Argentina calls off soccer friendly with Israel over Palestinian threats to players
The friendly World Cup warm-up soccer match scheduled for Saturday in Jerusalem was called off by the Argentine FA over Palestinian threats to the Argentine club’s players and their families. The world-famous star and striker Lionel Messi was specifically targeted.
Excitement in Israel for the event, Argentina’s final warm up match before the World Cup in Russia, which begins next week, was high, with tickets selling out in minutes. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu called Argentine president Mauricio Macri with an appeal to reverse the decision, but Macri said he had no control over the team’s decisions. Palestinian leaders and anti-Israel boycott groups hailed the decision as a great victory.
The victory of hatred against the the hope of a better world
we don’t want your bread and circuses, coin clipper, we want our land and our houses.
Sounds like you are a follower of mo-HAM-MUD the pedo.
You Ps have a long history in sports: it starts with Munich Olympics in 1972.
How much stupider should one be to call his terror organization Black September, when September is the harvest month, full of colors and joy?
There are no fricks frickier than the Ps, and their Gaza is full if frick.
You will find them in Jordan, dicknose!
Stop living your moronic fantasy.
No palestine, never was and never will be.
You are thieves, cut-throats and terrorist untermenschen and belond underneath a camel’s asshole…a camel with diarrhea.
That can only be an improvement!!!
Those that hate Gd defeat those that have little faith or Love for Gd. Neutrality is becoming impossible.
Terrorists 1 Argentina 0
Terrorists 3 Israel 0
Don’t Terrortinians have soccer fields in occupied Judea-Samaria and Gaza? They should now be on the target list.
So where are they going to hold the match?
Wow – the “falastynians” are celebrating a “huge victory” over the “amoral zionist enemies of humanity” – by the usual distribution of candy (poisoned with hate) and shooting in the air (the only target they couldn’t miss)
Argentina has a long history of anti semitic behavior and after the Holocaust I believe they helped a lot of Nazi’s escape Germany and Europe and gave them prestigious positions in the government. The Argentine government also helped cover up Iranian terror attacks in Argentinian Jewish Center and helped poison Jewish representative
They are some of the most anti semitic people I know and their governments behavior and their behavior on the sports field demonstrate conclusively their hatred for the Jewish People since they have boycotted Israel in sports just like the Nazis did. Israel and majority of Israel being Holocaust Survivors and Survivors of Arab/Muslim lands that helped the Nazis and tried to finish off Hitlers job ever since of genocide are not respected by the racist Argentinian peoples since they too are making a statement that Israel has no right to their land or to live. F Argentinia, their soccer fans and their racist people. I will never visit that country nor will I watch their racist soccer players or join their evil European brothers who only knew how to hate and boycott Israel even though we are good kind loving people that are enjoying livijg on state smaller than New York that is too much for the continent that helped srnd my brothers to the oven in the Argentinian mind
Those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse her will be cursed. Maybe if an enemy of Argentinia will attack her for peice of land she will be giviing up her land..don’t worry when they Hamas and Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood of murder your own brother Muslim fanatics attack Argentinians chlidren with suicide bombs and missiles and fire kites we will boycot them for killing innocent terrorists. No Israel will not do this becaue Israel is moral country but Argentina may get punished from up above for their betrayal and cursing of Israeel that they did when they joined the terrorists and boycotters in defaming the People and Land of Israel. Argentians and their government and especially their racist soccer players suck! Hy the way don’t come to Israel we don’t want you! Go play in Iran your Nazi butts belong there with the other jew haters!
Great post!!! People seem to forget that Israel helps its friends and one day soon one of these Jew-hate countries – who welcome ALL the haters of Israel into their hearts and countries – will need the kind of muscle and expertise that Israel has to offer.
Do not forget, EU, UN, and countries such as Argentina that you will be alone against those who want to destroy you just as they want to destroy Israel. Israel would be wise to ignore the pleas of those who went out of their way to harm, bankrupt and terrorize Israel in its time of need.
Argentina has never helped its own Christian people around the world who are being decimated by Islamic rage and terror and mass murder against Christian people – how perverse is that?
FIFA has long been discredited, since it was discovered that they have a serious “Blatter Control” problem.
Piss on ’em!
The solution to FIFA/BDS threats is simple. For all Arab/Muslim soccer teams from Israeli controlled territories, revoke their travel permits inside, and out of Israel, for as long as necessary.
Argentina is still plus minus 80% catholic and that means anti-Israel, Furthermore it has been a post-war eldorado for nazis.
The more evangelical protestant a country in Southern America is the more pro-zionist it becomes.