Bell towers and organ saved from Notre Dame fire

Some priceless relics and works of art were saved from the inferno raging through 850-year old Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris by a “human chain” formed by the firefighters. Two were injured. As the medieval roof and spire collapsed, a 100-meter crane took 16 copper statues depicting apostles and evangelists from the roof.  The two medieval bell towers immortalized in Victor Hugo’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame, the three exquisite rose windows and the vast organ were also saved. Donations are pouring in from France and other countries for the restoration project, which the specialists expect to take decades, after dismissing President Emmanuel Macron’s pledge to restore the cathedral to its former beauty in five years.

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7 thoughts on “Bell towers and organ saved from Notre Dame fire

  • Apr 17, 2019 @ 10:11 at 10:11

    On 7 January 2015 two hunchbacks of Charlie Hebdo forced their way into the offices of the French satirical weekly newspaper in Paris and killed 12 people and injured 11 others.

    On 13 November 2015 nine hunchbacks of Bataclan attacking simultaneously 6 agglomerated public places in central Paris killed 137 people and injured 414 others.

    On 14 July 2016 the hunchback of the Promenade des Anglais in Nice drives a 19 tonnes truck over civilians killing 86 injuring 434.

    Other dozens hunchbacks, list for France after 2015 is too long to go in detail.

  • Apr 17, 2019 @ 11:27 at 11:27

    The hunchback of notradame that lit the fire will be found to be muslim….but I am sure ilham Omar will say it was the mossad who did it

    • Apr 17, 2019 @ 13:51 at 13:51

      what on earth are you fantasizing about here?

      • Apr 18, 2019 @ 1:15 at 1:15

        1st time it was Huguenots , and 2nd time it was faith . The most illustrated execution site in the history of civilization . This time the creatures above have had enough with all the French nonsense , playing themselves superpower , but creating one of the most immoral societies in the world known history . Fire from above –they will never rebuild , since you cannot build another Cathedral to executed thousands or even hundred of thousands , The Notre Dam de Paris was and is witness for . Probably the most sinfull place in France , that makes us puke to its religious right of the kings and its pederasts.

  • Apr 17, 2019 @ 14:42 at 14:42

    While President Trump prefers to place roses on his piano, former President Bill Clinton preferred tulips on the organ.

  • Apr 17, 2019 @ 17:31 at 17:31

    I am sure that if they found the cause to have been terrorism that it would be covered up just as all the other attacks on Christian and Jewish religious sites and attacks on non-believers in Europe, Israel and everywhere else.

    Thankfully, there will be lots of effort and funding donated to transform Notre-Dame to a modern church with an ancient facade but what about the temple Mount which is being desecrated daily and the hundreds of sites belonging to Judaism, Christianity. Hinduism, Buddhism, etc., which are systematically targeted in lands now ruled by terrorist states and groups?

    And what about the minorities whose lives are being ruined and ended by Islam? Where is the UN and EU to condemn the genocide and to speak for the Jewish sites destroyed by Terrorstinians? They are on the side carrying out the destruction, the harm, the terrorism and the murder and the UN-EU protect the feelings and defend the beliefs of the terrorists.


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