Israel-Iran military confrontation likely, says US Defense Secretary

US Defense Secretary James Mattis believes a military confrontation between Israel and Iran in Syria is becoming increasingly likely. He said this on Thursday after talking to his visiting Israeli counterpart Avigdor Lieberman who also met national security adviser John Bolton. “I can see how it might start, but I am not sure when or where,” probably Syria, he said. Israel “will not wait to see those missiles in the air and we hope Iran would pull back.” Mattis accused Iran of not only expanding and strengthening its presence in Syria but also bringing advanced weapons for Hizballah through that country.

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124 thoughts on “Israel-Iran military confrontation likely, says US Defense Secretary

  • Apr 27, 2018 @ 12:51 at 12:51

    Theres THE WHOLE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH coming out now!! from the US military, AFTER it has already slaughtered 20 MILLION people in 37 NATIONS in the name of democracy!! and still killing at full speed!!!

    • Apr 27, 2018 @ 13:11 at 13:11

      yep, for anyone whose brain hasn’t already been turned to mush, the mask is right off.

    • Apr 27, 2018 @ 17:13 at 17:13

      Israel needs Syria to be balkanized for the Greater Israel Project to succeed. So long as the US Christians Zionists and the bought and paid for media stand behind Israel to cover up / protect it from its crimes it stands a good chance of succeeding.

      The infamous “Oded Yinon Plan” better known as the Greater Israel Project which according to the founding father of Zionism Theodore Herzl, “the area of the Jewish State stretches: “From the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates.” According to Rabbi Fischmann, “The Promised Land extends from the River of Egypt up to the Euphrates, it includes parts of Syria and Lebanon.”

      The “Greater Israel” project consists in weakening and eventually fracturing neighboring Arab states as part of a US-Israeli expansionist project, with the support of NATO and Saudi Arabia. In this regard, the Saudi-Israeli rapprochement is from Netanyahu’s viewpoint a means to expanding Israel’s spheres of influence in the Middle East as well as confronting Iran. Needless to day, the “Greater Israel” project is consistent with America’s imperial design.

      “Greater Israel” consists in an area extending from the Nile Valley to the Euphrates. According to Stephen Lendman, “A near-century ago, the World Zionist Organization’s plan for a Jewish state included:

      • Historic Palestine;
      • South Lebanon up to Sidon and the Litani River;
      • Syria’s Golan Heights, Hauran Plain and Deraa; and
      • control of the Hijaz Railway from Deraa to Amman, Jordan as well as the Gulf of Aqaba.
      • Southern Turkey.

      This will bring nothing but misery to the Middle East and the world. It time for the Western public to wake up and understand that Zionism is not Judaism.

      Visit True Torah Jews and educate your selves before the Zionist lobby causes any more harm to your nations, the people of the Middle East and the Jewish people.

      • Apr 27, 2018 @ 17:45 at 17:45

        Iva: How is Mr. Cut & Paste this morning? You are ceetainly addicted to plagiarism.

        • Apr 27, 2018 @ 18:02 at 18:02

          Anonymous, dear: this “Baruch” is a fake name, pretentiously “knowledgeable” well paid Jew-baiter. Those are dime-a dozen “experts”, who multiply like roaches on today’s Internet !

      • Apr 27, 2018 @ 17:57 at 17:57

        What a pretentious, (well-paid for his Jew-hatred) moron !

      • Apr 27, 2018 @ 18:51 at 18:51

        Great News!! Thank you Baruch

        One mistake..there was never a State of Palestine.

    • Apr 27, 2018 @ 20:51 at 20:51

      US Traitor,

      OK. So the US will take out a couple million more terrorist savages in Fascist Iran.

      Fine by me.

      • Apr 29, 2018 @ 7:33 at 7:33

        Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran!

        I can still hear John McCain singing what is about to happen courtesy of the I.D.F.

  • Apr 27, 2018 @ 12:56 at 12:56

    Iran should offer israel a peace treaty now before iran is blasted back into the stone age like iraq!!

    • Apr 27, 2018 @ 13:40 at 13:40

      are they at war? do they know?

  • Apr 27, 2018 @ 13:09 at 13:09

    Mattis means a US – iran war Via Israel.
    like a US Russian war via Nato or a US Syrian war via isis or a US chinese war via North Korea…

  • Apr 27, 2018 @ 13:42 at 13:42

    All part of God’s plan… Destroy Israel and start again with a new Israel. (God’s plan forcing changes in the entire region and land. God’s kingdom is one of heaven. And not one of earth. All these states and earthly kingdoms, governments will be brought down. And a heavenly one will rise. Maybe God is the terrorist?

    • Apr 27, 2018 @ 14:20 at 14:20

      AC: You would not recognize G-d’s plan if it were to hit you in the face and knock you for a loop.

      • Apr 27, 2018 @ 18:52 at 18:52

        He wouldn’t recognise it if it unzipped his flies and got friendly

  • Apr 27, 2018 @ 13:50 at 13:50

    Leave the drugs its bad for your faith!!

  • Apr 27, 2018 @ 14:18 at 14:18

    I think the Shah should accept the God of Avraham, Isaac, Jacob and Mordecai, Jesus, Mohammed and Buddah…then sure, I would fight for him and the honor of being called a JEWISH MAN! Benjamin can do anything a warwolf can do…skull n bones to you.

    If you really care about peace…say na nach Nachma Nachman meuman and let’s get the bones on Mt Zion. For the Kremlin it’s already RIP, no going back.

  • Apr 27, 2018 @ 14:25 at 14:25

    Israel is quite capable of utterly destroying Fascist Iran if Fascist Iran or any of its proxies bomb any city in Israel.

    Even the “mahdi” can’t believe how stupid the ayatoolahs are.

  • Apr 27, 2018 @ 14:27 at 14:27

    Mordy wether u like it or not the Kremlin is also waiting for the Messiah because He died for them too because He loves them too, just like u and i.

  • Apr 27, 2018 @ 14:29 at 14:29

    Iran has more enemies in the region and beyond than they might be aware. A lot of people want Iran to get pummeled because it is an invader and spreader of violence, terror and Islamism. Iran is spreading itself thinly across many battlefronts and were it not for Russia, they would have been defeated in Syria long ago. Iran is a financial and ideological basket case.

    The Arab nations who oppose Iran must muster their forces and all their resources if they do not want to be Sunni slaves under the Mullahs. Israel, France, the US and Britain need to send the Islamic State of Iran back to where they came from and also bombard their nuclear centers,

    All of the Obama-EU-UN-Soros efforts to raise The Islamic State of Iran to a regional nuclear power and to finance the Iranians to challenge the West must be brought to an end NOW.

  • Apr 27, 2018 @ 15:07 at 15:07

    – Israel calls its self a democracy, yet exclude the Palestine population and keep them in conditions far worse than the Warsaw Ghetto.
    – All Jews are welcome back except if they are Black Ethiopians
    – Everyone is equal before the law, except for the non-jews.
    – The worlds most moral army who shoots children and unarmed woman.

    Sounds like White, err Jewish supremacists…. (no, no don’t think of it that way, Jews can’t be racists after all they are the worlds most moral people!)

    I’ve noticed that when ever there are facts that Jews dislike that they like to resort name calling especial calling other those you dare to raise aspects that are inconvenient as antisemitic or fascists.

    • Apr 27, 2018 @ 15:18 at 15:18

      – Israel does not “keep” Terrorstinians – the PA and Hamas “keep” Terrorstinains and use them as cannon fodder and human shields in the quest for power by Islamic forces against Israel.

      – Jews, Muslims, Blacks, and all people live in Israel. The only place that is actively being ethnically and religiously cleansed is in the islamic countries of the world. Look at how minorities and Christian communities have been decimated over the past 10 years.

      – No, everyone is equal in Israel provided they are not out to terrorize and murder citizens and promote the genocide of all people currently taking place in Islamic countries by the same Terrorstinians we find under the UN umbrella in places like Gaza and J & S.

      – The people who abuse children and send them to their graves are the Terrorstinain leaders. You know that, I know that, so stop lying, deceiving and inciting.

      By the way, are you an Islamic supremacist or a leftist dhimmi mouthpiece for Islamic supremacists?

      • Apr 27, 2018 @ 16:20 at 16:20

        Just a few points on the Israel ISIS Nexus:
        – According to the United Nations Documents on UNDOF (official UN source) Israeli interactions with the Syrian rebels have been documented.

        – “The UN report identified what the Syrians label a crossing point of forces between Israel and ISIS, a point of concern brought before the UN Security Council.”

        – “In a new report from the UN, it is revealed that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) were maintaining regular contact with members of the so-called Islamic State since May of 2013. Initial reports from the IDF stated that this was only for medical care for civilians, but that story fell apart when the UN observers identified direct contact between IDF forces and ISIS soldiers, including giving medical care to ISIS fighters. Observations even included the transfer of two crates from the IDF to ISIS forces, the contents of which have not been confirmed at this time. Further the UN report identified what the Syrians label a crossing point of forces between Israel and ISIS, a point of concern brought before the UN Security Council. This report from the UN strengthens the claims by the Syrian regime that Israel is heavily involved in operations within the nation.”

        – Israel may very well believe that it is acting in the interest of its national security by adopting the axiom, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. However, judging by these and other findings, it’s fairly clear that Israel has blood on its hands in the Syrian conflict, but is trying very hard to conceal their involvement in order to avoid any public outrage over their direct role in the violence in Syria, and by extension, in Iraq as well.

        Just a few headlines on the treatment of Black Jews:
        – Israel: No promised land for Ethiopian Jews
        – What’s the Difference Between Being Black in Israel and America? The different degrees of racism, as experienced by Ethiopian-Israelis
        – The hypocrisy of a black Miss Israel
        – Ethiopian Jews In Addis Ababa Threaten Hunger Strike If Israel Blocks Them from Reuniting with Family Members
        – Ethiopian Israelis: ‘A community crying out’
        – Black and Jewish: Young Ethiopian Israelis Fight for Equality

        Sure sounds like Racism to me

        • Apr 27, 2018 @ 17:20 at 17:20


          There are Sunnis and there are Shia. None of them are moral or good or in favor of western society.

          They both use the West for their own purposes.

          Iran is currently the big issue for Israel and it happens to be Shia.

          So, naturally, nations are not self-destructive and know what they have to do and who they have to support to survive and keep its populations safe without going to war.

          It is better that Shia and Sunni are at war with each other than with civilized countries. The West spend billions to keep these enemies of the west from doing harm and violence which is their perpetual MO.

          Israel treats war-torn Islamists in Israeli hospitals because Israel is a civilized country and it makes no difference to humanitarians if you are Muslim or Jewish (but it makes all the difference to Muslims if they support their own or ask Allah to kill the infidels – Christians and Jews).

          Bottom line: Israelis are good people. ISIS and all the other combatants are evil. Israel acts in its own interests and antisemites and moon-bats do not like that because it means Israel has free choice and is not confined by leftists and Islamists to do what they say, to stop defending itself and to give in to Islamism and Leftism.

        • Apr 27, 2018 @ 18:01 at 18:01

          You sound to be the biggest RACIST here. Thankfully we know the Sharmouta you call mother ISN’T

        • Apr 27, 2018 @ 18:07 at 18:07

          I agree that Israel is one of if not the most raciest country at the moment. Yes i also agree that it is supporting terrorism to undermine the countries that is wants to balkanize as part of the Greater Israel Project.

          Its very unfair however to blame all Jews for this. Granted the vast majority are Zionists at this time however many of them are uninformed and are just blindly supporting their people. Zionists control the major media in the West so much like the western population they only see what they are meant to see. Every thing outside of that paradigm is now referred to as Fake News.

          If they understood i’m confidant that most of these things would be stopped.

          As an example of not all Jews supporting what is occurring:

          American Jews Protest Against Israel’s Killing of Unarmed Protesters
          Fourteen American Jews were arrested by the New York Police Department after blocking the entrance to US Senator Chuck Schumer’s New York office on Thursday, the latest Jewish-led civil disobedience action aimed at pushing members of Congress to condemn Israel’s killing of Palestinian protesters in Gaza.

          But you need to read alternate news sources to see this, example AntiMedia, Activist Post, ZeroHedge

    • Apr 27, 2018 @ 16:19 at 16:19

      @ Fat Albert,

      There may be meds out there that can help you with reality perception. It must be very uncomfortable to constantly live with an inverted view of reality…

      On second thought, you can’t fix stoooopid, so why don’t you just go join your noble
      balestinians and live with them? They’ll use your useful idiocy and then throw you away like the filthy rocks they still use in their “tesh”….

    • Apr 27, 2018 @ 18:50 at 18:50

      No, “Albert”, we dislike the pretense and masquerade of Jew haters like you. Actually, openly unhinged Jew haters like Ivan are respectable by comparison.

  • Apr 27, 2018 @ 15:16 at 15:16

    Trump will turn his attention to Iran. Shortly. They better be on good behavior.

  • Apr 27, 2018 @ 16:03 at 16:03

    The proxy wars is over now the real war is coming, Israel/US vs Iran/Russia. This is good news we have been waiting for quite so long.

    • Apr 27, 2018 @ 17:07 at 17:07

      I do not think that war in the old-fashioned way is necessary. except around the dges Like in Korea, there are ways to make the Islamist Iranians concede through “diplomacy” using very, very strong-arm tactics. Iran will soon get the message in the form of non-conventional attacks that will leave know room for confusion over who is from the 1st world and who is from the hellish Islamist 3rd-4th-5th world.

      • Apr 27, 2018 @ 17:09 at 17:09


        “know” = no.

        “gdes” = edges

    • Apr 27, 2018 @ 17:51 at 17:51

      The whistle blows saturday the 28 the april 2018.beware

  • Apr 27, 2018 @ 17:59 at 17:59

    Recognizing Trump is surrounded by neocons complicit with one world order progressives it looks dire. He is the man of the moment. It was reported he told his war room to finish ISIS off by Oct and Get Out of Syria. We see fresh reports that the Iraq border haven for ISIS has been targeted. Without US Troops Israel will surely perish. A truce between Israel and Iran may have to be forced upon both parties NK style. Russia cannot defeat the US conventionally, EMP same as Nuke. Game over for Earth. Cooler heads need to prevail, the man of the moment needs to prevail. He came from nowhere, nobody expected it, everyone is fighting it but there he is. NK is looking better everyday. Globalists who want no borders are a common enemy to all Nations who chose to live as the wish. Sure hope it all works out.

  • Apr 27, 2018 @ 18:05 at 18:05

    The rag-headed donkeys in Teheran are preparing to meet their “Mahdi” – no 72 virgins allowed…

  • Apr 27, 2018 @ 18:25 at 18:25

    To be more specific, this “Israel-Iran military confrontation” is likely to be only some very big kicks in the ass, and Iran will regrettably have to take back all its Quds Force for proper funerals at home.

    Not so in the case of Hezbollah, the south of Lebanon is somehow a mountainous region, hard to brush and collect all bits and pieces. But, the good news is the small area below the Litani river is to be set as the permanent security zone, contiguous with the Golan Heights, and free of rockets pointing south.

  • Apr 27, 2018 @ 23:33 at 23:33

    Iran Supporting Terrorism: Hezbollah Blew up Marine Barracks in Lebanon, Iran has been linked to Terrorism world Wide, Harbored Terrorists within its own country. Funneled Weapons to Shia and Sunny terrorists used to attack American Troops and kill thousands of IRAQI’s, Probably funded ISIS to conquer and divide Syria with Russia, Harbored Terrorist who blew up Civilians planes. Is sowing political Subterfuge in all Arab states because it wants to create the Persian Empire with the help of Russia. Trying to cause Shia versus Sunni War in entire middle East. Supporting Houthi Rebels in Libya. Smuggling Weapons world wide in Concert with North Korea. Secretly still developing Nuclear Weapons with North Korea and Russia. should I go on?
    How many Israeli Terror Organization can you name killing civilians world wide? Suicide Bombing was invented by Iran by putting Bombs on Teenagers walking in front of troop columns during Iran Iraq War.

  • Apr 28, 2018 @ 18:39 at 18:39

    God provides the ultimate outcome of all of this. All you have to do to get the answer is read Genesis 12:1-3, Genesis 13:14-17, and especially Genesis 15:18. God’s will will be done just as he promised to Abraham long ago. You may not like it or agree with it but God’s promises to Abraham will be fulfilled. Don’t think it wont happen just because it hasn’t happened yet!

  • Apr 28, 2018 @ 22:38 at 22:38

    20 Percent of Iran is Heretic Crazy Religious Mullahs, the other 80 percent are normal people.
    The 80 Percent are getting tired of this 20 percent spending all the countries Money on Weapons and Expansionist War and Terrorism. IRAN has a drug problem, and AIDS problem and they need to invest in their own infrastructure and in the future instead of trying to create the Persian Empire with Russia.

  • Apr 28, 2018 @ 23:38 at 23:38

    Whats wrong beeing Zionist?!
    Zionist want Zion the place of our temple in our hands. Jerusalem was liberated but
    our great Moshe Dayan was to sissy to just keep har ha bait and to kick out all the arabs who wanted to go there.
    Would have been best to evacuate harhabait completely and allow only cohanim to go there, and have a special troop of cohanim guard harhabait.
    Israel is very strong because of the good morale of the soldiers, the combination of zionism and jewish faith and last but not least because of the protection by the holy one blessed be he.
    So “Baruch” is wrong with the Nile, as Israel gave back the Sinai to Egypt, which has been a mistake as there are a lot of terrorist in this desert area. Would have been better to give back parts that are not interesting. As we definitely need Har Sinai and the oil in the sea around it. So would have been enough to give half of sinai, while also retaining the nice beaches.
    Our Degel Israel has two blue lines, so it is quite likely that they are two rivers, and it would not be a mistake to extend the golan and Israel to the north to get some nice mountains with woods in southern lebanon, as this would also destroy the terrorist organizations there.

    But it is hard work.
    so it is best to start with the most important, bomb Iran as it is the head of the monster if you kill it, the proxies will be weakened, so they could be conquered in a smooth and easy operation.
    Go for it, and nuke Iran but use small nukes to protect the environment, as we want to grow crops there in the future.


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