A Russian court sentences captured Ukrainian sailors to two months jail
The first of the 23 sailors captured aboard three Ukrainian vessels seized by Russian forces in the Kerch Strait were sentenced Tuesday by a Russian court to two months in prison. They were accused of illegally crossing the Russian border. The trials continue on Wednesday.
Regardless of what Russia claims, the Red Cross has designated the Russia-Ukraine conflict as an international armed conflict, according to its mandate under the Geneva Conventions. The Geneva Conventions apply here. Those captured sailors are POWs, and protected under international law. Russia is committing war crimes by putting them to jail, and parading them on TV and forcing them to read “confessions”.
The Ukraine is “fighting war” with Russia in the same vein that US is waging war against the Syrian regime.
Red Cross is entitled to its opinion of course, but Russia owes nothing to Red Cross.
Au contraire, Moscow has owed deference to the judgement of the International Committee of the Red Cross ever since Moscow signed the Third Geneva Convention in 1949.
You are entitled to your opinions, but Russia’s obligations under international law are crystal clear.
to commit war crimes , you need to be in the state of war ; There is no war crimes , but proper procedures by Russians to slap Uk ans Ukranian nazis one more time.
How does RC determine anything related to war? Where do they get the authority to do so? why would anybody care about what they say?
Russia is helping Nazi Iran and Nazi Hezbollah that salutes the Nazi Salute. In the 1930s Russia had peace deal with Nazi Germany and even helped share informatio and weapons. Unfortunately again Russia has joined forces with Nazi Iranian Regime and their Syrian butcher Allies! Russia and Iran have committed numerous genocides against against the Kurdish, Yazidis and Sunni Peoples. Unfortunately Russia and Iran don’t believe in G-d and think they dont have to keep The Commandnent Though Shalt Not Murder! G-D will soon punish these evil Nations for Murder and G-d will be glorified through making these Nations armies fall! Iran and Syria and those who stand with them will fall!
FSB has established with absolute accuracy that all these traitor spy-sailors were born in USSR and deserted in treacherous foreign countries.
The Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, remember?
Ukraine traded it’s nukes for a piece of paper. Now it can wipe it’s *backside* with it. It’s a lovely lesson for North Korea, and Iran.
A continuous low intensity war between Russia and Ukraine boosts the popularity of Putin and Poroshenko. Both of them are becoming less popular due to the corruption in their respective governments. Putin is fighting 2 wars (Syria and Ukraine), Ukraine does the same, its fighting against the Moskalies (Russians) and another unannounced war against the Jews. The latter war is dear to each West Ukrainian heart as well as to some East Ukrainians (antisemitic moron Khrushchev was from East Ukraine). To sum up, Russia is Israel’s enemy in the Middle East but not yet as antisemitic to the remnant of Russian Jews as the Ukrainians could be. Israel shall not get involved in this conflict just as it had successfully avoided getting involved in the Assad-ISIS war. Hopefully more conflicts between Jew-haters will erupt.
Yeah, true. Even the Nazi’s were surprised at the intensity of Ukrainian hatred against the Jews. When people are so full of hate against another people it shows they have a low IQ and are easily swayed by their religious leaders who tell them lies in order for them to hate. nobody is born with hate. it is just that stupid people can be easily controlled and usually it is the clergy.