this ambition in the last two or three years.

The coming issue of DEBKA Weekly (for subscribers) out next Friday, March 22, will uncover in exclusive detail the Assad-Khamenei understandings, which brought the three military chiefs together; the roles each of the three armies is assigned for their implementation; and how Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdel-Mahdi was brought aboard.
To sign on for this unique DEBKA Weekly issue, click here  

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17 thoughts on “Iranian, Syrian, Iraqi army chiefs plot joint operation for opening Syrian-iraqi border

  • Mar 18, 2019 @ 23:37 at 23:37

    Many prophets have been warned that it is time for the Lord to raise up His Supernatural Army foretold in the Book of Joel. Visit hearthelordjesus(dot)com for many important prophecies from numerous servants of the Lord Jesus Christ

    • Mar 19, 2019 @ 0:18 at 0:18

      forget the stupid prophets and prophecies. these can all be broken by great people like, Mattis and Dagan ovasholom.

    • Mar 20, 2019 @ 2:31 at 2:31

      Really to do believe in this?? this could explain the actual situation of the Israel government taked by jews extremists

  • Mar 19, 2019 @ 1:12 at 1:12

    In exchange Hezbollah + families must leave Lebanon.

    • Mar 21, 2019 @ 10:04 at 10:04

      Good luck with that. LOL.

  • Mar 19, 2019 @ 2:23 at 2:23

    I rejoice that Israel and the US are considered enemies of Persia, Damascus and Baghdad. Only the lowest of the low support the curse-worshipers.
    We can only hope that average American citizens may one day get the chance to pull a trigger against Persians and their ilk.

    • Mar 20, 2019 @ 4:09 at 4:09

      I rejoice that Debka censors the scary thoughts from this page.

    • Mar 21, 2019 @ 10:06 at 10:06

      They are your neighbours, numb-nuts. You chose to live there. You could have had Argentina, Uganda or Ukraine, but you chose to move in next to Those people you hate and attack.

  • Mar 19, 2019 @ 2:26 at 2:26

    Allah = Nothing. It cannot and will not help them…
    Enemies of Israel and the Jewish nation will only continue from one shameful defeat to another…

  • Mar 20, 2019 @ 2:29 at 2:29

    If the people of Israel leave their governants to act like hitler the world are going to forget the high qualities of the jews and start hating the jews people, please look for peace with all the world not the war with the world. Israel must to be a democratic and tolerat country just like the lovely jews people are.

  • Mar 20, 2019 @ 4:07 at 4:07

    Moosad’s word police did a good job with this post.

    Keep it up.

  • Mar 20, 2019 @ 5:37 at 5:37

    Praying for Israel!

  • Mar 20, 2019 @ 10:11 at 10:11

    It’s just sad that certain posts which have valid points to make but no doubt touch on sensitive issues were censored on this site.

    • Mar 20, 2019 @ 14:08 at 14:08

      Mossad is full of LOSERS and cowards.

  • Mar 20, 2019 @ 17:40 at 17:40

    Basically, without the Kurds, US has no power within that “Devil’s rectangular”! (Debka forgets to mention Erdogan in this axis of devil, but Turkey is a natural ally to this). Now, here are the options:
    1) US will accept the defeat and leave the Middle East.
    2) US will fight to keep it’s and it’s allies’ interests in the Middle East.
    At the end of the day, if you are not able to protect yourself in the Middle East, then, you will not able to protect your Washington DC.
    Kurdistan and Israel is a FRONT. If you loose this front, you cannot defend Europe, and you cannot defend Washington DC.

  • Mar 21, 2019 @ 10:06 at 10:06

    They are your neighbours, numb-nuts. You chose to live there. You could have had Argentina, Uganda or Ukraine, but you chose to move in next to Those people you hate and attack.

  • Mar 21, 2019 @ 18:50 at 18:50

    siz filistinlilerin kanına giren korkaklarsınız siz 3 yaşındaki filistinli bir çocuktan bile milli güvenliğinize tehdit görüyorsunuz size yaptığınız zulümlerden dolayı bölgenin adeta kaserli tümörü olan israile şunu hatırlatmak istiyorum siz firavunla nemrutun hz. musaya yaptığını iyi öğrenmenizi tavsiye ederim bölgenin ve dünyadaki kaosun işgallerin iç savaşların darbe yapılmasının insanların mülteci durumuna sebep olmanız başsebepler sizlersiniz her ülkeye saldırın ondan sonra kendi güvenliğinizden bahsedin bu nasıl bir siyonistlik saçma evanjelistliktir kendi yanlışlarınızı sorgulayın bu konuda filistindeki zulmün durması için medya olarak hükümete baskı yapın filistinde zulmün durması için kudüs 3 semavi dinin kutsal şehridir siz hangi hakla müslümanları kubbetül sahraya bırakmıyorsunuz mescidi aksaya namaz kılınmasına izin vermiyorsunuz kudüsün önemi müslümanlar için çok kıymetlidir değerlidir çünkü hz muhammed s.a.v efendimiz burda melekler tarafında burak denilen atla semaya yükselmiştir miraca çıkmıştır ve ordaki peygamber kabirleri sahabe türbeleri müslümanlar için çok önemlidir ama siz bunu anlamazsınız çünkü güzünüzü hırs kan bürümüştür bundan dolayıda filistinliler, hergün öldürüyor sakat bırakıyor engelli olmasın sebep oluyorsunuz yaşlı çocuk genç demeden hitler almanyasının zulmünden kaçıp aynısını siz filistinlilere uyguluyorsunuz ondan sonrada bölgedeki büyük israil projesi içinde daima iranı tehdit olarak tüm dünyaya yaymaya çalışıyorsunuz biz tüm planlarınızın farkındayız asla gerçekleştiremeyeceksiniz zira dünya sizin tekelinizde dönmüyor böyle işgaller yaparak zannediyorsunuz mehdi gelecek hayatımda duyduğum evanjelistlerin çak saçma ve mantıksız bir şey hz.isanın yeryüzüne gelip gelmeyeceğini yalnızca allah bilir gerçek bilgileri islami kaynaklarda öğrenirsiniz ve kuranıkerimden değiştirilmeyen ve korunarak günümüze ayetler sabit bir şekilde tüm inanan toplumlara inmiştir ama siz gerçeği inkar ediyorsunuz işte bunun içinde lut kavmi gibi semud kavmi gibi ad kavmi gibi helak oldunuz size tavsiyem islamı merak edin ve öğrenin gerçekleri herşeyden önce şu gökyüzü nasıl direksiz duruyor bunu düşünün şu dağlar nasıl dimdik duruyor bunları bir düşünün allahın tek bir yaratıcı olduğunu 20 bin alemin sahibi olan rabbimiz o bütün noksanlıklardan uzak ve herşeyden münezzehtir bunu düşünün öğrenin

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