Australia records 30pc increase in serious anti-Semitic incidents|
There were 368 recorded anti-Semitic incidents in Australia during the year ending on Sept. 30, 2019, according to the annual report of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, ECAJ. The figure slightly exceeded the 59pc increase over the previous year. Incidents involved verbal abuse, harassment, and intimidation. Other Jewish community groups reported physical assaults, abuse, harassment, vandalism, graffiti and threats. Jewish children suffered bullying attacks at two Victorian public schools.
Once again, Centuries, Decades & Yearly Attacks Antisemitism only makes the Jewish Culture Stronger with Caution, Warnings, & Standing Up to Hate by those seeking to bring down Human Rights & Life, Liberty & Property! Never Again Forever Vigilant!
Its all about keeping the holocaust victim industry alive. So Jewish groups manufacture “incidents” to keep the funding$$$ flowing and to keep their victimhood front and center for special protection. Who can forget how most of the major incidents when investigated by the police turn out to have been manufactured by Jews. So is this a manipulation managed by a group such as the Rabbis or is this just a psychological disorder unique to Jews, no doubt to blamed on others…
So many examples:
A good read:
What religion are you Mike? What religious group in Australia are doing the attacks?
Give us a break! where did you get that rubbish from? I am not Jewish but I know for a fact that the increase in abuse is because Australia has imported a lot of middle eastern muslims.
The very obvious fact is that Jews migrate to Israel primarily to escape persecution elsewhere. The positive side to this is that the Jews have built a thriving nation and the only democracy in the Middle East – all in just 70 years. Their detractors are being driven mad by this. Especially Muslims who still live in backward, corrupt and failing societies. Jew haters are indirectly empowering Israel.
Lies. The american money only give them “thriving”. Nothing else.
I suggest Australia “CARVE OUT A LITTLE DESERT BY THE SEA AND CREATE A STTE FOR ALL” jews so that can feel safe and happy!!
If Jews feel the world is too harsh on them they need to stop waging war and oppressing the poor Palestinians and violence should subside. You can not be the aggressor and expect other not to rise up against you. Is is simply not possible.
There are no poor Palestinians, they’re Jordanians that belong in Jordan. Sooner they leave- sooner they can get on with life. There’s not going to be any Palestinian state. Eveyone knows that! They’re not going to live peacefully in Israel- everyone knows that, so that leaves the only logical choice left- Go Home to Trans-Jordan. You even have a Queen that’s “Palestinian” waitin for you. Unless someone has a genius idea- that’s the solution to this problem.
There are few true semitic Jews, most are from Europe and biblically have no claim. Eventually the truth will be common knowledge and they will need to pay reparations and leave and go somewhere else.
you antisemit!!!!!!
A Jim Carrol impostor with delusions of grandeur has escaped from the asylum.
you are a disusing antisemitic pig. ISRAEL FOR JEWS ONLY!!! STOP THE WAR!!!!
so, you are antisemit
Why is it that its just jews that have this problem? Even in the time of Christ they were hated throughout the Roman Empire. Have you people always blamed others when the obvious truth is that its your behaviour that is the problem. Time to change your ways, its not possible that every culture just hates you and they are at fault. The common denominator is your behavior….
I absolutely agree with you James. Jews are like no other group on this planet. Crying foul at every tiny opportunity while robbing blind the very ones who are still willing to listen and help. Sad state of affairs for Jews anywhere.
@James. Your post is the epitome of hyposcrisy and biased, superficial notions. Read your Bible and some real history and you will understand how everything works and will stop drawing incorrect conclusions.
hahaha goof one jorghinio putiko sharmuta!!!!!
THE BLINDNESS OF PREJUDICE John 1:46 And Nathanael said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Philip saith unto him, Come and see.
47 Jesus saw Nathanael coming to him, and saith of him, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile! Hatred is hatred,,, just saying…..
‘Anti-Kahanism is not Anti-Semitism and even worse, Anti-Kahanism is Anti-Jewish Hitlerism’ – Peter Beinart
Red Lines on Netanyahu and Netanyahu/Neocon ‘Clean Break War plans’ and ‘scenarios’ they are trying to manufacture for war on Iran
Red Lines on Netanyahu and Black Flag on the Netanyahu/Neocon ‘Clean Break War plans’ being pushed by Max Boot on the ventriloquist dummy VP Pence, to enlist Pence as the Neocon’s ‘New Dubya’ for a war on Iran
There has to be a reason behind this behaviour and why history keeps repeating itself. What are Jews doing to provoke this?
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