A Palestinian incendiary dballoon lands in a nursery school yard
An incendiary balloon from the Gaza Strip landed on Thursday in the yard of a nursery school in the Eshkol Council district. Police sappers were summoned to disarm it. Another balloon set on fire the parked vehicle of a local security officer in the Shear Hanegev district.
False flag. Israel always finding ways to blame the victims.
Palestinians are stupid violent puppets in the hand of Hamas.
When you hear of a crime, explosion, or fire, there is always a Palestinian.
The whole World is sick and tired of Palestinians, and it will be much better off without them.
They are a shame for the Islam, for the Great Arab Nation, and for the Humanity.
This is the pure truth, the whole truth, do not tell lies to yourself other-ways!
And your mother is a whore
The mother of each and every Palestinian launching balloons is a whore, they know it very well, and it is specifically for this fact they are using balloons.
For them Palestinians it is a symbol of rejecting condoms and all the business related with whores and condoms.
Watch your mouth punk . Or I’ll stuff it for you with you know what ??. Got that ???muslim insect ???? . You and yours do not even compare to animals , not even rats …. That would be insulting all and any animals . And have a good day ??
And there is no such such as a “pally” They are Arabs. Plain and simple. Arafart himself was born in Egypt for cryin out fricking loud!