Clinton’s foreign policy speech an attack on Trump

Hillary Clinton, the leading Democratic candidate for presidential nomination, gave her main election speech in San Diego, speaking about her US foreign policy plans. Clinton’s speech also included a savage personal attack on the Republican nominee Donald Trump.
Clinton portrayed Trump as a man with no knowledge of the issues he speaks about.  Clinton also warned that Trump should not be let anywhere near the nuclear codes because he could start a war with no just cause, and would alienate all of US’s allies.
However, when talking about her plans as President, Hilary had nothing to offer other than continuing Obama’s foreign policy based on diplomatic action and a global system of alliances. Clinton claims that these alliances give the US its strength and success. She gave the nuclear agreement between US and Iran as an example how to solve complex international problems.
DEBKAfile: The problem with Clinton’s speech is that many Americans do not endorse this foreign policy and see it as a show of weakness.

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