Esper: US troops withdrawing from Syria to relocate in Iraq

US Defense Secretary Mark Esper said on Saturday night that all of the nearly 1,000 troops the US is pulling out of northern Syria are to be re-positioned in western Iraq to continue the campaign against Islamic State (ISIS) and “to help defend Iraq.” The pullback will take weeks, not days, he told reporters on a flight to the Middle East.

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32 thoughts on “Esper: US troops withdrawing from Syria to relocate in Iraq

  • Oct 20, 2019 @ 13:22 at 13:22

    How is defending Iraq a pullout from M.E. endless wars,…. confusion,…. you wanted to hand over Syria to Russia,period.

    • Oct 20, 2019 @ 15:14 at 15:14

      Robert Makes A Good Point, Include Also Sending More Troops To Saudi Arabia Is Another Example Of Not Withdrawing From The Mideast. Still, PKK Being Marxists & Label Terrorists To Turkey Is An Example Of Kurdish Diversity In 4 Nations Turkey, Iran, Iraq, & Syria & Includes Shiia, Sunnis, & Oil Where Kurds Are The Majority Populations? Still, Kurds Have To Adapt, Account, & Accept This Political, religious, & National Diversity?

    • Oct 20, 2019 @ 17:40 at 17:40

      Strategic withdrawal from the Syria battle space probably means a planned large scale confrontation with

      • Oct 21, 2019 @ 7:14 at 7:14

        Hopefully the US will attack Iran before the end of the year. I would like to see Big John Bolton smiling again.

        • Oct 21, 2019 @ 8:39 at 8:39

          I’m feeling hawkish tonight. Will watch some good porn.

        • Oct 21, 2019 @ 22:10 at 22:10

          not going to happen.

    • Oct 20, 2019 @ 21:12 at 21:12

      Excellent point!

  • Oct 20, 2019 @ 14:32 at 14:32

    Two lies here;

    1. How are the 1000 troops going to ‘Defend Iraq’? Lie, manipulation. Those troops are going to serve US interests only.

    2. What ‘Campaign against ISIS’ are you talking about?? Lie, manipulation. Such ‘campaign’ is only an imaginary term used widely to describe most operations in the middle east and other parts of the globe.

    • Oct 20, 2019 @ 16:17 at 16:17

      your name is Yousuf not Yosef, an ISIS terrorist

  • Oct 20, 2019 @ 15:52 at 15:52

    Speaker Pelosi is out of her Power Of The Purse on Foreign Affairs the US Senate Schumer has Power on Appointments Approvals & Treaties, but Chose To Choose Investigations over Legislation that Won’t Override a Presidential Veto! Another Trump Trap for 2020 on Both of Pelosi & Schumer!

  • Oct 20, 2019 @ 16:51 at 16:51

    …Still President Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. forces from Syria is a dangerously erratic, thoughtless gesture, which does not serve U.S. interests and frightens allies…

  • Oct 20, 2019 @ 17:42 at 17:42

    The most important current problem for our Zionist friends is that the Syrian regime change war is coming to an end. This means that Syria will start rebuilding its self and this means that the opportunity for the Balkanization of Syria end. This makes ✡them✡ very sad so they will use every trick and opportunity to play the guilt card on Americans in the hope that their will be enough popular support to reverse this decision. American wars for Israel are always the ultimate goal of the ✡Tribe✡. Watch a Christian News report on the background and the Christians in Syria.

    • Oct 20, 2019 @ 18:31 at 18:31

      So true!! So sad for the david stars.

  • Oct 20, 2019 @ 19:38 at 19:38

    So sad,????…. stop confusing Americans with Israelis, the Star of David has been in a worse state before by Syrian and allies, including Russians…..put this into your head as you keep wishing for a day you’ll never see with your own eyes,…… wish you well in Iraq, time will tell.

  • Oct 20, 2019 @ 19:41 at 19:41

    The Real Reason That President Trump is doing this is that the Evangelicals Have Told Him Of the Upcoming Destruction Of Syria in Prophecies spoken in Ezeckiel 16,17,& 18 where even Damascus is destroyed…..history shows that Damascus has never been destroyed…..!!! The description of the destruction is like there is Nuclear events or Chemical weapons are involved . A Good time to move our people. ??❤️

  • Oct 20, 2019 @ 20:14 at 20:14

    This plan was between Putin and Trump, they have a good working relationship,.. update, they are crossing euphretis river with heavy equipment and taking over raqqa airbase,….. for turkey,they will discuss their patrol.

  • Oct 20, 2019 @ 22:32 at 22:32

    the us troops gave too much blood for the stinking arabs in iraq former us army soldier iraq is to be split into 3 countries lets get it over with

  • Oct 20, 2019 @ 22:47 at 22:47

    Yes Larry, American did sacrifice alot in. Iraqi, Shia were suffering under Saddam,brutalised,they were thankless in the end…… but before you get over it, you must pay back,…. soleiman is bragging about his role in killing Marines,… find and liquidate

  • Oct 20, 2019 @ 23:34 at 23:34

    Forget what ‘Americans’ or ‘American soldiers’ sacrificed. They are the victims! Victims among many others. Arabs, Muslims etc etc … yes Jews too. Those murdered innocent as part of this mess and those in uniform fighting because masters on top told them they have to.

    The story is why the ruling elite is doing what they are doing?! Why all this conflict? Why all the killing? The wars? The embargoes? The sanctions? Why all that conflict??!!

    The elites are running this planet and running the rest of us like slaves. Doctors, soldiers, diplomats or factory workers. Are are slaves to the ruling elites.

    World is a sad place. No way to fix it. The only thing you can do is to create a happy family and live your happy family life. That alone is very hard for most of us.

  • Oct 21, 2019 @ 0:44 at 0:44

    “to help defend Iraq.” why do we have troops in the ME to defend Iraq? I think it is not so much to defend Iraq but to keep a lid on Iran. where exactly will they be located?

  • Oct 21, 2019 @ 1:34 at 1:34

    The country or cowards is running away with their tails between their legs. Defeated in Afghanistan and Irak All that money wasted.

    • Oct 21, 2019 @ 2:25 at 2:25

      You have never came up against the US, . . . Saddam and Osama did, . . . guess what happened to them. It is time the middle east sorted out their own problems, . . . and it would be a glorious day for the rest of the world if they just killed each other off, . . .

      • Oct 21, 2019 @ 6:03 at 6:03

        You fight your wars on borrowed Chinese money. Win some battles but can’t win a war despite all your wasted money. Iran controls Iraq with the Chinese and Russian having full access to their oil. The Taliban controls more of Afghanistan than they have in the last 15 years. 18 years and nothing to show for it.

        America, the former Evil Empire is retreating and collapsing.

        • Oct 21, 2019 @ 6:07 at 6:07

          Russia and China are happy to fill the Void left by an isolationist Murica.

  • Oct 21, 2019 @ 5:27 at 5:27

    Northern Iraq is controlled by the PMU which is controlled by Iran. I’ve read that our troops are being moved to al Tanf which makes more sense. We can do serious damage to Iran from Tanf.

  • Oct 21, 2019 @ 6:41 at 6:41

    Naturally , as the helped us in WWII.

  • Oct 21, 2019 @ 8:05 at 8:05

    Comments call for withdrawal from here, commitment to there, asking why the changes in policy etc etc.
    The day that the towel heads start living in civility will be the day when policy can be more stable. They simply can’t spend one day without trying to kill someone or another tribe/people.
    So, sometimes it is better to fight them in their own backyards than let them turn up on your doorstep where your children live.
    Leftists would up sticks and walk away forgetting that the appeasement of any enemy has always led to more deaths than fighting to prevent their spread.

  • Oct 21, 2019 @ 18:16 at 18:16

    Does Mr Orange face know this?… I don’t think Orangutan needs to know. Carry on….


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