Dem. Sen Feinstein reported meeting Iranian FM
Iranian media were divided Friday over US media reports that their FM Javad Zarif had had dinner with US Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein amid heightened Iranian-US tensions. The reports added that the meeting was “arranged in consultation with the State Department.” A member of Iran’s Election Committee asked: “Why has Zarif begun negotiating again?” while several stories claimed he has put himself in a difficult position in the middle of friction with Washington.
She is a complete Disgrace to the her Country, should be tried on violating the Logan Act, convicted and Shot on Firing Line…..Traitorous POS.
Let John Kerry sit on her lap at the time!
Right on!
If the US State Department did not clear Sen. Feinstein to meet with the Iranian FM then she is in violation of the Logan Act! The President should make an example of her and Swift Boat Johnny Kerry and prosecute both of them to the fullest extent of the law.