Israel’s general election brought forward to April 9

The decision to call in early election ahead of the scheduled date in November was reached the government coalition party heads with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Monday. They issued an announcement saying “Out of budgetary and national responsibility the leaders of the coalition parties have unanimously decided to dissolve the Knesset and conduct parliamentary elections on April 9 after serving four full years in office. The coalition will continue to function in unison during the period running up to the election.”  The Knesset will be dissolved on the coming Wednesday. The government has served with an unstable majority of 61 (out of 120) which seriously curtailed its legislative capacity. Its failure to carry the Military Mobilization Bill by its Jan. 15 deadline was the last straw.

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10 thoughts on “Israel’s general election brought forward to April 9

  • Dec 24, 2018 @ 15:39 at 15:39

    I’m not sure I have a deep grasp of the legislative and executive parts of the Israeli government, . . . but as a military person having been in the cross hairs too many times, . . . I certainly hope and pray the new group will play well together and be willing and able to defend their nation. Government’s first job and most important job is simply to keep the citizens safe in their homes.

    • Dec 24, 2018 @ 16:51 at 16:51

      Well said!!!

  • Dec 24, 2018 @ 19:05 at 19:05

    Stupid waste of $$$ ! Equivalent to grinding water with a mortar and pestle…
    Same cowardly, miserable faces will show up, perhaps in a different layout…

  • Dec 24, 2018 @ 20:09 at 20:09

    I will pray that G_d grants His Israel the government that she needs and that the men and women that make it up will be pliable in His hands

    in England

  • Dec 24, 2018 @ 20:33 at 20:33

    That’s nonsense, reminding me of the leftists nonsense in the U.S. always trying to bash Trump, even at the cost of damaging the U.S.

    There will be elections even in war time. Soldiers, including reservists, vote.

    You don’t understand how strong democracy is rooted in Israel.

    • Dec 24, 2018 @ 20:47 at 20:47

      That is very good to hear that Israel has safeguards to prevent Executive overreach.

      I asked as i have read articles that Porky in the Ukraine can legally do that as his support is apparently in the single digit range at the moment

      I became even more curious since my first posting was deleted and it me wonder what why that was such a troubling question / what the big deal was?

      But great to hear that’s not the case here.

  • Dec 24, 2018 @ 23:14 at 23:14

    Analysis Israel’s Early Elections: How Trump Accidentally Exposed Netanyahu’s Bluff

    Netanyahu said only a few weeks ago the security situation in the north was too dangerous for Israel to head to an election. Now, suddenly it isn’t.

    Netanyahu’s twists and turns over the last month proved once again that he is the most sophisticated tactician in Israel’s political scene, always a step ahead of his rivals on the left, the center and the right. But thanks to Trump’s withdrawal from Syria, Netanyahu was also exposed as one of the most cynical among Israel’s politicians – someone who doesn’t hesitate to use the supposedly sacrosanct issue of national security for purely political purposes. When it suits him, threats on Israel’s security are important enough to delay an election; but when it doesn’t, security considerations are cast aside – and his own political interests guide the government’s policies.

    So will a War be required to Keep Netanyahu Out of Jail? |

  • Dec 24, 2018 @ 23:53 at 23:53

    only a secular, ashkenazi junta with a Mizrahi leader can be an antidote to Arab-Nazi aggression, Haredim-corruption, American Jewish backstabbing and EU hypocrite meddling.
    Welcome to Nakbanistan !!!

  • Dec 25, 2018 @ 5:32 at 5:32

    the decision was reached by the Knesset, not just one single person so stop showing your biases like a defective American Democrat.

  • Dec 25, 2018 @ 17:36 at 17:36

    May 6,2015 was the last elections held in Israel where Prime MInister Benjamin Netanyahu won. That was 4 years ago. Elections in Israel for Prime MInister is held every 4 years. This election is NOT an early election. This election is right on time not early. 2015 to 2019 is 4 years.

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