In Iraq 30 protesters killed by live shots and tear gas fired by police
Iraqi police trying to disperse thousands of anti-government protesters on Friday fired live shots and tear gas, killing 30 demonstrators and injuring 2,300 in Baghdad and southern Shiite cities. The protests against corruption, unemployment and lack of basic services, erupted on Oct. 1 and have spread out from Baghdad to the mainly Shiite population in the south.
Just one question – Has Russian alcohol consumption fallen 80%?
The sad truth – 270 liters of 40% proof vodka per cap per year.
The official vodka rate is only 16 liters
But this is not counting the samagon (vodka distilled at home), this data is secret of state.
muslim criminals killing their own people. this is muslim way of thinking.
muslim pigs trying to change the subject…muslim pigs
There is no plan for a Monument of Vodka in the Red Square in Moscow, these are pure inventions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arab spring season ii,….. Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Algeria
What else would we expect when peace is breaking out in Syria, Yemen etc. Peace is bad for profits and bad for Israelis aim of keeping its enemies weak.
Imagine how funny it would be if we end up with Iranian aligned governments in these countries after this ‘color revolution ‘.
With sadness but I must agree. As long as Bibi is in charge this is the policy. Let us hope that things will change soon. Peace & Shalom.
@Robert… More Like Iran Shiia Spring Cleaning coming from the Ground Up in the Autumn of Iran’s Fall!!
muslim pigs trying to change the subject…muslim pigs
5530327197 reply
Iranian interests have not changed. They are just on the offensive
“30 protesters killed”…….NOT ENOUGH !
I will have to follow you, the information you bring is very real, reflecting correctly and objectively, it is very useful for society to grow together. happy wheels