Abbas breaks confidentiality pledge on peace talks

By the extreme statements he made Monday in Cairo on the issues before Israel-Palestinian negotiations beginning in Washington Tuesday, Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas was in direct breach of the secrecy pledge the parties gave US Secretary John Kerry.  Abbas declared that not a single Israeli, soldier or civilian, must remain n the future Palestinian state. "An international, multinational presence like in Sinai, Lebanon and Syria – we are with that," he said, adding "East Jerusalem is the capital of the state of Palestine … if there were and must be some kind of small exchange (of land) equal in size and value, we are ready to discuss this – no more, no less.” As for the Jordanian border, Abbas said he stood by an understanding reached with Ehud Olmert that NATO forces could deploy there "as a security guarantee to us and them."  On the West Bank and Jerusalem, he said, “We’ve already made the necessary concessions.”

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