A high-ranking Israeli emissary is en route to Jordan

Israeli security sources reported Monday noon that a senior Israeli security official is on his way to Amman to try and sort out the standoff with the Jordanian government over its demand to hand over an Israeli embassy guard, who shot two Jordanians when he was stabbed with a screwdriver.
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu reported continuous contacts with Jordanian security and government officials at several levels, with a view to bringing the incident to a speedy resolution. The foreign ministry in Jerusalem invited the Jordanian ambassador to come and help resolve the impasse. Netanyahu said he had spoken to Israel’s ambassador Anat Schlein and the security guard and assured them he was doing everything in his power to bring them home. The embassy staff remains locked in by a Jordanian blockade.

The security cabinet meeting scheduled for Monday afternoon was postponed to later tonight to deal with the crisis with Jordan

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