All-day rocket fire from Gaza targets Ashkelon

The Israel coastal town of Ashkelon and dozens more places came under heavy rocket fire Tuesday night from the Gaza Strip, after a day of almost continuous rocket and mortar fire on Israeli communities within range of the Palestinian enclave.

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11 thoughts on “All-day rocket fire from Gaza targets Ashkelon

  • May 29, 2018 @ 22:54 at 22:54

    Take out of Gaza a 10 miles deep north strip out of Gaza, bulldoze everything inside, call it The Ashkelon Security Zone, and do not allow Palestinians into it at any time.

  • May 29, 2018 @ 22:57 at 22:57

    gaza is 360 squared kms ,,,,,, as said before, carpet bombing,artilary,M270’s,M142 HIMARS

    problem solved

    • May 30, 2018 @ 1:20 at 1:20

      While this would certainly be effective, the large scale death of the ‘civilian’ population would bring worldwide condemnation of the perpetrator of said action to be followed with likely UN intervention in a very undesirable manner. Further, those responsible would likely be tried as war criminals or the like. No, this not the way.

      Surgical strikes with some collateral damage are the least likely to bring reprisals from other countries. I don’t have answers here, but large scale slaughter of Palestinians is unacceptable. I would point out, that even among the Palestinians, there are some Christians and it is possible that more could be saved. I salute you sir for your clean post. Peace.

      • May 30, 2018 @ 2:10 at 2:10

        The UN = Hamas. They are one and the same and work for Islamists as their Leftist backers and as such have no moral or legal status The UN is against Western civilization.

  • May 29, 2018 @ 23:00 at 23:00

    Where is the UN and war crimes complaints —targeting civilians?

    • May 30, 2018 @ 0:17 at 0:17

      What’s this “UN”? You mean the old irrelevant biased united nations bulshit?

  • May 30, 2018 @ 1:21 at 1:21

    Why not take over the entire Gaza Strip. It is 139 square miles….25 miles by 7 miles. It couldn’t be too difficult to put a stop to this threat. I don’t know the politics, but I do recognize a pain in the ass that could be eliminated rather quickly.

    • May 30, 2018 @ 3:35 at 3:35

      Because Israel pulled out of there, about ten years ago.

  • May 30, 2018 @ 2:50 at 2:50

    When you study Bible Prophecy (from the prophets in the Tanakh) you will find “GAZA” is linked to the coming Apocalypse (“The Day of God’s Fierce Anger and Wrath”… and … “The Time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) Trouble. You will also find “Ashkelon” is mentioned by name.

    Grace and Shalom,

  • May 30, 2018 @ 6:06 at 6:06

    This trouble originates from Tehran
    Why not triple the number of targets in Syria for every day of shelling from Gaza.
    Let’s try to up the number of Iranian combatants heading home for treatment in Tehran hospitals and to let their families know where they have been
    While we are at it ,
    Let’s publish the names and addresses of the secret police and basiji brigades in and around Tehran so the
    people of Iran can show them some ❤️ love.

  • May 30, 2018 @ 6:34 at 6:34

    Even if you get in a gentleman fight and skillfully “defeat” 50 000 000 ennemy combatants the problem will still not be solved. Before Rosh Hashana Rabbi Nachman needs to be in Jerusalem. Furthermore: the best technology in the world will not help those relying on the Biological Warfare technology because Gd has not left the battlefield before his own victory.


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