Democrats decide to launch an impeachment inquiry against Trump

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi gave in to long demands in her Democratic party to launch an official impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump. He shot back by accusing the Democrats of conducting a witch hunt against him in order to “ruin and demean” him on “such an important day at the UN, so much work and so much success.”
Pelosi’s support was based on a phone call Trump made recently to the Ukraine president, allegedly asking him to investigate whether former Vice President and presidential candidate Joe Biden had improperly pulled strings to help his son, against a threat to withhold promised US military aid to his country. The White House has agreed to allow the whistle blower in the case to speak to Congress.

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12 thoughts on “ Democrats decide to launch an impeachment inquiry against Trump

  • Sep 25, 2019 @ 13:12 at 13:12

    The Real Danger I see is that this Congressional Democratic Demand Allows President Trump to Not Release just his own National Security Records, Recordings, & Documents. But gives the Option to President Trump to Release all Previous Presidents Recordings, Records, & Documents as Allowed by Law for Any President in Current Office. Somehow I do not Trust Trump ignoring such way to expand Transparency on Joint Nuke Agreement, FBI Counter-Intelligence, Uranium One Deals, & includes Obama, Bush, & Clinton’s Administrations Conversations, Appointees & Documents! We Shall See?

    • Sep 26, 2019 @ 1:06 at 1:06

      How does a “Demand” [sic] allow something NOT to happen? How do you write English with nearly all words beginning with capital letters? How can you condense so much incoherence into one paragraph?

  • Sep 25, 2019 @ 15:02 at 15:02

    democ-RATS are traitors

    • Sep 25, 2019 @ 15:55 at 15:55



      GST001! SUCK IT!!!

    • Sep 27, 2019 @ 3:17 at 3:17

      Scum bags defend/support scum bags…

  • Sep 25, 2019 @ 15:38 at 15:38

    Throughout history, the world has been lifted up by heroes, and beaten down by villains. A hero is defined as a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. A villain is morally bad or wrong, a wicked person. In our own times, we are surrounded by examples of both.

  • Sep 25, 2019 @ 16:23 at 16:23

    Well it’s about time !

    Go Pelosi !

  • Sep 25, 2019 @ 17:20 at 17:20

    USA! USA! USA! USA!!!!!!!!!!!

    jail for criminals is the only answer!!!

  • Sep 26, 2019 @ 6:15 at 6:15

    just a silly distraction by the frustrated
    pelosi and gang actually this will cause the older republicans 80 plus to vote
    trump will win by a 40 state landslide pelosi will have a stroke schumer will retire with a nervous breakdown

  • Sep 26, 2019 @ 16:08 at 16:08

    Laughable that the Dems AND media find a phone call, with transcripts released, an impeachable offense, yet totally overlook Biden and sons making millions in the Ukraine (also China).

  • Sep 27, 2019 @ 9:02 at 9:02

    Somebody’s playing a game against Donald Trump. He wanted to meet Iranian president Rouhani , they were getting close, and boom the Scandal brakes to scuttle any attempt for reproach mint and distracting him from what really matter and instead focusing on putting out a fire lit on purpose. I wonder who is against Donald Trump and Rouhani getting together? I wonder who wants War ? I wonder what John Bolton is doing ? Any guesses here? Anybody else wondering? Could it be something else? I smell a conspiracy. The Scandal will go away because it is unsubstantiated, however it just sidetracked him


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