Israeli air force bombs three symbols of Hamas rule in Gaza. Sderot home hit. Hamas offers truce

Israel’s major counter-terror operation in the Gaza Strip was confined in its early stage to air strikes against empty Hamas government buildings. DEBKAfile’s military sources note six features of the operation:
1. The air force alone is conducting this stage of the Israeli offensive with fighter jets, helicopters and drones. The boosted ground forces massed outside the Gaza border fence are being held back for a later stage depending on how the operation unfolds.

2.  Three Hamas internal security and intelligence command centers were struck in Gaza City as week as the Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh’s bureau. They had all be evacuated in good time after the iDF sent warning rockets as part of its ”knock on roof” policy for minimizing civilian casualties.

3. No Hamas casualties are so far reported, indicating the IDF is still keeping its counter-terror offensive law key.

4. Haniyeh’s bureau was struck as a message from the IDF that if the conflict is drawn out, Haniyeh and other high-ranking Hamas officials or commanders may be targeted in person.

5. Within short hours, Hamas and Islamic Jihad retaliated with a massive rocket barrage against Sderot, which knocked over a home. Their payback could extend to other parts of Israel during the night.

6. Following this attack, Hamas claimed a truce had been agreed, which Israel has not confirmed.

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53 thoughts on “Israeli air force bombs three symbols of Hamas rule in Gaza. Sderot home hit. Hamas offers truce

  • Mar 25, 2019 @ 22:27 at 22:27

    Bomb them strong , I want to see terrorists killed.

    • Mar 26, 2019 @ 3:55 at 3:55

      The antisemitic squatters can’t do anything besides bomb with weapons provided thanks to the $10m/day welfare checks.

      They’re like prison guards who get their brains beaten in by prisoners.

      • Mar 26, 2019 @ 4:18 at 4:18

        ^^^^^ One note song

        • Mar 26, 2019 @ 8:28 at 8:28

          Yes, much, much weaker than a spider’s web or anything known to Man!

        • Mar 26, 2019 @ 14:19 at 14:19

          Are you talking about the fascist dictator’s fear-based response to bottle rocket fire?

          Safely drop bombs on bombed-out buildings from 10,000 meters because an attack would result in many dead squatters.

      • Mar 26, 2019 @ 19:43 at 19:43

        ey israil hiçbirşeyi insan eliyle yazılmış ve değiştirilmiş tevratın kendi lehinize hükümler yazarak dünya veya bölgeye kaos yaparak mehdinin geleceğini ummak tam bir saçmalıktır herşeyi bilen allahtır öyle kaoslar savaşlar yaparak mehdinin geleceği sonrada sizi cennete götüreceği tam insan eliyle yazılımış ve tahrip edilmiş tevratın tanlış olduğunun göstergesidir dünyayı kendi elinizle yazılmış tevrata göre yönetemezsiniz çünkü bu saçmalıktır netanyahu abdnin gölgesinde kendisine ait olmayan her toprağı kendi sınırına katarak büyük israili kurmak istiyor ortadoğuda zaten her ülke yıkıldı arap baharıyla şimdi büyük israil yahudi devleti projesine iranı engel gördüğü için hiç durmadan irana sataşıyor bitirmek için yani israilin derdi kuzey afrika ve büyük israil projesine iranı engel gördüğü için irana sataşıyor iranla hep derdi bu yüzden işte

    • Mar 26, 2019 @ 4:23 at 4:23

      The time to attack hamas is not when the rats hide in underground bunkers but in between when they are not firing rockets into Israel. And no more advance notice by Israel.

      Hamas always tries or claims to have a ceasefire what Israel retaliates after hamas lunches rockets. I do not know why Israel always falls for this and stops the retaliatory strikes.

      Throughout the last year with the escalation of violence on the part of hamas, Israel did nothing. hamas views this as weakness and continue to mount their Terror. Now it will take a much greater Israeli response to put an end to this Terror.

      And put it into it, they must. With a strong show of force, so hamas is no longer dictating terms.

      • Mar 26, 2019 @ 18:33 at 18:33

        a waste of ammo bombing empty target’s…but the world would erupt if Israel did what needs to be done to stop the terrorism from those people..alot want Israel to allow them to do as they please and they only know violence to innocent people. a soldier may blow his head off so cease fire before that happens so the cycle keeps going…smoke a few and arrest the other’s deport to jordan or lebanon…

        • Mar 26, 2019 @ 19:51 at 19:51

          boş hedefleri bombalayan diyen siyonist hergün binlerce filistinin ölmesine yaralanmasına sakat kalmasına aç sefalet içinde yaşamasına siz halk olarak nasıl izin veriyorsunuz nasıl akşamları rahat uyuyabiliyorsunuz sizde halk olarak hiç zerre kadar vicdan yokmu 1947 den buyana filistini bir avuç köşeye sıkıştırdınız bu kadar kana doymadınızmı ey israil rejimi ve halkı haksız bir şekilde 2. dünya savaşında avrupanın zulmünden kaçarak filistin toprağına yerleştiniz sonra siyonistliğe ve evanjelistliğe başladınız siz yahudiliğin dışında bütün dinlere bütün kutsallara karşısınız inşallah halk olarak sandığa gittiğinizde bölgenin katil terörist rejimi netanyahuya sandıkta oy dersini verirsiniz çünkü netabyahu rüşvetçi yolsuzcu 2. dünya savaşından sonra bölgenin huzurunu düşmanlık yapan israil katil rejimidir

          • Mar 26, 2019 @ 20:01 at 20:01

            yaşasın isyancı inkarcı israil kavmi için cehennem allahın mahkemesinde en adil şeklinde yargılacaksınız bunu unutmayın allah şüphesiz en iyi hüküm verendir

  • Mar 25, 2019 @ 22:30 at 22:30

    Another ceasefire ?? For how long one day or less?? Up to the next round…. aka the never ending story.

    • Mar 26, 2019 @ 19:58 at 19:58

      siz tüm terör örgütlerine yemeni bombalayan suriyeyi filaistini hergün bombalayan sadece kaosu gerilimleri savaşı körükleyen katil israil rejimisiniz böyle yaparak kendi halkınızın güvenliğini tehlikeye düşürüyorsunuz heryere ahtapot kolları gibi uzanıp müdahale ederk siz adeta belanızı arıyorsunuz ama merek etmeyin allah er yada geç en iyi hüküm verendir siz asi hilekar inkarcı israil kavmisiz ad semud israil kavimlerinin zulümlerini n sonunu unutmayın o yüzden bu dünyada yaptığınız tüm zulümlerin hesabını bu dünyadada o bir dünyadada muhakkak vereceksiniz allaha şükür yaşasın zalimler inkarcılar için sürekli kaynayan cehennem

  • Mar 25, 2019 @ 22:36 at 22:36

    No cease fire

    • Mar 26, 2019 @ 1:45 at 1:45

      It all depends WHERE it is signed off.
      Let us say the cease fire is signed off in the South of Sinai, on their way to the new settlements down by the waterfront along the Gulf of Suez.
      Eh, you see now?

    • Mar 26, 2019 @ 2:52 at 2:52

      IF there is cease fire I am not voting for Netanyahu.

      • Mar 26, 2019 @ 14:42 at 14:42

        My sentiments also.

  • Mar 25, 2019 @ 22:46 at 22:46

    Time for Israel to reclaim Gaza and send the Palestinians back to Jordan. Perhaps the West Bank also.

    • Mar 25, 2019 @ 23:29 at 23:29

      Gaza Arabs are the same bunch as the Arabs in Egypt. West Bank Arabs are the same bunch as the Arabs in Jordan. All originated from Arabian peninsula- Saudi Arabia etc

    • Mar 26, 2019 @ 10:45 at 10:45

      “Time for Israel to reclaim Gaza and send the Palestinians back to Jordan. Perhaps the West Bank also.”


      Before June 1967, the residents of Gaza were known as “Egyptians”, not Palestinians and those of the so-called “West Bank” were known as “Jordanians”.

      Those who today call themselves “Palestinians” have their family clans originally from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf region, not from Israel.

  • Mar 25, 2019 @ 22:57 at 22:57

    Bomb the tunnels, kill their leaders, knock out their power supply.

    • Mar 26, 2019 @ 3:59 at 3:59

      The apartheid squatters should murder 200 unarmed demonstrators. That will show the world!

  • Mar 25, 2019 @ 23:06 at 23:06


  • Mar 25, 2019 @ 23:13 at 23:13

    It’s time for someone to nuke Tel Aviv.

    • Mar 25, 2019 @ 23:24 at 23:24


    • Mar 26, 2019 @ 0:19 at 0:19

      Keep wishing Brady! We’ll see ISIS caliphate revived & global sharia law enforced by Sudan before that happens. Lol. Keep dreaming Aladdin, make your last wish.

      • Mar 26, 2019 @ 3:57 at 3:57

        Don’t be silly–you know perfectly well that the antisemitic squatters love the Saud family’s head-chopping, liver eating mercenaries.

        That’s why they provided them free handjobs in the Stolen Golan while the Syrian ARAB Army bashed their teeth out.

    • Mar 26, 2019 @ 1:35 at 1:35

      Ok Frank, you die of cancer, but the nuke goes into the water at the very bottom and 1 mile west of Deir al Balah. The tsunami will surely wash out all Hamas sins.
      See, you can’t have it all, only yo part baby!

    • Mar 26, 2019 @ 9:06 at 9:06

      Highly intelligent comment!

    • Mar 26, 2019 @ 10:54 at 10:54

      “It’s time for someone to nuke Tel Aviv.”

      @Frank Brady,

      Go right ahead Frank, but before you do, kindly walk over to your living room window, look outside, and tell us just one thing………………………………is it a nice day in Tehran today?

  • Mar 26, 2019 @ 0:55 at 0:55

    Warn the leaders of Hamas that they will be personally blamed and targeted, and then do it if one more rocket or terrorist event occurs.

  • Mar 26, 2019 @ 1:07 at 1:07

    How come Hamas terrorists do not us the “knock-on-roof” technique against Israeli targets? That is because they mean business AND SO SHOULD ISRAEL!!! What is holding Israel back and why are they taking so many chances with the lives of their citizens?

    • Mar 26, 2019 @ 13:48 at 13:48

      Isreal is trying to keep the casualties down for civilians!, unlike the coward’s of more cease fires!!!.and no more warnings for Hamas!!!.

  • Mar 26, 2019 @ 1:33 at 1:33

    F__ck peace… give war a chance!

    • Mar 26, 2019 @ 11:17 at 11:17

      Move forward road is clear

  • Mar 26, 2019 @ 1:35 at 1:35

    Bomb their banks at night
    No poor people are hurt
    Suddenly the bosses are hurt in their pockets.

    • Mar 26, 2019 @ 11:11 at 11:11

      “Bomb their banks at night
      No poor people are hurt
      Suddenly the bosses are hurt in their pockets.”


      Understand that, to do exactly what you specify, the Israelis would have to bomb downtown Beirut, Tehran, Ankara and Istanbul………………where Hamas’ bank accounts are located.

      • Mar 26, 2019 @ 11:56 at 11:56

        Soft targets for cyber warfare

      • Mar 26, 2019 @ 14:26 at 14:26

        Laughable! The same squatters who freak out about kites are going to wage wars against Istanbul and Tehran!! It must be fun pretending that others have the same capability as the Semitic Palestinians living in a concentration camp.

        The comedy’s why I love this website.

        The squatter-bombers would be turned to cinder by air defenses before blowing their load.

  • Mar 26, 2019 @ 1:44 at 1:44

    Jihad only calls a truce (hudna) when they do not have the upper hand, part of the jihadi way of war. Appreciate Israel does not escalation, but this softly softly approach is good for the delicates in Europe, emboldens more jihad against Israel. Do not make any future dependant on the Europeans, they are already halfway bending and submitting within a decade or two. Understand where you are, and act according to what you are dealing with. ‘Do not spare the rod’ should be the mantra…

  • Mar 26, 2019 @ 2:54 at 2:54

    Israel knocks out Hamas HQ and other empty buildings after warning them to evacuate. Who ever heard of giving the enemy time to escape before bombing their empty buildings? Israeli leadership must have their reasons, but I don’t get it. Hamas tries to kill Israeli civilians, Israel tries to avoid killing Hamas enemy. Makes no sense.

  • Mar 26, 2019 @ 3:38 at 3:38

    election time
    netanyahu will be gone. to weak, to political, not a true leader
    he is not a defender of Israel, but a true politician now. the less waves , the better I look.
    now needs $2000 to finish the character.

    anyways, been there to long,
    time for new blood and real leaders

  • Mar 26, 2019 @ 3:40 at 3:40

    read $2000 suits.

  • Mar 26, 2019 @ 7:06 at 7:06

    B— 52 brings understanding & dismay !

  • Mar 26, 2019 @ 11:18 at 11:18

    Move forward road is clear

  • Mar 26, 2019 @ 11:50 at 11:50

    Jews should not fall for the fake pressure of the antisemites, and the weak political correct traitors from within. Strong Jews get more respect in the end of the day anyway. And now With Trump in power; when are you ever going to finish off this problem, instead of being the knock knock laughing stock of the world? If not now, than when?

  • Mar 26, 2019 @ 12:12 at 12:12

    Low level conversations here. Not many
    strategIc insights

  • Mar 26, 2019 @ 13:09 at 13:09

    Today at the bomb shelter to which I scurried I was diagnosed with shock. I also peed myself. The Big Bad Palestinians keep shooting BOTTLE ROCKETS at me and I’m so so so scared. Meanwhile, Iran and Syria and Hezbollah all have big and mighty armies.

    What are we ever to do? How can we continue to murder with impunity?

    Time for me to do what mommy and daddy always said–let a piggie take you from the backside. It feels good, and makes you forget the pain.


  • Mar 26, 2019 @ 14:06 at 14:06

    I have a number of empty buildings which require demolition at considerable cost.

    As experts in empty building demolitions, would it be possible to contract the Israeli air force to undertake these demolitions?

    • Mar 26, 2019 @ 14:20 at 14:20

      If you bomb empty buildings, the Dotard will give you a $10m check every day AND supply the weapons.

  • Mar 26, 2019 @ 16:11 at 16:11

    Hamas is being spared by Israel because it suits Israel to have a Palestinian party that is in opposition to Fatah. Politics is a very dirty game and the Israeli public always pays a price. If Israel destroys Hamas, it means that Israel will then have no choice but to make peace with Fatah and hand over the West Bank. As long as Hamas is around, the excuse can be used that the Palestinians do not have their affairs in order due to rivalries and infighting so that Israel does not have a trustworthy group to negotiate anything peaceful with.

  • Mar 26, 2019 @ 17:27 at 17:27

    The buildings bombed were empty because Israel warned them of the impending attacks; so Hamas leaders went to the nearest schools and hospitals to be safe. You can bet if the rockets continue by Hamas they will be attacked by ground troops and they will be searching for Hamas leaders. When was the last time Israel went into Gaza and chased out the rats; 2014?

  • Mar 27, 2019 @ 4:46 at 4:46

    Real men dont need drones and an air force to win. Little jew boys do. Pathetic

    • Mar 27, 2019 @ 10:16 at 10:16

      “Real men dont need drones and an air force to win. Little jew boys do. Pathetic”


      The “little Jew boys”, as you refer to, had very few aircraft and no drones at all in 1948………………..but they won against all odds.
      What’s really pathetic here is your post.
      Sounds like you’re still upset that the side you supported LOST WWII!

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