ISIS claims Jerusalem killing, replicates UK modus

The Islamic State claimed three “Lions of the caliphate” committed the coordinated Palestinian stabbing-cum-shooting attack Friday night, June 16, outside Damascus Gate in Jerusalem, in which Border Guard policewoman Hadas Malka was stabbed to death and four people were injured. This was the first coordinated ISIS attack in Israel. The jihadists warned it was not the last.

The three Palestinian terrorists, aged 18-19, from the Deir Abu Meshaal village near Ramallah, were shot dead by security forces. The ISIS notice honored the young killers by naming them as Abu Al-Buraa al Miqdasi, Abu Hassan al Miqdasi and Abu Rabah al-Miqdasi. They are described as having prayed before going into action against “the Jews.” The notice went on to say “The martyrs planted fear in the hearts of the Jews and with the help of Allah this won’t be the last attack. The Jews should expect their state to be laid to ruin by the soldiers of the caliphate.”
The Palestinian Hamas refrained from explicitly claiming the attack but praised the three terrorists as its members and issued a statement that the attack was “renewed proof that the intifada continues.”

debkafile’s counterterrorism sources report that the three young Palestinians trained for some weeks in the use of a Carl Gustav submachuine gun in open ground outside their village in the region of Ramallah, the seat of the Palestinian Authority. Israeli security authorities are now investigating how those shooting practices went unnoticed despite the boosted surveillance in force before and during the month-long Muslim Feast of Ramadan, which tends to be a season of Islamic violence. It can also be revealed that the three terrorists left their village days earlier and were put up somewhere in Jerusalem.
Official spokesmen tried to play down these lapses by referring to the Jerusalem attack as a local incident.

The three killers evidently copied the modus operandi of the Islamists who carried out three terror attacks in the British towns of Manchester and London, killing 39 people since March. The last took place in London on June 3, ieaving seven people dead.
Our sources stress that the coordinated attack Friday night had to be prepared in detail; the perpetrators or their accomplices must have studied the terrain of the two linked attacks well in advance. They discovered that the ancient Cave of Zedekiah, which is heavily overgrown with weeds, formed a perfect hiding place for jumping out on the Israeli police patrol at and around the Damascus Gate leading into the Old City.  However it was discovered that one of their sub-machine guns malfunctioned. Otherwise the casualty toll would have been a lot higher.

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