Bolton: Don’t mistake US prudence for weakness

US National Security Adviser John Bolton warned Iran “and any other hostile actor not to mistake US prudence and discretion with weakness,” in reference to the aborted military strike against Iran after the downing of an American drone. Bolton spoke in Jerusalem on Sunday ahead of his meeting with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and a trilateral session with his Israeli and Russian opposite numbers. Bolton added “Our military is rebuilt new and ready to go.” Moreover, he said, the US would never permit Iran to obtain nuclear weapons.

Netanyahu said: “When the sanctions against Iran were lifted because of the nuclear deal and the money began to flow in, Iranian aggression surged. He denied that it began now. By now, Iran is building an empire, spreading terror, building bases in Syria and trying to transfer advanced weapons to Hizballah.

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11 thoughts on “Bolton: Don’t mistake US prudence for weakness

  • Jun 23, 2019 @ 12:47 at 12:47

    Well… Is not Israel also trying to do the same??? I mean, there is an empire called Israel being built. Its municipality and security security forces wear a clear Israeli flag… I mean. There is a scent of fascism going on here? And the constant grooming of the country, trying to ethnically cleanse the land to make sure its Jewish only?

    Since clearly the birthright belongs to Joseph. And those tribes are not Jewish at all? If anything… Israel is clearly creating itself a trap… Ezekiel 22 indeed… Such truth will offend many Jews. But the land belongs to God. He will give it to who he wants. And that is Isaac’s people… The people of promise.

    Besides. If the Jews are trying to take over the land… They will not inherit the other tribes. And Jews in ratio to the other 12 tribes are a tiny minority… So how can the entire land belong to Jews… And not Abraham’s people?

    Besides… Is not Elam a son of Sem? And Sem a son of Noah? So most European non Jews are Semites… And the aaryan race are pure Semites? So why is Benjamin Netanyahu so Anti-Semitic? This is illegal and an imprison-able offence.

    • Jun 23, 2019 @ 13:04 at 13:04

      What a Darkness !.

      Bouth Allah in The Koran and HASHEN in the Bible has given the Promised Land to the Offspring of Jacob/Israel.


    • Jun 23, 2019 @ 14:00 at 14:00

      All that nonsense… the land of Israel BELONGS to its owners!! If you don’t know who that is, just take a trip there and buy land.. Great Britain once “RULED” the world; that was the reality of those times. 600 years ago Muslims governed the land of Israel (so did the Romans, Philistines, and etc before that). Accept reality & move on. We’re here to stay. That’s what an Empire is!!!

    • Jun 24, 2019 @ 15:20 at 15:20

      Long live USA long live zionist long live israel
      Let’s nuke the devil Iran and all those who are against Israel’s will enjoy some good cancer. Amen

  • Jun 23, 2019 @ 13:19 at 13:19

    I think Bolton should be SANCTIONED by Trump! No more!!

  • Jun 23, 2019 @ 16:04 at 16:04

    Trump 0 Iran 1. Trump go change your underwear.

    • Jun 23, 2019 @ 20:40 at 20:40

      Don’t mistake Issac Hager’s comment for intelligent discourse.

  • Jun 23, 2019 @ 22:22 at 22:22

    ‘Netanyahu/Neocon wars for Israel and the Israel Lobby’ have reached their smell test expiration dates. Obama didn’t go after the Kahanist Israeli/Neocons immediately, but eventually took down the Kahanist Flexne as events unfolded favorably once Netanyahu got busted by Mueller over the Netanyahu-Kushner conspiracy over UN 2334, and by giving orders to PsyGroup to rig the election

    • Jun 23, 2019 @ 22:27 at 22:27

      Bolton is a very immature and hostile ‘Wounded Toddler’ and shouldn’t be trusted around children or guns – it’s priceless that Trump wonders why after hiring this infamous psychopath he wants to attack every nation on earth his Noahide Handbook given to him by Mossad thinks is a good idea

      • Jun 23, 2019 @ 22:33 at 22:33

        Mossad has it’s ventriloquist’s dummy wormtounging Trump to help Ukraine attack Russia, Syria, Venezuela, North Korea and Iran

        All the Neocons want is to get a war going for Israel because Ehud Barak’s tsunami on the despised Kahanist Apartheid is already upon it – a war was the only way the Apartheid was going to save itself. *POOF* – Israel and it’s Lobby in the US will never be the same

  • Jun 24, 2019 @ 14:23 at 14:23

    Bolton: “Don’t mistake my moustache for brains..” – this neocon should be fired by Trump. Trump has more sense than this old dinosaur.


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