Dershowitz, Starr added to Trump defense for impeachment trial
Alan Dershowitz, Harvard professor and Ken Starr, whose probe led to Clinton impeachment, have been attached to President Donald Trump’s defense team for his impeachment trial before the Senate. The trial is set to begin on Tuesday. Trump was accused of abusing power and obstruction by the Democratic party-ruled House.
For the first time a duly elected U.S. president to be tried for hopeful impeachment by democrat controlled by called squad but no solid case, I’ll expect it’ll conclude in less than 3 weeks in shame they ain’t gonna get ‘em. G-d bless America, keep America the greatest nation on earth!
Dershowitz, Starr are another 2 traitors of the American people !
******************* LIBERATE US OF LIBERALS *******************
The knesset house committee needs to vote immediately to deny Netanyahu’s immunity request so the attorney General can get right at prosecuting Netanyahu
Israel will have to learn to step up to the plate and prosecute war criminals in addition to Netanyahu, because the ICC and Hague is breathing down their necks. Or not
Our prayers have been answered! Netanyahu’s prosecution is not only being green-lighted but expedited!
Breaking News !
Knesset to Vote Next Week on Forming Panel to greenlight and expedite Netanyahu’s prosecution!
******************* DEMOCRATS MADE A DEMO OUT OF DEMOCRACY ******************
Trump must see the ultimate force of rising a nation against bullies and jews.
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What do they call Dershowitz’ special frequent flyer seat on Epstein’s plane
The Frankfurter Chair
There’s a special dress code to use the Frankfurter Chair, the requirement is you have to keep your underwear on when being serviced by the underage shiksas
We have a Date Certain for the ICC announcement of its investigation into Israel and its March 21st
In an unexpected twist, the ICC is on a tight budget and plans to use Annie Leibovitz’ mugshot of Netanyahu for Interpol
That’s my favorite photograph of Netanyahu! My favorite video is of him is the one of him at the UN as ‘Wily Coyote’, and is red marker. That was priceless
Good one!
Rand Paul is rallying the Republicans against the ‘Netanyahu-Neocon war on Iran’, they’ve got the votes to stop the war in the Senate and the house.