At least 4 killed in shootout in E. Canada. Two were police officers

Canadian police report that four people were killed in a shooting in Fredericton, the capital of New Brunswick in eastern Canada, on Friday. Two of the victims were police officers. A suspect is in custody, and the situation has been “contained,” police said on Twitter. The investigation is ongoing, the authorities said, and advised people to continue to avoid the Brookside Drive area where the shooting occurred.

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9 thoughts on “At least 4 killed in shootout in E. Canada. Two were police officers

  • Aug 10, 2018 @ 21:53 at 21:53

    Say that in greek it might make more sense

  • Aug 10, 2018 @ 22:59 at 22:59

    Do not worry. Canada will say that the shooter was a mental problem person. This is the policy of Canada

  • Aug 10, 2018 @ 23:02 at 23:02

    It seems somebody wanted to do what “Surah An-Nisa 24” ask to do.

  • Aug 11, 2018 @ 6:27 at 6:27

    If no names are released we will know it was a muzzie…

    • Aug 11, 2018 @ 16:23 at 16:23

      He does not have a name

  • Aug 11, 2018 @ 17:43 at 17:43

    Here is Trudeau’s solution:

    1) Ban guns but keep the terrorists using them and all manner of chemicals and bombs illegally.
    2) Welcome hundreds of thousands of jihadists into Canada and put them up in hotels indefinitely
    3) Give more funding to Islamic terror groups (but take it away from Christian and other groups who do not lie on application asking if they support abortion or not – Trudeau’s acid test for funding) which preach hate to Jews and Christians and women and gays (oddly, Trudeau claims to be a champion of women’s and gay rights).
    4) Give money to UNRWA for textbooks inciting violence against Jews.
    5) Side with Iran in the Mullahs’ goal to develop nukes and invade neighbors and finance their terror proxiy operations all around the world.
    6) Give Canadians as much pot as possible to keep them stoned enough to vote for him together with empty-headed leftists and scheming Islamists.
    7) Call any Islamist and other attacks the work of the mentally ill who need more social supports and funds from the taxpayers.

  • Aug 11, 2018 @ 22:05 at 22:05

    Matthew Vincent Raymond – the man charged in Friday morning’s shootings – is not an arab.

    • Aug 11, 2018 @ 22:30 at 22:30

      Yes, he could be a Canadian murderer but Islamist terrorism is the most widespread, most long-lasting, supported by hundreds of millions of “believers,” centered around the religion and “way of life,” and protected by leftists because they either do not understand that they are in the cross-hairs or they want to use Islamists to help them destroy western civilization.

      There are converts to Islam who are just as or more radicalized. This now appears like a Canadian murderer but Islamic groups focus on and employ the weak (weak leaders in Canada and weak people who have been immersed in left-wing insanity of the CBC and TheStar, etc. for far too long).

  • Aug 12, 2018 @ 3:28 at 3:28

    so many of you are in such a hurry to hope its a muslim dude motivated by religious intolerance. you are aware people shoot one another for other reasons right? israel’s problems aren’t the same as ours. the echo chamber is really unfortunate but i guess every problem looks like a nail to someone with a hammer


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