Egypt: Noise in last second of Russian jet flight to be analyzed

In a much awaited press update Saturday, Egypt’s civil aviation minister Hossam Kamal said it was too soon  for a definitive conclusion on the cause of the Russian Metrojet crash a week ago, killing all 224 people aboard, and the investigation needed several more days. He cited the widely scattered fragments of the plane across 13 km as consistent with an inflight breakup. The Egyptian minister also reported a noise heard in the last second of the flight voice recording which, he said, remained to be analyzed. The French media Friday referred to the sound of an explosion heard on that recorder. The wreckage, some parts of which were missing, would now be removed to a “safe place in Cairo,” Kemal reported. He noted that the various foreign representatives taking part in the investigation – Russian, French, Irish, Jordanian and German, declined to attend this briefing although he had invited them. Earlier, Egyptian Foreign Minister Same Shoukry complained that the various pieces of intelligence published in Western media had not been shared with Cairo. Egyptian officials also reported a check being run on Sharm el-Sheikh airport camera footage for suspicious activity relating to the crash.

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