Daily Mail: Corbyn filmed at 2014 service in Tunisia honoring Black September

The London Daily Mail on Friday ran photos of UK Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn holding a memorial wreath in 2014 at a Tunisian cemetery, feet from the graves of the Black September terrorists who massacred 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics in Munich. Sources close to Corbyn claimed he was at a service in the same cemetery honoring 47 Palestinian “martyrs” who were killed in an Israeli air strike on a PLO base in Tunis on 1985.  But he was filmed standing in front of a plaque beside the graves of the Black September Munich killers taking part in an Islamic prayer.

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17 thoughts on “Daily Mail: Corbyn filmed at 2014 service in Tunisia honoring Black September

  • Aug 11, 2018 @ 12:32 at 12:32

    and he’s going to win the election…next stop, Uganda

    • Aug 11, 2018 @ 17:16 at 17:16

      Uganda is a great place to build a Pal-e-SWINE.

      • Aug 11, 2018 @ 17:55 at 17:55

        Uganda was offered to build Israel at the time , but it was rejected, since it had not enough crocks swimming in there .Mistake , the crocks in there are very potent military unit , now operating in Israel but not Ugandan Israel.

  • Aug 11, 2018 @ 12:44 at 12:44

    A friend of Adolf?Pipo

  • Aug 11, 2018 @ 12:49 at 12:49

    Apperently he’s going to apologise to the Muslim world for “BRITISH foreign policy”vis a vis Iraq.
    He isn’t going to apologise to the British people en masse for the “refugee policy” which brought the Manchester bomber to our shores, and which he supports wholeheartedly.

    • Aug 11, 2018 @ 14:30 at 14:30

      he’s going to set up a union of Northern European ethnic chauvinist tourist destinations, with ethnic national rights, like yours. How flattering, neh?

      • Aug 11, 2018 @ 18:14 at 18:14

        Hey “jesus,” why don’t you go visit Syria, Iraq, Saudi, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Sudan. Nigeria, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Turkey, and all those Islalmist “tourist destinations” that proudly chop off the hands, arms, heads and also crucify people like you who think they have something in common (you share with them your hate for Jews/Judaism) with them but soon find they are just another “infidel” for the slaughter?

        • Aug 11, 2018 @ 22:04 at 22:04

          yep, looks like you’re gonna have to push the suicide button.

  • Aug 11, 2018 @ 12:56 at 12:56

    He is a Hitler in the making.

  • Aug 11, 2018 @ 13:14 at 13:14

    F you Jeremy Bernard Corbyn!

  • Aug 11, 2018 @ 14:08 at 14:08

    Bad fish, cannot believe is still in power, anyone w half a brain should demand his resignation or leave the party, it’s all sympathizers anyone.
    Never vote 4 labor, they are terror supporters

    • Aug 11, 2018 @ 15:34 at 15:34

      Here in the US, . . . lots of people vote “labor” simply because they are the union bosses and union supporters that actually did at one time help to bring up some standard of living.

      They have degenerated into a self serving accumulation of thugs.

      So when I’m confronted, . . . I just remind them that the term “Union”, . . . was the first word of U.S.S.R.

      It usually shuts them up, . . . and at least today, . . . is very descriptive of the “union / labor” candidates here in the US.

      • Aug 11, 2018 @ 16:49 at 16:49

        BEFORE making an idiot of yourself, you should READ about the Unions history in the US, if we didn’t have them, you would work 60 hrs a week, low wages, no benefits at all, in other way a “modern” form pf slavery !!

        • Aug 11, 2018 @ 22:09 at 22:09

          they light the fire only to appear as saviors or dressed as firefighters.

  • Aug 11, 2018 @ 22:16 at 22:16

    Hopefully there are still enough sane Brits left to always vote conservative. After Winston. the best PM Britain has had was Maggie.

  • Aug 12, 2018 @ 7:17 at 7:17

    What is all the fuss? The Bloody block is anti-semite. Everybody knows that and they sct like it is news.


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