Lieberman returns to defense in next Netanyahu government. IDF will stop firing at Gaza rioters

Avigdor Lieberman stands ready to regain the defense portfolio in the cabinet Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu hopes to put together next week. He has already taken part in a security conference with IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi and Shin Bet Director Nadav Argaman on the Gaza situation.

Reports abound about some sort of six-month ceasefire deal having been concluded between Israel and Hamas. Much is made of Israeli concessions compared with vague Palestinian commitments to de-escalate terrorist violence. This information is mostly pumped out by the IDF spokesman. It reflects the imprecise nature of the deal. For months, negotiations led by Egypt have meandered uncertainly back and forth in Cairo, interrupted by Palestinian rocket fire, incendiary balloons and explosive clashes between the Israeli military and Hamas-inflamed mobs on the Gaza-Israeli border. However, according to our sources, one provision is crystal clear: Israel’s army chiefs have agreed to stop firing on the Palestinian mobs rampaging on the border week after week, provided only that they don’t cross a 300-meter deep boundary line.

This one-sided concession is unprecedented in any national army’s fight against terrorists.

The rest of the “deal,” drawn up between Israel, Hamas, Egypt and Qatar, is full of holes and unlikely to hold up any longer than its precedents. Egypt and Qatar are backing Hamas’ refusal to commit to any reciprocal specifics, such as a ceasefire, a cessation of hostilities, or non-belligerence. Therefore, what happens next in the Gaza crisis remains open to speculation, like the content of Liberman’s conference with Gen. Kochavi and Argaman ahead of his return to the Defense Ministry.

Even before this happens, Hamas offered him a timely reminder of who called the shots in the past year and still held the initiative. On Wednesday, May 22, amid exceptionally hot, dry and windy weather conditions, Palestinian terrorists released a cloud of incendiary balloons which started 11 blazes in Israel fields. In a further attempt to push the caretaker Israeli government to the wall, Hamas on Thursday, released a list of alleged “promises” which Israel was accused of failing to uphold. The terrorists gave Israel one week to keep them or face renewed violent demonstrations and rocket fire.
One of those “promises” concerned paychecks for Hamas’ armed wing operatives, i.e. active terrorists. Qatar, which with Israel’s approval has been pumping large sums into Gaza to cover the needs of its distressed Gaza population, is blamed for giving every fighter a $50 food coupon instead of his wages.

Hamas is feeling the pinch since Israel cut off the funds owing to the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah over its insistence on allocating payments to convicted terrorists. A portion of those funds was regularly diverted to the Hamas government. And so, Israel finds itself in the paradoxical position of de-funding certain Palestinian terrorists, on the one hand, while being required to allow Qatar to cover the paychecks of the Palestinian terrorists of Gaza.

It turns out, therefore, that Hamas is taking a hand – not just in the fate of the communities of southern Israel but also attempting to assert its will on the formation of Israel’s next coalition government. Its leaders feel they are sitting pretty, owing to two developments: 1. The favorable deal taking shape with Israel and the IDF; and 2. Its rival terrorist movement, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, is immobilized by a leadership split. DEBKAfile reveals that Jihad’s Gaza-based leaders, Muhammed al Hindi and Muhammed al Batsh, have broken with Ziyad Nahaleh, who operates out of Beirut or Tehran.

The outcome of the current maneuvers around Gaza is likely to be an undefined deal being struck between Hamas and Israel with Egyptian and Qatari intercession, after the Palestinian group is awarded a much larger slice of funding. Hamas won’t give up a cent of the hundreds of millions of Qatari cash due in the coming six months.

Barring unforeseen events, Binyamin Netanyahu will meanwhile establish a government coalition next week; Lieberman will be sworn in for his second stint as defense minister; and the IDF will abide by its commitment to refrain from firing live bullets into Gaza. It may be recalled that Lieberman quit as defense minister on Nov. 14, 2018, in protest against what he called the government’s “surrender to terrorism” in the Gaza Strip. It was his resignation that led to a general election on April 9 and a new government.

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50 thoughts on “Lieberman returns to defense in next Netanyahu government. IDF will stop firing at Gaza rioters

  • May 23, 2019 @ 12:07 at 12:07

    The last battle will be against self-hating Jews and the Erev Rav!

    • May 23, 2019 @ 14:10 at 14:10

      The last battle will be with Lieberman, trying to stay under 200 kilograms.

      • May 23, 2019 @ 22:02 at 22:02

        abd ve rusya uzayın her yerinde dünyanın tüm ülkelerini hedef alacak şekilde nükleer balistik füze yerleştiriyor ama kimse hiçbir medya hiçbir ülke korkudan deşifre etmiyor dünyaya cesaretli kimse yokmu bu ülkelerin uzayda ne yaptığını deşifre etmeye diye soruyorum

    • May 23, 2019 @ 14:11 at 14:11

      God hates a FATA$$ glutton.

      • May 23, 2019 @ 14:21 at 14:21

        God hates Terrorist Pal-e-SWINE, Islamofascist Iran and Mad Dog Turkey.

        Look at the top picture showing Pal-e-SWINIANS with their flags and sitting in the DIRT.

        • May 23, 2019 @ 14:44 at 14:44

          Yeah, but I will miss the IDF sniping at the worthless little terrorists.

        • May 23, 2019 @ 20:35 at 20:35

          sizden daha faşist diktatör ülke varmı siyonist yahudi siz ortodoks hristiyanlara bile zulum eden hapse suçsuz yere atan zalimlersiniz ama allaha zalimlerden şüphesiz yüksektir

      • May 23, 2019 @ 16:28 at 16:28

        That’s why God hates you, Tubby.

        • May 23, 2019 @ 21:47 at 21:47

          israil ortadoğuda tek nükleer güç olarak tehlikeli olan israil kudurmuş vahşi işgalci zalim bir siyonist evanjelist rejimdir sözde devlettir her yere köpek gibi saldıran israil dünyanın en zalim ülkesidir

      • May 23, 2019 @ 22:03 at 22:03

        abd rusya uzayda nükleer balistik füze yerleştiriyor ama kimse bu ülkelere birşey diyemiyor

    • May 23, 2019 @ 16:00 at 16:00

      same old , same old ; Isn`t they all involved in some kind common investigation. So if the ministers are in defense or other useless portfolios , than full immunity is there –the military ia on their sides . Dictator movie remake .Let them experiment with some useless weapons no one knows if they even work .

    • May 23, 2019 @ 16:12 at 16:12

      Wrong Bucko! No more unnecessary..
      except WHEN necessary…bullet fire.
      THIS time when 60,000 strong “mob” tries to ram a sovereign border..
      THEY will.get the: NAGASAKI revenge. Destroys people…not the fruit, flowers and vegetables…to feed the employed


      • May 23, 2019 @ 21:56 at 21:56

        That’s like writing Germany was across a border from Auschwitz.

        Not a sovereign border. Just apartheid.

    • May 24, 2019 @ 0:38 at 0:38

      I never thought I would see the day when a weak Israeli government would bend to the whims of an Arab terrorist Nation. What would the forefathers have thought of this current response?

      Stop the talk with no action. If you do not want to invade or use live ammunition against terrorists/invaders, follow the eye for an eye rule:
      Wait for the wind to blow from the East, and launch fire balloons into gaza. Period.

      And the next time hamas launches 500 Bombs into Israel, retaliate with 800 rockets, without advanced warning.

    • May 24, 2019 @ 19:28 at 19:28

      The Jewish Culture and all its Sons and Daughter of Abraham is an Undeniable Part of the Beginning Covenant with Jehovah-Allah the Mutually Recognized Belief G-d. This includes the Land of Milk & Honey known as Israel. Anyone trying to Remove the Culture of Judaism and Land of Israel is Actually Removing the Very Foundations and Holy Torah, Bible, and Koran Essential Part of Christianity and Islam from Judaism and the Planet Earth. Think About That When Advocating Death Over Opportunities For Peaceful Right Coexistence as Jehovah-G-d-Allah Intended among All Of Us! It is the Iranian Shiia Regime Must Change to the One True same G-D of all of Us!

      This is why the Iranian Shiia Regime and all Followers of Hamas, Houthis, Hizbollah, Palestinians, Iraqi-Iran Shiia, Fighting, Practicing, and Calling for the Death and Destruction of Israel are a “Satanic Atheists Threat”, to not just to Judaism but Islam, and Christianity that Believe in the same One G-d of Abraham!

      There is “No Same Jehovah-G-d-Allah without Judaism or Israel? This why the Opportunity for Peace must happen by the Message Of Abraham. Whereby Believers of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, must Turn Strangers into Families and Enemies into Friends, to Thrive and Survive on this Earth and beyond Time. Any removal of Israel and Judaism is also the Removal of Christianity Message from Jesus and Islamic Message from Mohammed the Messenger!

      This also why the Palestinians and Hamas must seize the Day of Opportunity for Peaceful Resolution of the Same Land of Canaan, Judea, Palestine, Israel and reject the Iranian Shiia Exploitation, Exportation and Execution of Rejecting the same “Jehovah-G-d-Allah” Revelations of Abraham, by the Satanic Possessions of Nuclear Weapons to Destroy Israel as they have Announced and Shouted many Times. It is the Iranian Shiia Regime that is also misleading and funding Satan Hate in Yemen, Lebanon, Gaza, West Bank, Iraq and Iran as well.

  • May 23, 2019 @ 12:25 at 12:25

    This of course unsustainable. It looks like keeping the horse going while keeping the rifle aimed and firing. One wonders what Lieberman has really achieved apart from making the PM more secure in the saddle. For the time being.

    But watch out for the whole region being put into a state of flux with the Kushner plan. (See link below) We are coming to the days when the Antichrist will be installed in Jerusalem to keep the peace in the region.

    But first Psalm 83 must happen: war with all the terrorists in the neighbourhood, and Isaiah 17 must be fulfilled (the total destruction of Syria) and then the US and Russia must fall out with each other so that Ezekiel 38 and 39 come about (the Russian coalition with Turkey, Iran, Libya and Sudan). Then the Antichrist will be installed (probably in the old Quartet offices) or he may be given something more grand than that. After that? Armageddon and God’s Wrath.
    See Dr Pieczenik on the Kushner plan:

    • May 23, 2019 @ 20:05 at 20:05

      Sorry but you got it all wrong. Eze 38 already happened with the Khazarian Gog’s invasion (plus Ethiopian Falasha) before and after 1948. Key verse to understand this is in #11. Psalm 83 already happened in Syria and Iraq (Israel is in the wrong camp in bed with ISIS / Saudi Arabia and New Babylon). Isaiah 17 already happened with Tiglatpileser in 2 Kings 16:9. The Medes and Elam ( Iran – Persia ) will destroy: New Babylon, Arabia, Zionist – Edom, Jerusalem and Judea. Read: Isaiah 21 & 22

    • May 23, 2019 @ 20:36 at 20:36

      iran kadar başınıza taş düşe siyonist yahudiler bu ne kadar iranla ilgili sorununuz varmış siz ne kadar insanlıktan nasibi olmayan zalimlersiniz

    • May 23, 2019 @ 21:50 at 21:50

      her yeri işgal ettirdiz ey israil zulüm rejimi abddeki masonlarla birlikte dünyayaı karanlığa sürüklüyorsunuz siyonist allaha ihanet eden yahudiler sizler firavun kavmi gibi samud kavmi gibi ad kavmi gibi yok olmaya layıksız inşallah zalimlerin yaptığı ne bu dünyada nede o bir dünyada yanına kar kalmaz

  • May 23, 2019 @ 12:33 at 12:33

    I don’t know The way israel handle gaza and hamas crises is more comedy or tragic, but for sure I’m happy for not being a jew

    • May 23, 2019 @ 21:52 at 21:52

      debka medyası sözlerimi eksik çarpıtma lütfen rica ediyorum

  • May 23, 2019 @ 12:38 at 12:38

    expect nothing better from corropt politicans

  • May 23, 2019 @ 13:31 at 13:31

    It looks like more rewards for terrorists. The pledge not to fire on terrorists only applies to those who remain within their terror camp, not the ones who cross the line or whose incendiary devices cross into Israel. One thing is certain, these agreements break down before the ink is dry and Israel should be as eager to break them as the terrorists. I think that Israel needs some new intermediaries because Egypt et al work hard for the terrorists and for harming Israel through these infantile agreements.

    • May 23, 2019 @ 14:09 at 14:09

      It’s a fake pledge, just like every promise made by the European antisemitic squatter colony. Soon they’ll be shooting journalists and medics in the Gaza Concentration Camp, as they have done routinely for a year.

      You can’t trust fascist rogues to honor their word.

      • May 24, 2019 @ 2:40 at 2:40

        Gaza is a terror camp ruled by Islamists – the victims of the terrorists are their own people and the targeted Israeli neighbors; it is not and has never has been a concentration camp. There are terror camps situated throughout most Islamic countries and their proxies.

    • May 23, 2019 @ 14:12 at 14:12

      abd ve rusyanın nükleer silah kapasitesi sadece bu iki ülkenin toplam 14000 nükleer silah kapasitesi var israil bu konuyu niye şikayaet etmiyor bu iki işgalci devlet emperyalist ülkeler dünya gezegeni için güvenliği riske atıyor israil neden bu iki devlete karşı çıkmıyor

  • May 23, 2019 @ 13:49 at 13:49

    Lieberman should work w shin bet, identify the next leadership mtg in Gaza City w IJ, armed wing commanders, and blow the entire block to dust.

    Take the international heat and buy years of relative peace, emerging leaders get wacked

    • May 23, 2019 @ 21:58 at 21:58

      abd ve rusyanın 14000 nükleer bombası var ama kimse abd ve rusyayı dünya için tehdit görmüyor bu nasıl bir iştir neden abd rusya nükleer bombasını azaltmıyor üstelik abd ve rusya uzayda atmosferde üst atmosfer katmanlarında gezegenlerde galaksilerde ayda samanyolunda dünyanın tüm ülkelerini hedef alacak şekilde nükleer silah yerleştiriyor abd ve rusya ama dünyada hiçbir ülke bu konuları deşifre edip söylemiyor dünyayı uzayın her yerinde hedef alan bu iki ülke her yeri tehdit ediyor ama kimse bunu deşifre edip söyleme hakkı olduğunu bile söylemiyor medyanın özellikle siz değerlei debka medyasının bu iki devletin uzayı nasıl nükleer balistik füzeler yerleştirdiğini tüm dünyaya anlatması lazım saygılar

  • May 23, 2019 @ 14:07 at 14:07


    No antisemitic squatter gets more upset about resistance within the Gaza Concentration Camp, yet fatboy don’t got the juice to do anything about it.

    Maybe he will EAT Gaza?

    • May 23, 2019 @ 14:24 at 14:24

      Gaza is full of pigs. That’s NOT Kosher and NOT Hallal.

      • May 23, 2019 @ 16:10 at 16:10

        Kosher is so overrated!

        My parents–mom, a Persian and ‘dad’ an Arabian KKKamel–schooled me well in stress relief.

        Whenever the bottle rocket attacks get too intense I find myself a cute little piglet, do an about face, bend over, and guide him into my rectal region.


        It fills me with waves of pleasure and joy, leaving me a few minutes of peace in which the terror of Nasrallah or Persia leaves me overcome with dread and paralyzed by fear.

    • May 23, 2019 @ 14:49 at 14:49

      I neglected to mention that the Gaza Concentration Camp needs to be turned into a huge, open air extermination facility.

      • May 23, 2019 @ 18:15 at 18:15

        This comment should be removed or Debka’s rules are meaningless.

        Comments containing incitement, libel or offensive language are barred under DEBKAfile’s regulations

  • May 23, 2019 @ 16:17 at 16:17

    Shooting unarmed protesters is not “fighting terrorism”.

    • May 23, 2019 @ 18:13 at 18:13

      Stones, grenades and slingshots can kill, so could a material reach of the fence lead to serious slaughter.
      As a last resort, shooting is well justified. Other states would not hesitate in similar circumstances.

      • May 24, 2019 @ 5:06 at 5:06

        You are crazy charles

      • May 24, 2019 @ 8:07 at 8:07

        Maybe the Iron Dome would work against rocks…

    • May 24, 2019 @ 3:19 at 3:19

      who said they’re “unarmed”? while israel was keeping track, 80% of fatalities were card-carrying terrorists, mostly from hamas.

      just because they take off their uniforms, doesn’t mean they aren’t terrorists. and using women and children as human shields doesn’t make them “protestors”.

  • May 23, 2019 @ 16:18 at 16:18

    No firing=coffee latte and a croissant

  • May 23, 2019 @ 17:36 at 17:36

    So Bibi is agreeing to to hundreds of million dollars to Hamas for intermittent periods of not attacking Israeli Civilians. Has he seen what Obama giving Billions to quiet Iran has bought – smart missiles for and already being used against Israel, Saudi Arabi and other middle east countries by Iran’s Proxies, IRGC factories and bases in Syria and Lebanon and increased uranium and Ballistic Missiles production by Iran. When you don’t learn from past mistakes that paying off terrorist gangs leads to more terrorism and blackmail, you should leave protecting your Country to another leader.

    • May 23, 2019 @ 17:49 at 17:49

      Iran should offer the Occupiers of Palestine a payoff to stop murdering protestors.

      • May 24, 2019 @ 3:20 at 3:20

        the fakestinians extort enough money by other means.

  • May 23, 2019 @ 18:11 at 18:11

    Stopping live fire, even within limits, is a tacit admission of prior guilt and liability.

    It’s a dangerous and unwise concession.

    Where’s the benefit, when Hamas and IJ already have all of S Israel on tender hooks?

  • May 23, 2019 @ 18:34 at 18:34

    LOL. Here we go again. Nothing will change same old same old.Up to the next round…the people in the South pay once again the price.

  • May 23, 2019 @ 20:05 at 20:05

    The Almighty God of Israel will punish its political leadership Now – for its endless Hypocritical Cowardice !

  • May 23, 2019 @ 21:22 at 21:22

    This will not end until there is a war between the Jews and the others like Hizbolla,Hamas,and others.And there is clearly a winner as a result of that war that will leave the losing side destroyed where they will no longer be able fight or affect the winner.This is like a cancer that has spread.No agreements,no treaties,and really,there is no longer a diplomatic solution.I would hazard to guess this is the thinking of Hamas,Hizbolla,and the others.It will be a battle to the death.This of course is tragic and sad for all involved.

  • May 23, 2019 @ 23:33 at 23:33

    …No wonder, that thousands upon thousands worthy Jews (including my family) choose not to live
    in the Jewish state, also referred to, as Israel !

    • May 27, 2019 @ 11:44 at 11:44

      the translation of yored is many things, but worthy is not one of them.

  • May 24, 2019 @ 18:49 at 18:49

    No one in their right mind would let Borat ‘Hillary’s Gamechanger’ Lieberman loose on Gaza.
    Time for UN 2334 Chapter 7 Restraint on ‘The B Team of Kahanism’, including Bibi, Borat, Bennett, Baruch Marzel, and Bezalel (Smotrich)

  • May 24, 2019 @ 19:11 at 19:11

    BREAKING- Liberman claims Likud members approached him about coalition without Netanyahu. The Mutiny thickens –

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