Israeli air strikes knock over dozens of Iranian Guards and Syrian army targets

Israel fighter jets early Wednesday, Nov. 20 smashed dozens of Iranian Revolutionary Guards and Syrian military targets in Syria – payback for the four-rocket volley against the Golan. They included ground-to-air missile batteries, command centers, weapons stores and bases. The IDF reported that Syrian anti-air batteries were destroyed after opening fire on the Israeli jets, although a warning was relayed to Damascus to abstain. Syrian military sources describe the Israeli fighters as shooting missiles from airspace over the Golan and Lebanon.

At the end of the attack, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu issued a brief statement: “I have said clearly that if anyone harms us, we will harm them. That is what we did tonight to the Iranian Al Qods Brigades and Syrian military targets, after rockets were aimed from Syria against Israel. We shall continue to vigorously safeguard Israel’s security.”

DEBKAfile’s military sources: Israel and Iran have recently embarked on an extraordinary duel, conducted between Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi for the IDF and and the Al Qods Brigades chief Gen. Qassem Soleimani for Iran’s Revolutionary Guards.     

The Iranian general is determined to draw Israel into a drawn-out war of attrition on multiple fronts, Syria, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, whereas the Israeli general’s tactics center on cutting short a potentially slow, debilitating conflict by sharp strikes against Iranian targets and those of its allies. Iran never knows when these surprise attacks are coming or where. Last week, Iran challenged Israel from the Gaza Strip with 450 Palestinian Islamic Jihad rockets. This week, the site of the duel moved to Syria.

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76 thoughts on “Israeli air strikes knock over dozens of Iranian Guards and Syrian army targets

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 5:53 at 5:53

    Well, as expected.

    The real question is, how iran will respond. Will they organise a missile strike from iraq and jemen, and what will they target. And will israel twarth that attack….

    In depth, there are some hard decisions to make for israel.

    Whatever the government decides, that multiple front war will come, sooner or later. Does israel wants to fight it under a president trump, or keep avoiding it, till there is no other choice, and fight it under a hostile white house and international community.

    • Nov 20, 2019 @ 6:06 at 6:06

      There will be a Trump in the White House for more decades and years than Bush’s …. and Lieberman will soon accomplish what he wanted by playing poker with the Haredi, and winning

      • Nov 20, 2019 @ 6:23 at 6:23

        what are you smoking?

      • Nov 20, 2019 @ 16:57 at 16:57

        There is NO Torah reason for orthodox military deferments. On the contrary, Jews must not stand idly by their brothers’ blood.

        • Nov 20, 2019 @ 20:21 at 20:21

          Kol Chavod

          • Nov 21, 2019 @ 12:46 at 12:46

            yeah, bring out the hostages

        • Nov 21, 2019 @ 12:41 at 12:41

          For he said to them, “This is the rest; give rest to the weary, and this is the tranquility,” but they would not listen.
          10Who said to the seers, “You shall not see,” and to the prophets, “You shall not prophesy for us true things. Speak to us with smooth talk; prophesy mockery.
          smooth talk: Flattery.
          prophesy: (חֲזוּ, lit., envision) prophesy.
          11Turn away from the road, turn away from the path, cease from before us the Holy One of Israel.”
          turn away: (Turn) us (away).
          from the path: We want the false prophecy.
          12Therefore, so said the Holy One of Israel, “Because you have despised this matter, and you have put your trust in oppression and a perverse one, and you have relied upon it.
          this matter: the true prophecy.
          and a perverse one: a disgraceful one and a mocker.
          13Therefore, this iniquity shall be to you as a breach of a falling [wall], revealed in a fortified wall, whose breach will come suddenly.”
          as a breach: of a fallen wall.
          revealed in a fortified wall: Revealed to enter thereby the walls of your fortification. נִבְעֶה is an expression of revealing, as in Obadiah (1: 6): “His hidden things were revealed (נִבְעוּ).” Dunash, however, interprets נִבְעֶה as a protrusion, since the wall develops blisters (אֲבַעְבּוּעוֹת) because of the rains and the deterioration of the weak mortar.
          14And He shall break it like the breaking of a potter’s jug, crushed without pity, and in its crushing shall not be found a shard, to scoop fire from a hearth, or to scoop water from a cistern.
          a potter’s jug: An earthenware jug.
          shall not be found: in the crushing of its fragments a shard large enough to scoop fire from a hearth, to pick up fire from a hearth. All scooping up of fire is referred to with an expression of חֲתִיָּה.
          or to scoop water: Or to draw. Comp. (Haggai 2:16): “To draw off (לַחְשׂף) fifty measures.” Also (below 47:2): “Draw off (חֶשְׂפִּי) the path.” Draw water from your path, Epuyse in O.F.
          from a cistern: (מִגֶּבֶא) A pit full of water.
          15For so said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; “With tranquility and restfulness shall you be saved, with quietude and trust shall be your might; but you did not want.

      • Nov 24, 2019 @ 19:31 at 19:31

        at the most Trump or any US president has is 8 years so what is the meaning of “decades”? really stupid remark.

    • Nov 20, 2019 @ 9:14 at 9:14

      As Stated on Previous Posts. Israel Planned these Operations Learning After Every Attack by Iran Proxies. Iran Regime Was Warned Many Times. The IRGC need to go back to Iran & Iran’s Proxies are now dealing with People Uprisings as well just like in Iran.

      • Nov 20, 2019 @ 10:59 at 10:59

        “The Last Parade March Of Al Qods Brigades!”

        Just gotta love it: that sure has a nice harmonic resonance to it!

        • Nov 20, 2019 @ 18:20 at 18:20

          Hmmm, why does davefromorange suggest that Jesus the Christ won’t fulfill his promise to save the souls of those who repent for their sins and accept Jesus as their Lord and savior (followed by changing their life to live according to biblical principles)? Does davefromorange dispute the Holy Bible or perhaps have an interpretation that apparently is not accepted by followers of the Word? I am biting here, what is the answer? You and me bro, dance-off. What do you believe?

    • Nov 20, 2019 @ 15:20 at 15:20

      as nexpected will be when i do you sharmuta in your humpbacking back home you hairy dirty sharmuta and your goats and dogs i will do everything and your sharmouta motha who is diseased sharmutha

      • Nov 20, 2019 @ 17:59 at 17:59

        DEBKA posts that they will not allow “incitement, libel or offensive language.” What about if somebody is trying to be offensive but isn’t? “Jim Carol” evidently is attempting to be offensive but his post is unintelligible. He is fascinated with something he calls “sharmota” (??) repeating it three times and something else he calls “motha” –does he mean to talk about “moths?– along with goats and dogs? Some posts are idiotic.This one is Bizarre.

        • Nov 20, 2019 @ 19:40 at 19:40

          @StanG Without condoning the current or past Jim Carroll language I have followed the comments section for some time. This is not the normal Jim Carroll language in syntax and spelling and semantics. I think it is clear that someone is impersonating Jim Carroll for reasons of his/her own.

    • Nov 20, 2019 @ 15:20 at 15:20

      i will expect your sharmutha motha to hump with dogs today you dirty sharmutha

    • Nov 20, 2019 @ 17:17 at 17:17

      Anonymous makes a good point: Israel will have to engage Iran sooner or later. Better do it while there is a friendly, supportive US President. The next one might be another Obama, considering the rhetoric of the frontrunners of the Democratic contenders.

    • Nov 20, 2019 @ 19:02 at 19:02

      better tofight while trump is in office then to be BETRAYED by a closet muslim OBAMA

    • Nov 21, 2019 @ 14:27 at 14:27

      Good to shut the barking Dog!!Go Istael

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 6:13 at 6:13

    It matters not if the entire world attacked Israel. God said He will destroy the attackers for His glory. Not the U.S., not the international community. God is not wringing His hands in heaven but will do as He said He would as written in Ezekiel. All past prophecies have come to be truth and so will those for the future. Thanks be to God!

    • Nov 20, 2019 @ 8:16 at 8:16

      Amen!! “Thus saith the LORD” settles it.

    • Nov 20, 2019 @ 15:35 at 15:35

      Anton, we wish. But history shows another side of the salvation coin. Remember 720 bce, 586 bce, 70 ce, and a couple other lesser events? It seems that very few of the Jews of eretz israel understand fully what caused these events, and how a similar scene is playing out today, and how to stop it. Further reading, deut28 and Lev26. Yah bless.

    • Nov 21, 2019 @ 12:48 at 12:48

      10Who said to the seers, “You shall not see,” and to the prophets, “You shall not prophesy for us true things. Speak to us with smooth talk; prophesy mockery.
      smooth talk: Flattery.
      prophesy: (חֲזוּ, lit., envision) prophesy.
      11Turn away from the road, turn away from the path, cease from before us the Holy One of Israel.”
      turn away: (Turn) us (away).
      from the path: We want the false prophecy.
      12Therefore, so said the Holy One of Israel, “Because you have despised this matter, and you have put your trust in oppression and a perverse one, and you have relied upon it.
      this matter: the true prophecy.
      and a perverse one: a disgraceful one and a mocker.
      13Therefore, this iniquity shall be to you as a breach of a falling [wall], revealed in a fortified wall, whose breach will come suddenly.”
      as a breach: of a fallen wall.
      revealed in a fortified wall: Revealed to enter thereby the walls of your fortification. נִבְעֶה is an expression of revealing, as in Obadiah (1: 6): “His hidden things were revealed (נִבְעוּ).” Dunash, however, interprets נִבְעֶה as a protrusion, since the wall develops blisters (אֲבַעְבּוּעוֹת) because of the rains and the deterioration of the weak mortar.
      14And He shall break it like the breaking of a potter’s jug, crushed without pity, and in its crushing shall not be found a shard, to scoop fire from a hearth, or to scoop water from a cistern.
      a potter’s jug: An earthenware jug.
      shall not be found: in the crushing of its fragments a shard large enough to scoop fire from a hearth, to pick up fire from a hearth. All scooping up of fire is referred to with an expression of חֲתִיָּה.
      or to scoop water: Or to draw. Comp. (Haggai 2:16): “To draw off (לַחְשׂף) fifty measures.” Also (below 47:2): “Draw off (חֶשְׂפִּי) the path.” Draw water from your path, Epuyse in O.F.
      from a cistern: (מִגֶּבֶא) A pit full of water.
      15For so said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel; “With tranquility and restfulness shall you be saved, with quietude and trust shall be your might; but you did not want.

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 6:42 at 6:42

    I pray that Israel continues to honor G-d, and stops the tilt toward embracing gay marriage, abortion and other such abominations. G-d will continue to bless and protect Israel, but allowing such evil behavior may bring unneeded death and hardship if Israel takes itself out from under G-d`s protection. Same goes for the U.S.

    I suggest letting the Haredim stay out of the military and not drafting them. Just some thoughts from a concerned Christian American who loves Israel.

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 6:45 at 6:45

    As a U.S. citizen, first I’d like to say I’ve been appalled for decades at the way Israel has been treated by the U.S. Gov’t. The US has and is being de-stabilized, such that I don’t recognize my country I’ve lived in for 6 decades. There is another certainty, with death and taxes, and that’s the inviolate capability to bribe American politicians. I don’t know how much longer you can depend on us, good friends.

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 7:04 at 7:04

    They IAF should hit the heart of damascus…. the house of the syrian giraffe dictator…..the syrian airport and ports…. show them that any attack on any part of the soverign state of israel will be faced with intense punishment

    • Nov 20, 2019 @ 9:20 at 9:20

      LebanonLove…It may actually escalate to those events, but Syria & Russian just want to Rebuild Syria. The Real Targets are still Hizballah, Hamas, & Shiia in Iran-Iraq! Iran can’t defend them nor control them! Iran Shiia Regime cannot Depend on Persians to Fight for Them as in the 1980s Iraq War. Time for Persians To Become Men Again & Rise Up Retake Persia!

      • Nov 20, 2019 @ 15:18 at 15:18

        i will do you hard your back hole you sharmuta gst001 and tyour very hairy not shaved motha diseased and very hairy goat sharmouthas

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 7:39 at 7:39

    The fighters in the picture are McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle.

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 8:27 at 8:27

    WHY WHY “although a warning was relayed to Damascus to abstain”??

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 10:13 at 10:13

    The skirmishes are but Hors D’oevres
    Once a deluded freak Lieberman realises the harm he inflicted on Israel, and the unhinged left orchestrating a wholly corrupt investigation into Bibi lay down theeir conspiracy, Bibi will formally Annex the Jordan Valley, and clean up the Ayatollahs and their tools from the land of Darius..

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 10:15 at 10:15

    Long overdue.

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 12:11 at 12:11

    Very well

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 12:45 at 12:45

    israel should target soleimani with a wanted type campaign,like in a western movie

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 13:14 at 13:14

    Another flagrant violation of international law in which this parasitic state which lives to inflict pain and suffering on other people once illegally again attacks its neighbors. As this Jewish people uave shown that they have no respect for other peoples life, liberty, property or freedoms so too should we treate this people. In nature the parasite behaves much the same and while we do our best to avoid it when we encounter it we know that i needs to be destroyed for the health of the body. The same applies here, for the good of the species this parasitic pestilence needs to be contained and brought under control.

    • Nov 20, 2019 @ 13:42 at 13:42


    • Nov 20, 2019 @ 15:17 at 15:17

      i’m cuming for you sharmuta and will do your stinky back hole very hairy and not shaved humpingback you and your sharmouta motha

    • Nov 20, 2019 @ 21:45 at 21:45

      I’d like to you or anybody else bring us under “control” which to you means Jews unable to defend themselves. NOT happening – you will have to come through the IDF and trust me you won’t make through alive.

      • Nov 21, 2019 @ 12:56 at 12:56

        The princes of Zoan are mere fools; The advice of Pharaoh’s wisest advisers has become stupid. How can you men say to Pharaoh, “I am a son of the wise, a son of ancient kings “?

        And gleanings shall be left in it like the cutting of an olive tree, two or three berries at the end of the uppermost bough; four or five on its branches when it produces fruit, says the Lord, God of Israel.

        … because I planted you with pleasant saplings, and with the branch of a stranger you sow it.

        Do not presume to say to yourselves, We have the yichus (proud lineage), we have the zechut Avot (merit of the Fathers) of Avraham Avinu (our father Abraham). For I say to you that Hashem is able to raise up from these avanim (stones) banim (sons) of Avraham. And already the ax is laid at the shoresh haetzim (the root of the trees); therefore, every etz not producing pri tov (good fruit) is cut down and thrown into the eish (fire).

    • Nov 20, 2019 @ 14:24 at 14:24

      Yes as i have said before this is a very important point and why Israel is trying to bait Iran so that Russia and China agree not to extend sanctions. Israel loves to play the victim when it is the country violating International Law and its neighbors rights. Because come next year October Iran will be able to buy whatever weapons technology it needs to integrate into its domestic weapons production. With the karma that Zionism has built up i i would not be surprised if this leads to a true holocaust, no the holohoax from WW2.

    • Nov 20, 2019 @ 15:27 at 15:27

      Russia expressed its readiness to discuss the sale of S-400 air defence systems to Iran earlier this year as soon as such a request was received from the Iranian side. Tehran may be interested in purchasing a variety of advanced Russian defence hardware, including the S-400 air defence system, the K-300P Bastion coastal defence system, Su-30 fighter jets, Yak-130 trainers and T-90 main battle tanks, a new report by the Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) says.

      The report, dubbed ‘Iran Military Power’, part of its ‘Military Power’ series which also includes Russia and China, speculates that the Islamic Republic may begin shopping for advanced arms abroad to modernise its military after the United Nations arms embargo against Tehran expires in October 2020, on the fifth anniversary of the adoption of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action nuclear deal.

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 15:00 at 15:00

    all the usraeli sharmouitas are dirty dog humping dogs who are smelly and stinky humping theirt motha who is diseased sharmuta

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 15:22 at 15:22


  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 15:45 at 15:45


  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 16:11 at 16:11

    Donkey-brained ayatollahs recently promised Immediate response for any Israeli “criminal aggression” acts.
    They are being seriously tested, now…

    • Nov 20, 2019 @ 16:41 at 16:41

      i will test your back hole you sharmutha YOSEF your stinky smelly back hole sharmoutha i will do some serious humping of your asharmytha

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 16:28 at 16:28

    watch how god puts the hooks in the ruskies jaws & whate he does to draw it about god has decreed it ezek

    • Nov 20, 2019 @ 16:42 at 16:42

      i will put a hook in your back hole you dirty hairy sharmouta TUCKER hairy stinky sharmoutha humpingback your diseased hairy motha

    • Nov 20, 2019 @ 17:22 at 17:22

      Like the Romans punished the Jews by destroying Jerusalem and culling the Jewish people so to will it be done again. The fake Ashkenazi Jews of Magog will be cast onto the garbage heap and the earth purification through fire and the earth will rejoice and praise the lord that the great enemy of Mankind is no more.

      • Nov 20, 2019 @ 18:28 at 18:28

        Can I have the address of your dealer? Your weed seems more powerful than the one I get.

        • Nov 20, 2019 @ 18:43 at 18:43

          i hum your dealer in the backhole because he is dirty hairy sharmouta and his sharmouta motha is also diseased and hairy

      • Nov 21, 2019 @ 12:57 at 12:57

        The princes of Zoan are mere fools; The advice of Pharaoh’s wisest advisers has become stupid. How can you men say to Pharaoh, “I am a son of the wise, a son of ancient kings “?

        And gleanings shall be left in it like the cutting of an olive tree, two or three berries at the end of the uppermost bough; four or five on its branches when it produces fruit, says the Lord, God of Israel.

        … because I planted you with pleasant saplings, and with the branch of a stranger you sow it.

        Do not presume to say to yourselves, We have the yichus (proud lineage), we have the zechut Avot (merit of the Fathers) of Avraham Avinu (our father Abraham). For I say to you that Hashem is able to raise up from these avanim (stones) banim (sons) of Avraham. And already the ax is laid at the shoresh haetzim (the root of the trees); therefore, every etz not producing pri tov (good fruit) is cut down and thrown into the eish (fire).

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 17:12 at 17:12


  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 18:20 at 18:20

    I don’t know how Israel identified Kochavi as the man to be the Chief of Staff but I hope there are lots more like him.

    • Nov 20, 2019 @ 18:42 at 18:42

      kochavic is a dirty sharmouta and he is humping hairy dirty dogs and goats and also he is humpbackinh his diseased hairy motha every day

      • Nov 20, 2019 @ 19:01 at 19:01

        You are projecting again.

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 19:03 at 19:03

    Israel must hit Soleimani next. A precision strike using the MOAB will do the job.
    Baruch HaShem !!!

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 19:10 at 19:10

    i do dirty moabs every day with your motha who is a smelly sharmouta and very hairty too

    • Nov 20, 2019 @ 21:54 at 21:54

      Please go away. You’re not funny.

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 19:59 at 19:59

    Those are fake stories you can’t back up,if Elohim is not with Israel how comes you get battered and fairytale style by a small tiny country…….. like in the day’s of joshua and King David?…….
    Ze’ve greengold with a single tank withholding a whole Syrian brigade in the Golan hights…..or yonatan yoni’s mission into the deep midnight darkness 2000km away at entebbe,….. but the Lord God of Abraham will show you more and more as the days go by till you will admit

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 20:07 at 20:07

    Eventually, little Israël will get its teeth kicked-in. Every boy in this bad neighbourhood wants a piece of him and he has been behaving badly stealing from his close neighbour…

  • Nov 20, 2019 @ 21:01 at 21:01

    @vlad, have you noticed we talk has (events) while you talk will (hope) …..keep hoping as you’re governed

    • Nov 21, 2019 @ 4:55 at 4:55

      The oppressed over time always rise against its oppressors and they win 100% of the time when they’re the majority.

    • Nov 20, 2019 @ 22:35 at 22:35

      Just wow, seriously guys thats not cool. One could say that its a very green idea but no. Turning people into soap, eating people, pet food, pedophilia etc are taboo for a reason and the reason is we are not animals!

      • Nov 21, 2019 @ 4:58 at 4:58

        Humans are animals and they are killing everything. We are not special and nothing more than baboons with weapons.

  • Nov 21, 2019 @ 5:53 at 5:53

    Arabs cannot do that to Jews@tommy, those are just wishes, it’s like a wife beating the Man of the house, can’t you see how masculine, male and strong Jews are, physiologically Arabs are soft fleshed like ladies, with the same corresponding woman’s characteristics of disorganization, uncontrollable fury and venom.

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