Iran’s attack on US airbase in Iraq finds Israel vulnerable to same kind of ballistic missile strike
The breakthrough achieved by Iran in upgrading the precision of its ballistic missiles was displayed in its Jan. 8 attack on the big US Ain Al-Asad airbase in W. Iraq. US President Donald Trump laid stress on the absence of casualties and “minimal damage” caused, adding “our early warning system worked very well.” Then, on Jan. 9, the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Aerospace chief Brig. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh said: “Our goal was to destroy the central command room of the base and that is what we did.”
But meanwhile, the US commercial Planet company stepped in with revealing satellite photos of the attack and its impact, showing that at least five structures at the Ain al-Asad airbase in western Iraq – hangars and buildings – were “hit hard by a barrage of Iranian missiles.” They were precise enough to strike some individual buildings “dead center,” said one analyst.
DEBKAfile’s military sources affirm that Iran fired in all 13 Qiam-1 ballistic missiles, designated as “short range.” They are elderly weapons developed by Iran from the Shahab-2 that was a copy of the North Korean North Korean Hwasong-6, which in turn replicated the Soviet-era Scud-C missile. The Qiam 1 has a range of 750km and 500m accuracy.
The president was not asked about the failure of the most advanced US anti-missile systems to intercept the Iranian missiles at Ain Al-Asad. (The second US base targeted by Iran at Irbil in Kurdistan was evacuated some days earlier.) This could be down to three alternative breakdowns: either the early warning systems did not detect the missiles’ launch from Iran; or the interceptors did not react when the missiles exploded inside the base; or both.
Clearly, in the five months since its missile/drone attack on Saudi oil facilities on Sept. 14, Iran has made further strides in developing the precision of its missiles, whereas the US early warning systems were not correspondingly upgraded.
Iran therefore brought off the first missile attack on US military targets since the Korean War.
The implications for America’s military deterrence are plain, but no less grave are the implications for Israel. The Iranian general stressed that the missile attack on American bases in neighboring Iraq was “only the start of a series of attacks that will take place across the entire region.”
Israel has no illusions about its standing with America on the front line against Iran. And if the US military is short of answers for defense against Iran’s ballistic missiles, Israel whose early warning and anti-missile systems are based on American models is in the same boat.
The Iranian strike on US bases in Iraq on Jan. 8 must serve as an immediate red alert for Israel on what to expect. Instead of telling the Israeli public fairy stories about their country’s non-involvement in the spiraling armed contest between the US and Iran, it would be better for the government to tell the people frankly that Israel is more exposed than ever to Iranian missile aggression.
Don’t worry, Israel has the magic la’ser weapons they just said they had that was super secret hush hush… just like the ‘Mericans had at their bases in Iraq, that had warning and prep time: not one missile downed.
I’m all for that test, bruh. We need to silence these freakin’ Christians here in the US that think Israel can never be defeated because of a many millennia old fairy tale.
Then we all can grow up and become adults and see the world for what it is: brutal, unforgiving and except for the oligarchs, playthings of the rich.
Iran can do tons of damage to Israel, that’s never been denied by anyone in the know. Israel on the other hand can do megatons of damage to Iran, Hezbollah and anyone else who wants to take a shot, and you’ll be crying about war crimes as usual.
cumurbaşkanı rivline söyleyin iran mollalarına iran dini liderine suikastlar düzenlesinler ve iran mollaları rejimini yıksınlar
Fact is: Iran attacked US bases but US did not response (because no one get injured or killed in attack which is a new comic military excuse in history).
So what about those machines in Iran which now working 100 percent and making enough uranium for nuclear bombs or warheads?
Who is gonna stop that? And when? That is the question. I Think no one can stop iran now. And iran won’t tell anyone when they going to build that bomb, but when they do they will point it right on Israel.
the fact is that trump is a coward it was an attack on us soldiers though there were not us soldiers killeds it was an act of war to which us should respond with iran us has lost its credibilty us has lost its deterrence on iran now iran continue to work on its nuke no country will not stop it is thing the mead east us and european countries should accept
@debby You get an A for muddled thinking. Time for you to do a course in military strategy and tactics. Your comment is not only totally wrong and worthless and deviates from fact but shows complete ignorance of Trump’s wider plan for the ME and US capacity. You appear to be as unhinged as a typical US Demonrat who thinks that any concocted sentences are good propaganda. Tip: empty barrels make the most noise.
Ok and Israel will point its nukes at Tehran, Mashad, Saint Petersburg and Moscow.
Who cares about russia? Europe will thank israel thank you thank you jews.
Agreed. As an American I was unhappy with the lack of response to an attack that was clearly designed to kill people…Unless the “fix” was in and Iran was ALLOWED to do what it did to save face. Iran is a direct threat to the United States and any and all western styled civilizations. We should have taken out the bases that fired those missiles as well as all coastal radar and missile sites and as much of the Iranian navy as possible in one solid strike. I support Trump, but his approach to Iran is just kicking teh problem down the road and you are correct…Once Iran is nuclear armed it is free to do as it pleases using is proxies. The United States and Israel MUST deal with this before it gets to that point.
They don’t “down” a missile unless there is a threat. They are more than happy to let them fly through the air into the sand so they can obtain valuable information.
cumhurbaşkanı rivline söyleyin iletin eğer iran türk domuz mollaları rejimini yıkmak istiyorsaz halkını kurtarmak istiyorsaz iran molllarına ve iran liderine suikastlar düzenleyip iran rejimini yıkın çökertin
Real men, Know Yeshua. Others, make excuses for their ignorance.
Pinpoint accuracy, just to summarize it all.
About 80 Americans killed 200 injuerd
None of the Misses are intercepted
That IS only the Begining
eat şhit and die hard
in the mean time NATO-ME will extend a defense umbrella over Israel
@Abbas… Lying to One Self is not a Beginning but a Prelude to an Ending! LOL, Kepp Thinking Daydreams can bring back SSoleimani, 25 Hizballah Proxies, 7 PMU’s Leaders, 56 Iranians at the Funeral, & Iran Killed 82 More Iranians with IRGC Defense Missiles than any Americans Drones? Reality Beats Dreams!
Lying ?
was not the Trump who said only little damages occured to the base ?
@Abbas… The Caliphate Hate Took The Trump Trap Bait! Now Protest All Over Iran For Lying Want Resignations!
Its entirely possible that you are correct. My father was in OPERATION TIGER, a practice run 1 week before ‘D-Day’, Germans intercepted radio signals among the fleet of 8 LSTs, torpedoed them to bits and approx. 950 men were killed in a non-combat exercise. The US Govt kept this secret for 50 years !
The truth came out 50 years later on the Discovery Channel (or the History Channel).
release the tiger!
abbas:people of your type have been dreaming for centuries,so continue ,meanwhile the world is going forward
Pinpoint accuracy on empty buildings, because they are rightly terrified of the US, and can’t sustain a war.
You ignorant, Iran did warned Iraqi Prime Minister 2 hours before the attack. There is no question about Iran’s winning with USA which is impossible but that would be the last war USA likely to join in. This war will make Iraq and Afghanistan war just like a cup-cake. Do some research rather than watching what you want to watch or mainstream media want you to. Just have some brain, Iran is surviving with International (USA) sanctions for last 40 years and it is moving forward what what little it has. Iran is now almost self-sufficient, thanks to the sanctions.
Sadly the only thing that the American behavior has shown the world is that might makes right, so best you get a nuclear deterrent ASAP. This to me was the greatest strategic mistake of the Obama administration and Trumps behavior in pulling out of the Nuclear Deal that Iran was in full compliance with and this rogue state like behavior has only reaffirmed that the US cant be trusted.
So while Iran may not have nuclear weapons today i can guarantee that these actions will force them to acquire nukes. After all what’s exceptional about America and Israel that allows them to possess nukes and behavior like rogue states and denys others the same freedom of action? So the worlds just going to get a lot more dangerous untill equality before international law is enforced.
You heard news of strong earthquake around iran nuclear facility. Every geologist in the world said there was No natural eathquake around there. But machines picked up earth shaking activity. Iranians already tested thier bomb mate.
That may have been an American / Israeli attack of an Iranian underground facility that Iran has not admitted to yet.
How naive are you? You believe that Iran was observing the tenets of the near-worthless ‘agreement,’ even though reports of them breaching it were nonstop since its inception? I suppose you also believe North Korea was faithfully observing their agreement made with the Clinton administration.
Equating Israel/America having nukes with Iran is beyond stupid. You’re obviously either stoned, mentally retarded, or, as I suspect, a combination of the two – get help.
Nuclear weapons are terrorist weapons.
Great peace have they which love thy law, ‘There [shall] be no peace on account of the affliction.’ Samuel said, ‘Until all prices are equal.’
tommi:iran is of course not a rogue state
ali aka tommy a boy as we said in the us army aint nothin but a thang used in nam but you never served in any military your scared boy MORE POWER TO THE IDF A REGIONAL SUPERPOWER OF JEW MEN THAT WIN EVERY WAR BECAUSE THEY ARE ISRAELI
There is a reason why no Americans were killed because its all part of “saving face” so they come to the table with a feeling of equal footing. You people should know you only see and hear what they want you to at anytime. Always remember that all involved will only serve their best interest that’s it.
More reasons for the civilized world not to let Iran to became nuclear power at any cost.
Expect Iranian style sharia law for Europe at the nuclear gunpoint otherwise …
And this is a best case scenario if Iran going nuclear.
@Dr. Scooter Van Neuter, Iran was and even now is still in compliance with the agreement. How to may ask can that be if they have removed limits, well the agreement has a clause that states that Irans restricts are subject to it receiving the benefits of the agreement.
A smart clause to include and why Iran told the Europeans to step up and provide for the Iranian Oil sales as they guaranteed or Iran will be forced to slowly stop complying with these restrictions. Thats what they have been doing ever since, so thank Israel and the US for the situation. Europe could have equally stepped up but they dont want to do against the US so have to share a lot of the blame.
Tommy = Iranian shill
The mentally defective psychos keep multiplying, even on this site: it is the only thing they know, how…
Tommy can be a tool, but he does provide references to his views and while the views may not be what the mainstream media tells us they are sensible and align with the alternative media mindset.
So just saying that he is wrong, when his links clearly show that he is showing what the official International Atomic Energy Agency report says is not helpful to your possition. So maybe a little more fact and a lot less insults would be more beneficial to your claims.
But that link was to a Jewish site Larry, the Jewish News Syndicate? I dont know the history between you guys but facts are always welcome and unsubstantiated rhetoric is just opinion in my eyes. Its important to remember that all governments spin the true now days, so the truth is usually some where in the middle. Though many times as we learn later the “truth” is little more than deliberate falsehoods, who can forget Bibi and Colin Powell and the WMDS…
I guess all that fermented gizm guzzling has finally affected my mind, eh Big Jim?
There are 2 givens about USA homeland strategic posture.
Utilities; communications; transport and food distribution vulnerability to EMP. Food district branch rail lines dismantled in breadbasket US & Canada. Enroute container handling missing from rail lines except container hubs.
Lack of underground space to house general populations when the missiles come.
In contrast, collaborating military powers adversarial to USA have constructed many (hundreds) miles of tunnels and living quarters over the last 40 years. Inherently impossible to enforce hoax “Nuclear Agreements” Iran and North Korea/China are collaborating nuclear/missile R&D partners. Questions?
Mr. Putin, you are in the same boat with USA & Israel, just for your information.
@Tahoe… Not really a threat, America, Russia, & Israel have the Means to remove Cities & Nations with Lights Out anytime another Nation thinks he can do what you claim. There is difference in dealing with a few Deviations that many still Survive verses Extinction of NK, Iran & China, done in Minutes! China prefers USA, Israel & Russia Customers that Afford to But goods unlike Iran or North Korea gone in 2 weeks! Think about that as well.
I have no doubt my Zionist friends would administer a good nuclear sodomizing to the rag tops if they tried anything stupid.
It has been repeatedly stated that there were NO anti aircraft capabilities present at those bases!! Just a small detail to put some perspective on this story…..They didn’t fail, they were not even there!
Thats not correct, Patriots were put in place in May of 2019 for this exact eventuality. But as in Saudi they have underperformed … consistently
Patriots were not at either the Saudi refinery or the Iraq bases targeted by Iran. You are either misinformed or lying.
This time the murderous towel-heads will not get away with wholesale slaughter of innocent men, women and children…
@Yosef… You are Correct, the Iranians not only accepted Soleimani Death the Regime also had 56 Iranians Stampeded at the Funeral & took out another 82 Iranians in the Civilian Plane? If that is Progress in taking a Iraqi Command Center Building then Iranians Live in Fear watching how the IRGC Can’t Defend them against the IRGC? Throw in another 1500 Protesters & Iran Shiia Regime looks even worse not able to beat Iraq in 1980s.
yeah, these ayatollahs play out like a psy op against islam.
Right now if Iran would attack the US bases in the Middle East one third of the US military would be destroyed in A few hours .The US could not get a carrier within striking distance. THE US would have to lainch an attack with bombers from Israel or diego Garcia and be shot out of the sky or their cruis missiles would be. No matter what the US could not invade. The Americans would riot in the streets.
Lol jews in pre-traumaric-stress-disorder
a man of experience explains
If Israel can stop hamas’ short range rockets with few minutes windows, of course they can stop Iranian ballistics and cruise missiles with little more time to shoot them down, probably Israelis can devise better way to detect and stop low flying lcruise missiles.
As Predicted by DEBKA in earlier Articles Iran has been improving its Missiles Accuracy and one can see it in action. Still, Iran Regime also knows its abilities are far better but its future is in grave doubt and each attack has repercussions that will bring further problems for Iran each time. Iran is known to start problems it can’t finish.
As you should be.
The reason no missiles were intercepted should be obvious even to the poorly educated. It was a trick we slice the salami and the Iranians bring the bread.
Bottom line, People Living in Free Nations with the Rule of Law are far better off than those Living in Nations where Regimes Rule by Fear of their own People & will never Prevail over Superior Cultures that Respect Life, Liberty & Property. America and Israel have had Accurate Missiles for Decades and Iran catching up just so how far behind they still are on other Weapon Systems. Iran Wasting such Funds Denies their People Prosperity as well! SSoleimani is Dead with over 170 Iranians since his death, that is not Progress & Missiles won’t bring him back either?
Has Iranian drones tried penetrating Israeli air defense?
Has Iranian missiles tried firing at Israel before? say Golan hights or mount Harmon?
Iranians come to the realization that they can not take on American military.
@JOHN… President Clinton gave Little Fat Kim Billions of Aid, Food & Oil as President Obama gave back Iranian Billions in hopes they would change. President Trump Inherited both Problems as well, but Kim & Khamenei has not Advanced their Societies by making more Weapons. Turkey, SK, Japan, Arabia, Gulf States, Taiwan can acquire Nuke Weapons anytime and make Iran & NK further Impotent & still stay in Poverty! Kim & Khamenei Fear their Own People more than any other Nation. Why they are Losers!
You just found out you were vulnerable?I think you are as dummy as your american masters.
@Hisballah… Why are You Hiding in Bunkers and ran away when SSoleimani told you Hide?
What if I told you there is a tunnel right from Israel to Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant (FFEP).
Does it really matter? There are plenty of eager evangelical goyim who can’t wait to throw their lives away for Israel. So why worry?
How to take out Iran …when the time comes.
Hormuz is the weak link to the entire country, the main Iranian navy fleet is based in Bandar Abbas, it can wiped out probably in 2 days. Bandar Abbas is the main port hub for global imports, there is only one main highway, and a single main train line. Wiping both out will stranglehold the entire country of produce.
The bottomline is that We in the West live in the free world, and we can wear shorts, be gays, show bellies if ladies, drink alcohol, have a pet, travel, study high tech, and in Iran, North Korea you have to be what the regime tells you to be. So, for All the anti US, anti Israel, and anti-Westerners , I ask you: why do you praise so much hate and murder ? Why don’t you stop controlling people with your allucinnogenic stories about virgins and pseudo religion ideologies to damage the free world with your terrorism ?
The murderous ayatollahs will not escape this time with their customary pathological lies –
blood of 180 innocently slaughtered men, women and children is on their heads…
Deben saber ustedes que nunca habrá “acuerdo del siglo” para los palestinos y que Washington reconoce que es imposible negociar con los terroristas musulmanes. También deben saber que ya se han desplegado armas nucleares para atacar a los ayatolas.
No se asusten ni dramaticen con estupideces “inhumanas” o algún otro discurso para idiotas.
Pues la panoplia es diversa para cada caso y para cada objetivo militar.
Se puede golpear con armas nucleares con mínimos daños colaterales, en lo que a contaminación se refiere.
Israel ya tiene el derecho moral de impedir que la “jauría” persa ataque con sus millones de misiles a nadie más.
Donald Trump no es un cobarde.
Nadie del equipo de la Casa Blanca es cobarde.
Solo están pensando algo muy serio:
Cómo destruir la república islámica y que el resto de los aliados “aplauda”.
No se puede frivolizar con el único camino que le queda a la cultura judeocristiana.
Golpear duramente y decir “se acabó el problema” es algo difícil y trágico. Requiere tiempo y meditación.
Porque luego habrá que resolver el siguiente problema…
Siempre hay otro problema, y otro más, después.
A pesar de todo, a los fanáticos asesinos hay que matarlos y esta partida no quedará “en tablas”.
El ataque nuclear es inminente si los persas continúan la escalada.
Así es la guerra.
You should know that there will never be “agreement of the century” for the Palestinians and that Washington recognizes that it is impossible to negotiate with Muslim terrorists. They should also know that nuclear weapons have already been deployed to attack the Ayatollahs.
Don’t be scared or dramatic with “inhuman” stupidities or some other speech for idiots.
Well, the panoply is diverse for each case and for each military objective.
It can be struck with nuclear weapons with minimal collateral damage, as far as pollution is concerned.
Israel already has the moral right to prevent the Persian “pack” from attacking anyone else with its millions of missiles.
Donald Trump is not a coward.
No one from the White House team is a coward.
They are just thinking something very serious:
How to destroy the Islamic Republic and that the rest of the allies “applaud”.
You cannot frivolize with the only way left for Judeo-Christian culture.
Hitting hard and saying “the problem is over” is a difficult and tragic thing. It requires time and meditation.
Because then we will have to solve the following problem …
There is always another problem, and another one, later.
In spite of everything, the murderous fans must be killed and this game will not remain “on tables.”
The nuclear attack is imminent if the Persians continue climbing.
This is war.
Bottom line is the or an ge car rot lied like a si ck d og again. Bone spur co w ard re trea ted again.
Now you can continue talking in Yiddish about endearing pastries … I like carrot cookies with blueberries I like accompanied by a good Italian coffee, in the morning.
It is unbearable that the Shiite mob spoils the great culinary moments of educated people.
Shalom, friends.
Secondo il mio parere i iraniani conoscono solo il linguaggio della forza.L’oro non devono avere la bomba atomica .
So none of 13 missiles were shot right? is that what the article claiming!
here is video from ain al asad , 3 of them shutdown by American air defense that night.
SEE here:
Land based CWIS? That is super bad @$$. Do we have confirmation this is from that event?
yeah, the one thousand ballistic missile five nuclear warhead strategy. could be a game changer
Oh dear this isn’t good.
Exaggeration is an art form. As we saw in saudi Arabia, these us systems just don’t work. In Iraq they had 2 hours warning, and they didn’t fire a single shot in defence. Israeli systems have a better track record,
It is not clear that there is pinpoint accuracy. Not entirely clear that they don’t, either.
13 missiles fired and 5 hit targets of interest? That would mean most didn’t hit anything valuable at all.
Those miserable statistics may mean the missiles just fail in many/most cases. Or maybe they are actually just lucky when they manage to hit a target. I can’t find enough information to be confident which alternative is more true.
Time will tell how good Israël defense umbrella is, should there be a major clash certainly there will be many casualties.But any attacker will also pay a very high price and wished he didn’t strike.
The Islamist murderous terror conquerors attacked, hit their targets, and America rewarded them the victory without responding.
That is what is known as an encouragement rather than a deterrent.
The Iranians went on after that to down a Ukrainian airliner in a calculated way to kill citizens other than Americans (but 63 Canadians who have a “progressive” flake for a PM who has no clue what is happening in the world) as an easy target, one which the US nor anyone else responded to. I still do not know why the US refuses to take out Iranian nuclear development and research facilities with bunker busters. Can someone explain?
Make Love Not War
Our great Iran loves maximum peace, you should let us to do our daily IRGC chores in peace!
Trump is a lucky guy so far.Where there american casualties at the US bases or airliner he had to act.But you known even Trumps luck runs out one day.
Yes, Yes, good idea! Our supreme leader prays 5 times each day only for this.
@ Strike Force Eagle One
I suggest you consider why he has been so lucky and so very many things he has accomplished. Even if you do not believe in God now, you might just realise that he is anointed by God. Take a look at the prophecies that Trump is anointed by God, many years ago and long before he even ran.
P.S. He will serve a second term, as long as he continues to do God’s will.
@Strike Eagle… Good Comments & Thoughts! There Is a Backside as well that Contributed. The Darkness of Soleimani, IRGC, Proxies & Iran Regime by their Own Acts of Evil. In a Strange Way, Iran is Reflecting that by Honoring with Vengeance on Soleimani more Iranians, Proxies, Civilians Died by the Iran Regime Own Plans & Hands? Believers in Allah As It Was Done See It Globally Too. Mideast Shiia Have to Reflect On That Too?
And how do we know there was no pilot inside the Iranian missiles?
bu daha başlangıçtı, amerikaya atılan tokattı. asıl cevap amerikanın bölgeden çıkması olacak. müslümanlar sizleri yok edecek. hep birlikte toplanıp cehenneme sürüleeksiniz.
Iran just tried their nuclear weapons couple weeks ago, the earthquake close to nuclear reactor was a tested explosion.
Was it Sultan Qaboom???
The end of Israel is coming…
Surely you jest
first time since the korean war? no.
Hi there, all of you are wrong. I bet you Iran will won any war in Middle east and the future of middle east is in hands of Iran.
U.S.+Israel+Saudi+U.K+France+Germany+…= Iran
I’m completely sure that Iran won the war, they have Mahdi… They have goal… They have god
cumurbaşkanı rivline söyleyin iran türk mollalarına iran dini liderine suikastlar düzenlesinler ve iran türk mollaları rejimini yıksınlar
cumurbaşkanı rivline söyleyin iran türk mollalarına iran dini liderine suikastlar düzenlesinler ve iran türk mollaları rejimini yıksınlar
cumurbaşkanı rivline söyleyin iran türk mollalarına iran dini liderine suikastlar düzenlesinler ve iran türk mollaları rejimini yıksınlar
cumurbaşkanı rivline söyleyin iran türk mollalarına iran dini liderine suikastlar düzenlesinler ve iran türk mollaları rejimini yıksınlar
cumurbaşkanı rivline söyleyin iran türk mollalarına iran dini liderine suikastlar düzenlesinler ve iran türk mollaları rejimini yıksınlar
you know, everything is over, show all your power and forces before Israel die. The vanishing of Israel is obvious.
Finishing time for Israel
It’s better for Jewish people to flee from inside Israel, to save their and their families life’s.
I have no doubt my Zionist friends would administer a good nuclear sodomizing to the rag tops if they tried anything stupid.
Both Merkel and Putin have obviously rejected Netanyahu’s risible proposal by agreeing that the Iran nuclear deal stands! Merkel declared that “everything must be done to keep the JCPOA going.
Its always interesting to see how America actions turn our allies populations against us. So what we have now is Iran been trusted and believed across the Levant and America been dispersed. Well done guys, 5/5 for handing this region to Russia and Iran. I hope that this is what you intended.
Here you go Mr Jim, i thought you would enjoy reading about the dozen plus Saudi Kiddie Porn loving trainees been kicked out of the US.
I forgot to add that I’m just livid about it, Big Jim.
I was indoctrinated in the “perverse ways” as a child, and wouldn’t change a thing.
Lol Tommy, looks like you have irritated these Zionists again for them to be posting as you. Well done dude, keep up the good work.
Balad Airbase Occupied by USA Army Soldiers attacked by up to 7 rockets!
I repeat!
Balad Airbase Occupied by USA Army Soldiers attacked by up to 7 rockets!
Four soldiers injured. Awaiting further reports.
Let’s go Orange Man! BRING IT ON!!!!
Like Trump said our missiles are bigger, more accurate and more destructive. Iran has no place to go but down and the more they fight the harder it is for them to go down. The Iranian leadership would destroy the entire iranian population in order to save themselves, hunkered down in a bunker deep below the ground while above nothing but death. Sounds like another time in history if you ask me.
sonny; you are shriveled down and tiny. a small itsy bitty thingie in your pants. we know. we know.
War is wilderness. So Israel must stop killing and making some tricks in the region. Since they suffered in all their history, I dont understand why Jewish kill the others now. Cant you see that all of the
Publics hate Israel and Israel has not an ally in the region. Thats why afraid of Irans balistic miss. So instead of fearfulnes, try to follow the peace way, dont think about to expand your borders, stop the tricks and stop killing. Instead of producing nuc. Weapons use your brains for usefull things for all humans. You can not kill everyone in the region. Choose peace. Dont forget that Turks dont have any problem with Jewish and I believe that, Turks only will save and rescue the Jewish again as in the past. Jewish are clever, honost, hardworkers etc. Good people individually. As araps, turks, iranians etc, jewish are also the citizens of this region from the beginning of the history. We can live together in peace and share our bread all together. In that case, you would not need the protection and support of an untrustuble country (america). So try to restore the relations immidiately with the regional republics. Regards…