Anti-Putin Russian found dead at his London home
British counter-terrorism police are investigating the “unexplained” death at his London home of Nikolai Glushkov, 68, the right-hand man of the late Boris Berezovsky, who lived in the UK after falling out with President Vladimir Putin. A Russian media source said Glushkov, the former boss of the state airline Aeroflot, who said he feared he was on a Kremlin hit-list, was found with “strangulation marks” on his neck, eight days after the attempted murder of former spy Sergey Skripal and his daughter in Salisbury.
Prime Minister Theresa May will inform parliament later Wednesday of measures to be pursued against Moscow, including the expulsion of diplomats, in retaliation for the murder attempts for which she accuses Russia.
Seems like home security is not very good in Britain where anyone can kill anyone and blame the Kremlin. So much for the surveillance state being useful other than to terrorize the citizens.
Can’t argue with that…
MI6 could have killed him leaving davka loud traces this time.