Canada demands inquiry into death of professor in Iranian custody
The official IRNA news agency reported that Kavous Seyed-Emami. an Iranian-Canadian university professor, killed himself in custody, having been charged with spying for the CIA and Israeli Mossad. He was accused of installing cameras in strategic parts of Iran, pretending to observe the environment, while instead monitoring Iran’s missile activities. Canada and human rights organizations are demanding an investigation into his death, saying that if the Iranian authorities had any evidence against him they would have made it public. In another report, Hassan Firuzabadi, a senior adviser to supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said that the West frequently spies on Iran using tourists and environmentalists. He said that some “suspicious individuals” used to come carrying with them “desert species like lizards and chameleons,” whose skin, Iranian scientists found, “attracts atomic waves and served as “nuclear spies.” Western scientists have cast doubt on this “discovery.”
Tourists, dont spend money in Iran, dont travel to Iran, even dont buy Iranian flags in order to burn them. Dont buy anything from Iran, as if you enter the blody country you could be abducted charged with evil deads against the “religion of peace”.
It is best not to travel to any country where Israel forbids its people to travel into. There is enough evidence that these countries are evil.
So if you tourists dont travel to Iran, you will not be hanged there for “espionage”
Poor man. Dual nationals there haven’t got a chance when accused of made up charges. Corruption galore…
lizards? “atomic waves”? and this man commanded iran’s army?! this is a frightening glimpse into who is running the asylum known as the “islamic republic of iran”!
Only the other day Trudeau was falling over himself, in support of Sharia and democracy being compatible. So this poor Canadian was abandoned to Islam.