At least 15 injured in bombing attack on Toronto restaurant

Toronto police are looking for two hooded men who threw bombs into the Bombay Bhel Indian restaurant outside Toronto, Canada, early Friday and fled. Paramedics who reached the scene transported 15 wounded people to hospital, three with critical injuries. Police and emergency teams are still on the scene.  They have not yet discovered any motive for the attack. Mississauga, where it occurred, is a large city on the shore of Lake Ontario, borders the larger city of Toronto and is home to Toronto Pearson International Airport.


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9 thoughts on “At least 15 injured in bombing attack on Toronto restaurant

  • May 25, 2018 @ 9:09 at 9:09

    the religion of peace strikes again

  • May 25, 2018 @ 10:12 at 10:12

    Trudeau will give the terrorists 10 million dollars each and a position in his cabinet.

  • May 25, 2018 @ 12:11 at 12:11

    the religion of shit sinks again

  • May 25, 2018 @ 12:16 at 12:16

    This is what happens when you exonerate terrorism in the media. It is now seen as a legitimate form of expression, protest or your general thuggery. Thank you libtards.

    • May 25, 2018 @ 13:24 at 13:24

      Terrorists kill people and politicians kiss them (see f.e. Mogherini kissing terrorist Abbas). Terrorists attack border guards and politicians call them victims (see f.e. Israel-Gaza riots). There goes something terribly wrong. smh

  • May 25, 2018 @ 14:42 at 14:42

    One thing about leftists is that they need to be constantly reminded that terrorism is real, that it is happening on a regular basis and that its victims are not the cause of terrorism.

    Leftists have selective memories and they are extremely forgetful. They cannot connect dots between the various attacks and view each incident as an unconnected criminal act rather than the work of jihadists with working for an Islamic cause. Leftists are always looking to protect the feelings of terrorists and think that “dialogue” will solve all the issues.

    This incident may or may not be Islamist-related (too early to know and terrorists still on the loose) but when you give free passes to Terror, Inc, and blame those like Israel who actually fight against it then you open the door to endless terrorism.

    Trudeau does not understand Islam (views it as the “religion of peace” and his favorite multicultural project is to ship as many to Canada as possible) and he actively appeases terrorists and radical Imams and now he is siding with the Terrorstinains against Israel and asking for a UN investigation of Israel’s recent defense against invasion by terrorists from Gaza.

    • May 25, 2018 @ 16:39 at 16:39

      Justin Trudeau wants to make Canada dangerous to live in; enter at your own risk!

  • May 25, 2018 @ 16:01 at 16:01

    This could be gang/criminal related. Mississauga is home to a huge Muslim immigrant population, but no way of knowing if this is Religion of Peace or just gangsters.

    • May 25, 2018 @ 21:54 at 21:54

      Challah-hu Akbar!


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