A woman shouting Allahu Akbar stabs two people in French supermarket
French media report that a woman dressed in black shouting Allahyu Akbar started stabbing people Sunday at a supermarket in La Seyne-sur-Mer on the Mediterranean coast of France. Two were injured before staff members overpowered her and held her until the police arrived. Police report the woman has a history of mental illness but don’t rule out that she was radicalized.
Islamism is mental illness.
What she meant to say is “Allahu Barbar!”, but why to shout laud, don’t we all know it very well already?
Imagine every time when you hear the phrase ‘Allah U Akbar’, a child would be fed, an old woman would be helped and jew would be welcomed……………
Instead, you duck and hide from what is about to happen
This will probably send the signal to the sick-minded in France-EU that more pressure be exerted on Israel to stop defending itself as Europe has done in allowing the expansionism of Islam in Europe.
Europe wants Israel to let down it’s guard as they have in the EU – and they use all manner of propaganda and strong-arm tactics to punish Israel and its politicians and military to make sure that Terrorstinians and terrorism succeed in destroying Israel.
Send the NGOs back to the EU and do not let them into Israel or anywhere near it! The EU is an existential threat to Israel.
Blah blah blah who cares about Zionist land grabbers.. first you commit the crime then ask for sympathy lol
Crime and sympathy you say? First you attack Jews, then Jews beat the crap out of you and then you run crying to the UN…