Abu Mazen orders rebuilding of terrorist’s home demolished by the IDF
The terrorist hurled a marble slab that killed the late IDF1st Sgt. Ronen Lubersky during a counter-terror operation in the Al Amari refugee camp six months ago. The house partially razed by the IDF belongs to his mother, Latifa Abu Hamid, who is adulated by the Palestinian Fatah as the “Mother of the Martyrs.” Six of her sons were involved in terrorist and suicide attacks on Israeli civilians. The one who killed the Israeli soldier lived on the top floor of the building which was demolished.
Demolishing Abu Mazens Palace would be a more effective response!
demolish the entire pig house of Quran whore
Thats wonderful news.
The family should be rewarded for opposing the Zionist genocide of the local population. It would be nice to have a Gofund me page where we could all put in $20 or $30 dollars a months to help the Palestinians in rebuilding and better defending them selves against these Talmudic soulless beasts.
@ Samantha
I invite you to read the Talmud. There are wonderful debates at the origin of the wonderful intelligence of the Jews.
It would be more wonderful if you called yourself by your true name Sharmuta.From the river to the sea Paleswine will never be INSHALLAH chant that you whore
Samantha – you stupid A-rab. You Arabs bring nothing but death and terror to the world. And “Palestinians” DO NOT EXIST. THEY ARE FAKE INDIGENOUS ARABS like yourself. There is a reason why even USA is trying to ban you savages from entering the USA. As far as your bullshit claim of “Genocide” – if the Jews wanted your Arab brethren dead every town full of Arabs and occupying Jewish land would be wiped out in a heartbeat. Which is why you clowns don’t dare riot on the Egyptian border; because ya’ll know full well your own Arab brethren would cut you down and leave your carcasses there to rot.
you are a muslim pig a souless nazi beast like every muslim pig
SATANtha, Return to the Turd Reich from where your mother crapped you out.
Happy Nakba!
The walking corpse ab-ass still refuses to assume a permanently horizontal position, as behooves any normal cadaver…
I am very glad that Debka is using Abbas’s terrorist AKA; Abu Mazen. Let them rebuild it and then send in the Israeli military to demolish it again. This could be a way of making the PA waste more money.
Yep! keep demolish it after they rebuild it. and repeat and repeat…. how often will they rebuild it?
Demolish the house and some PA “offices”
Eve better, demolish all Palestinian houses and keep only that one.
Great Idea!