First joint Australian-Fijian UN peacekeeping force
The Australian and Fijian troops will be jointly deployed for the first time with UN’s Golan force which has separated Syria and Israel since 1973. They are due to arrive within weeks. Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison praised the closer cooperation between the two armies during his visit to Fiji this week.
Let us they do better than the inept apathetic Chinese peacekeepers, that are the UN Interim Force in Lebanon.
Well, UNIFIL is deaf, dumb, and blind; it can’t see or hear a Hezbollah terror tunnel being built under its noses, and it is incapable of stopping a single rocket from being stored under civilian homes, schools, hospitals, and mosques. Let’s hope the Aussie’s and Fijian’s are led by someone more capable than the cowardly Del Sol.
In the event of a “big war”, Russia could strike at the German port of Bremerhaven, where the military landed from the United States, Port strike: US targets for Russian missiles
Port strike: US targets for Russian missiles
i was stationed in west germany fulda gap 1979 cold war days we were told to hold the line untill main us forces arrived for 48-72 hrs and expect to die the soviets had 3 million troops at the est german border we the americans and british 400,000 stationed in west germany