A large fire ignited by a Hamas incendiary balloon extinguished
For hours, firemen fought a large fire outside Kibbutz Nir Am that was set by one of the four balloon bombs hurled by Hamas from Gaza Sunday. They caught fire as Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, on a visit to the Kerem Shalom Gaza crossing, vowed that Israel would no longer stand for “a single balloon, a single bullet or a single rocket.” One of the fire occurred at Kerem Shalom; the others near Kissufim and Beeri.
Take out a bank for each balloon
Do it that night
It will make balloons really expensive
To make it more memorable take out three police stations each night for each balloon
Let’s get with the agenda folks
Nobody but the rich Arabs will be pissed off losing the banks
And no one in Gaza will be upset if the police stations are blown up at night
The U.N. couldn’t possibly be taken seriously for asking us not to blow up banks
Let’s get started real soon
…As the impotent Lieberman is almost begging the two-legged tars for a couple of days “calm” –
they stick it to him right away: with another fire launching !
Another balloon attack
Why not try blowing up there banks ?